Chapter 33: Xia Fei Hong (Xia Hong)

This new face was as weird as it was unexpected, as it was none other than his latest arranged fiancé, Xia Fei Hong.

One would expect her face to be beautiful, her skin white as jade, and her bearing of an immortal fairy, but besides hints of that last one, the rest weren't appliable on the young lady.

While she might have been beautiful when she was a little child and might have been even more beautiful if she took care of herself, the one right now wasn't that much.

Not only was her face covered in freckles and oil, but her hair also looking far from silky smooth, her skin over hydrated and damaged, her back was a bit hunched, and even her bearing looked closer to a maid.

It wasn't her fault, despite being born as a descendant of the Xia family, the moment that her father had disappeared, and her mother died, she had become the toy to torture for the family.

Should one of the Young Ladies, or Young Masters of Xia family feel stressed and angered they would release those negative feelings upon her.

Not only that, but they had even managed to convince her grandfather Xia Feng to actually turn her into nothing more than a maid in the house, and they could order her easily.

Her working conditions could be barely called human, as for her money she was never paid even a cent. She was treated just like a slave.

Despite the average dress that she was wearing, she didn't look like some kind of Young Lady from a big family, but a beggar that had found a good dress on the streets.

When she had heard that she was going to be sent as the bride of the debauched Young Master of the Henan province there wasn't much of an expression on her part.

The people of the family had taunted her by saying that she was going to be the wife of a cripple, and that was befitting of her status and face.

But despite all that she didn't feel like she had been wronged, in fact, she felt that life beside Yang Tian and his grandparents might even be better than the hell she was currently living through.

After all, Yang Tie and Su Mei were the only people that still treated her with genuine feelings of care and love, that even her blood-related family didn't.

Seeing the three beautiful nurses leave the room like that, with their robes still in a mess she understood perfectly what was going on.

The only strong point that she felt to possess was her wits and intelligence but in face of strength, power, and relations that seemed to not work for her.

Still, despite that, she didn't show much of a change on her face, as she entered inside. Yang Tian was looking at her with a curious and interested expression, while she tried to analyze and evaluate him as well.

For more than a few moments both of them just looked at one another while staying silent. Even their breathing sounds were extremely low, almost inexistent.

"What do you think of our arranged marriage, Young Master Tian?"

Finally, after that much time of silence, Xia Hong opened her mouth to say something, and it was such a question.

What surprised Yang Tian the most though, was neither the question, nor the timing, but her voice. Her voice was just like that of a fairy from the Origin World.

If someone heard her voice before seeing her face and appearance they would think that she was an otherworldly beauty.

Hearing that voice, even someone like Yang Tian was lost in his thoughts for a moment, before saying,

"What about our arranged marriage!?"

She clearly didn't expect such an answer, but she kept her composure as she said,

"I understand that this isn't your wish, and it's most probably your grandparents' wish to help me out! So, I want to know whether you intend on accepting the arrangement or not!"

"It's true that this was my grandparents' initiative, and it happened without my knowledge, but I don't have any intention of rejecting it!"

"Why not!? Is it because of my appearance and situation? Do you think that you can keep me like a doll inside your house, while you go and have fun outside, like now?"

"Don't belittle yourself too much! I don't think that your appearance is that much important, with just a bit of care you will reveal your inner beauty, to become even one of the most beautiful ladies out there.

As for your situation, I do think that is favorable! But not due to the sense you are thinking about, but because I will have a better ally to bring down the ungrateful bastards of the Xia family!

And last but not least, while I can't promise to have you alone in my life, and most probably the number of women in my life will surpass your imagination limits, I don't intend of treating you like a doll.

Quite on the contrary, I am willing to finance and support you to become a bright gem that will blind the whole world! In fact, I am even willing to let you lead the Yang family's Group of Companies!"


At this moment, even the less than average beauty who seemed to not be surprised by anything in the world, couldn't help but ask in startle and surprise.

This was something that she clearly didn't expect. Or rather she had never imagined! Yang Tian's words and claims seemed to come from anyone but a stupid debauched Young Master.

"Well, that last part will happen only if you have the abilities to lead the Group towards success though, if not that will be off the table!"


"I have my own reasons, just like you have your reasons to come here today!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will return back to the Xia family, and tell them everything?"

"I don't think you are as foolish as to do something like that, especially when you hate them to the bones!

By the way, once we get married, you will change your surname and enter my family! I have no intention of hearing that surname ever again!"

"You are weird!"

"So are you!"

The poor young lady was left speechless after this exchange and didn't know what to think. If she had to compare, Yang Tian had treated her more of a human than her own family for all this time.

She couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by all this, as she didn't know what to say, or what to think for a few moments.

As she was lost in her thoughts, and emotions though, the old couple passed through the door, as Yang Tie and Su Mei entered the hospital room.

Seeing the current situation, and Xia Hong's face and expression, the old lady Su Mei seemed to have been fired up, as she turned towards Yang Tian with anger,

"You ungrateful grandson, how dare you bully my granddaughter-in-law, I will make sure to teach you a good lesson today!"

"Brat today you are finished!"

Yang Tie seemed to be backing up his old wife, as he even had an evil grin on his face. Opposite them, Yang Tian felt wronged and ashamed,

How would an old man like him dare to bully his grandparents' arranged bride? It was nothing short of searching for trouble.

Before his grandma got close enough to beat him up though, Xia Hong was awakened from her stupor as she got on her feet and said,

"Please don't Grandma Su, he didn't bully me!"


"Yes, really!"

"Then why did you have that face Hong'er!?"

At this moment, Xia Hong was unable to control her emotions, as for the first time in a while she felt the emotions and feelings of being in a real family, or what normal people would consider a family.

For that reason, tears started falling from her eyes, as she was unable to even say a word. Seeing that Su Mei seemed to have already judged the situation again, and turned to pinch her grandson,

"You little monster, how dare you to make my young granddaughter-in-law cry like this? Have you grown tired of living?"

"Grandma I didn't do anything, listen to her first!"

"Hmph~! Like I would believe you, even a ghost knows that you are lying!"

In the meantime, Xia Hong was trying her best to keep her tears but was unable to, not only that but she also started crying with sound.

Su Mei seemed to have understood that she mistaken target, and started caressing her head and back while saying,

"Don't cry Hong'er tell grandma who bullied you! I will make sure to give them a good beating!"

Those words didn't help the beauty relax, quite on the contrary just made her cry even harder. Her tears were falling out just like Zhuo Ting's love juices had been falling earlier.

While Yang Tian wouldn't normally care about what happened to people that didn't have much of a relationship with him, he still didn't like it when ladies cried.

In fact, there were instances of him picking a fight with experts of the Origin World just because they had made a woman cry.

For that reason, even now he was feeling extremely uncomfortable, as the Xia family had just increased their own suffering without knowing about it.

Far away from the hospital, Xia Feng was sitting with another old man by his side, and couldn't help but sneeze…