Chapter 34: Plans & Bonding

"What is wrong in-law!? Don't tell me that you are sick!?"

"Hahaha~! Of course not in-law, I am just happy and excited about our cooperation! My Fei'er is truly lucky to have attracted the attention of your grandson!"

"What are you saying in-law, it was my grandson's luck to have found such a beauty as your granddaughter to marry him!

How are our plans about the Yang family going in-law!? My Long family would love to help you become one of the great families, by controlling the Henan Province.

Like this people, won't be able to talk behind our backs for your status!"

"Everything is proceeding like it should! The Yang family will soon cease to exist, and all their assets will belong to us!

We have already secured 20% of their Group!"

"Really!? This is such great news in-law, let me toast you and congratulate you in advance!"

"Thank you in-law but this would have been impossible without you! I just can't think of how to thank you enough!"

"Thanks aren't needed in a family brother Feng!"

"What a good word, you are right brother Yi!"

Even though the two old men were laughing and chatting as if they were brothers of many years, and even centuries probably, they each seemed to be on alert against each other.

After all, a snake could easily recognize another. Even though the Long family had a dragon in their names, they were nothing more than slightly bigger snakes.

On the other hand, Xia Feng was a snake that didn't even consider it wrong to betray and bury his brother down, so in a sense, they were both snakes bigger than the rest.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Xia Hong had finally managed to calm down, and stop her tears as she slowly told her feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

Hearing all that Su Mei couldn't help but feel a bit pity about this child that had suffered so much in the hands of those bastards, as her resolve to bury the Xia family grew stronger.

Even her husband, old man Yang Tie couldn't help but start forgetting about the friendship between him and Xia Feng as he had disappointed him too much.

That bastard was a true snake, and if it weren't for his grandson, and his wife he would have never been able to reveal.

Not only that, but he might even have ended up as that bastard's food when this was all over. So he started sharing the same thoughts and feelings as Yang Tian and his wife.

"Hong'er this bratty grandson of mine is a playboy, and a good-for-nothing, as he will most probably make you cry many times, but I promise that he will treat you right and with care!

If he dares to bully you, then I will personally break his legs, so he never bullies you again! I promise!"

"Thank you, grandmother!"

"What did you just call me!?"

Xia Hong's voice had been nothing more than a whisper, but she had said that with her all heart, which made Su Mei truly feel happy about it.


"Hahahah~! Good child, from now on you can call me Grandma, I have always wanted to have a beautiful niece and not some good-for-nothing grandson!"

"Well sorry for being a disappointment!" said Yang Tian with a trace of jealousy. Even he himself didn't understand why he was jealous of a girl like Xia Hong, but he was.

"Hmph~! At least you know you are one! Just like your grandfather, you are both good for nothings!" said Su Mei as if she was stating a fact. Not forgetting to add her own husband into the mix.

"Why do you have to involve me in this?" said old man Yang Tie who was until now enjoying the suffering of his grandson.

Still, even though he dared to say this, he didn't dare to continue the discussion because even if he was right, he knew that he was going to turn wrong in the end.

He had experienced such situations for a long time already, and he knew better. Seeing that, Su Mei just snorted coldly at them, as she turned with a happy face towards her new granddaughter.

At that moment she looked just like a child that had received a new toy, and there were so many things that she wanted to do with her.

First things first, she looked at her beautiful eyes, and said,

"Let's go Hong'er Grandma will take you shopping and beautifying. Let's show this brat how beautiful you truly are!"

Then with a fake angry face, she turned towards Yang Tian and said,

"By the way brat, you aren't allowed to touch her before getting married! I don't care how much you need her! Was I clear!?"

There was no way that Yang Tian would dare to anger such a powerful guardian deity, as he almost immediately said,

"I obey grandma!"

"Hmph~! You better do!"

It was only when Su Mei left the place that Yang Tian turned towards his grandpa Yang Tie with a look of praise as he said,

"You are truly strong Grandpa!"

"I truly a… You brat how daring of you! Just wait for your grandma to turn back, I will show you your rightful place!"

"Huh!? You would dare to snitch on your grandson!? Perhaps I shouldn't brew that good wine I was planning! It seems like it will be a waste!"

Yang Tian's words acted just like a sort of switch that immediately changed Yang Tie's expression and attitude, as he quickly said,

"Good grandson, what did you just say!? Good Wine!? You truly know to make something like that?"

Even if Yang Tie still had his doubts about Yang Tian's story, the results and what he had seen until now were something that no normal person would be able to do.

So there was bound to be some truth in his history even if it wasn't fully right, so hearing that wine topic he couldn't help but get excited.

"Good grandson huh!? Didn't you want to throw me under the bus just a moment ago!?"

"Tian'er you know that Grandpa's memory has started to become fuzzy with age right? I don't even remember what I said earlier!

So tell Grandpa, what was the deal with that good wine?"

Shamelessness and face thickness were truly just like wine, the older the better.

"Hmph~! Dare snitch on me and I won't let you have a drop!"

"No, no, my good grandson your Grandpa would never dare to do something like that!"

"Anyway! The funds we have spent until now, and whatever we have aren't enough to help us topple over all the incoming difficulties, so we will need extra money!

For that, I am planning on opening a few extra businesses under the eyes of those around us! More precisely I am going to open a winery shop, cosmetics, and food industry.

The families that hold top positions in these fields are quite small compared to our Yang Family, so we are either going to turn them in our side if they come to us for help or remove and take control.

I have already told Zero, to use numbers from 1 to 5 to start making a name for themselves in the province and start the businesses soon.

They will act independently and raise their funds by themselves, while I will provide them with the recipes and security!

Under no means are they to reveal our backing, and relationship without my approval!"

"Hmm~! You seem extremely certain that they are going to make a fortune and soon Tian'er!"

"Certainly Grandpa! After all, the recipes I am going to give them don't exist in this place!"

"You mean!?"

"Yes, these recipes come from that place!"

"Then this wine!"

"I am sure that you have never tasted something like that."

"Really!? You aren't lying to me, right? When are you going to produce it?"

"As soon as I get up, I can't have them mess my recipe."

"How long is that going to take exactly!?"

"I would say in 1 to 2 months! It could happen faster, but I will need more partners for that to happen!"

As he said these last lines, he even used his arms and hands in order to reveal his current progress.

"Heavens! How could this be!?"

"I know that you still don't believe my story Grandpa, but I swear that whatever I have said is true!"

"Sigh~! It's not that we don't want to believe you Tian'er…"

"I know my story is just that outrageous and impossible, but it doesn't matter I will show you everything through actions!

I will make sure to show all the miracles and wonders to you and Grandma one by one!"

Yang Tie couldn't help but look at his grandson with a face full of praise and satisfaction, as it seemed that his grandson had truly changed.

Whether the story he told to him and Su Mei was real or not, it didn't matter much to the old couple. They were extremely happy and satisfied with his change.

After that, the grandfather grandson duo just continued to talk a little bit more about Yang Tian's plans, as Yang Tian absorbed the advice of his Grandfather.

Even though his plans seemed to be foolproof and certainly successful it was still better to have a judging eye that would point to him possible mistakes.

Furthermore, this was a great bonding moment between the two, as Yang Tian still couldn't believe that he was given a second chance to pay his life debt to his grandparents.

Not only that but he was also given a second chance to make sure that this time there was no one who dared to stay on his way, as he took care of the bastard that tried to extinguish him…