Chapter 35: 1 Month & Yang Hong

After discussing some more Yang Tie took his leave to go and check upon the Yang Group to make sure that the Xia family didn't extend their claws more than they should, while Yang Tian continued with his schedule.

While he considered it as schedule the truth was that there was nothing more for him to do than dual cultivate with the beauties that had accepted his offer in order to recover.

Now even Zhuo Ting had finally surrendered to him, so he had three partners, but they were nowhere near enough for him to recover quickly, as he needed more.

Still, even though he knew this and was trying his best to increase the number, the situation at the hospital with the addition of the Honesty Media team was more complicated and difficult for him.

As for the rest of the issues he had to take care of, like the winery shop, and other businesses starting they were fully entrusted to Zero and the numbers.

After all, it would be extremely stupid on his part to not use the resources he had in his hands. Furthermore, he needed to test the skills and characters of the numbers.

For each plan A, there were a dozen of backup plans waiting to be implemented in case of problems and difficulties.

Like this, a month quickly passed by, and Yang Tian could finally say with complete confidence that he had fully recovered from his conditions, as he was now sitting in Lotus position with 5 naked beauties around him.

Lan Yunxi, Hao Yu, and Zhuo Ting had two extra additions to their group which were Yang Hong and Zhang Xia.

After a simple marriage ceremony in his hospital room Xia Hong had become his wife carrying his surname.

The Xia family clearly opposed this fact, but they had to stand down once they were offered another 10% from Yang Group's shares and knew that this was Yang Hong's wish and request.

Surely they tried to pressure Yang Hong into changing her idea, but as a famously debauched and perverted Young Master, Yang Tian not only thwarted their pressure even made them angrier.

The day that the Yang family published the news of Yang Tian's and Xia Hong's marriage and her wish to take the Yang surname, the Xia family sent Xia Qing and Xia FengWu to complain.

They claimed that this would be a slap to the face of the Xia family, and also a slap to the values and friendship that the two families shared for quite a few tens of years.

What Xia FengWu hadn't expected would be that the old couple Yang seemed to have taken their new granddaughter-in-law in their Ancestor's house to greet their Ancestors.

And the representative that he could only meet from the Yang family was Yang Tian. Surely he thought that this would in fact be a great advantage on his side, so he didn't care much.

But while he expressed his anger and displeasure towards this action of the Yang family, Yang Tian was actually devouring his wife with his eyes.

He had already planned to claim that Yang Tian had done something like this even without him doing it but seeing Yang Tian act so brazen angered him beyond expectations.

"Uncle-in-law your Xia family has some extremely good and beautiful genes, and I am just trying to add them to my Yang family, as much as I can!

All the ladies in your family are just like shiny stars in a dark night, something that every man and I especially are truly envious of, just like your wife for example!

I am not doing this to slap your face, or destroy our friendship, but because I truly want to show how much I appreciate your Xia family genes."

As if Yang Tian's looks weren't a great lack of respect already, he even dared to lick his lips as he was talking about Xia Qing, Xia FengWu's wife, making the latter close to launching an attack.

"Brat you better behave!"

No matter how much he wanted to punch the face of this little bastard, he could only release an angry claim like that as he could feel Zero's presence in the shadows.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, the current Yang Tian had a great need for Zero's help as he was unable to defend himself. Zero was a good deterrent for Xia FengWu.

As if hearing something surprising and startled, Yang Tian asked with an innocent and anger like face and voice,

"What do you mean by that Uncle Xia, I don't think that I did something to deserve such a threat! Or are you perhaps thinking of getting me out of my current misery.

I wouldn't blame you! After all, even I don't feel meaning in my existence anymore, as I am unable to even continue my Yang bloodline.

Perhaps it would be better if you kill me, Uncle Xia, I don't have anything to lose! The only ones who will be losing with my death would be my grandparents!

Sigh~! I feel so sorry for them, they are truly pitiful!"

Yang Tian's bullcrap thwarted Master Xia FengWu offline, as he couldn't help but capture some hidden messages in between Yang Tian's words, still not believing that waste like him could say.

Still, it was true that should he dare to kill Yang Tian, who might only need a slight push to die under normal circumstances, the old Yang couple would never let him off.

Even if his father and Yang Tie were brothers, he was sure that Yang Tie would endanger his own life to actually kill him.

Knowing that, no matter how angry and enraged he was, he couldn't help but control himself as he said,

"Honey please go take us a coffee, there are some things that I wish to discuss with nephew Tian as man to man!"

What surprised him though was the fact that his wife didn't immediately answer him, as she seemed lost in her thoughts, while there was a rosy color on her face.

What's more, his wife wasn't looking towards him, but towards Yang Tian. To be more exact she was looking towards Yang Tian's lower body where his little brother was supposed to be.

"Wife, did you hear what I said?"

Seeing this displeasing situation, he couldn't help but raise his tone towards his own wife, who was startled awakened from her stupor.

"Yes, yes husband I heard you! I am leaving right away!"

As she went out of the door though, she couldn't help but take another look towards Yang Tian's lower body, which almost made the poor Xia FengWu spurt a mouthful of blood.


"Huh!? Did something happen Uncle Xia!? What's wrong!?"

Yang Tian was just like some sort of innocent kid who was unblemished from the evil and perverted thoughts of the world. But not even ghosts would accept that voice and that expression.

As for Xia FengWu, no matter how shameless he was, he couldn't actually condemn Yang Tian for his own wife's weird actions, no matter how much he wanted to.

Even though it wasn't set in stone yet, Xia FengWu had already lost in the confront with Yang Tian as he had lost his cool and calmness.

There was a reason why the Xia family acted like this in this scenario, and that was because those remaining branches of the Yang family might claim that Xia Hong didn't belong to their family anymore, after the death of Yang Tie and Yang Tian.

But seeing that the matter was already concluded by Yang Tian even before they acted, they had no other choice but to get comfort in the extra 10% shares of the Yang Group.

What the world didn't know though, was that Yang Tian had profited two times from the Xia family that day. Once was the recognition of Xia Hong's new surname as Yang Hong.

And the second was the seed of doubt and passion inside Xia Qing's heart, who seemed to be clearly unhappy with her sexual life lately.

After all, Yang Tian had only used the lowest level of his 'Pheromonolic Technique' and she had already started to dream about a possible clandestine relationship between the two.

This was one of Yang Tian's self-created skills as well, as he could use his Yang Qi as a spark and catalysator for his body to produce some pheromones that could induce lust at women.

This had always been his greeting skill to make ladies slowly fall for him, and that was the first time that he used it in this second life, as only that day had he managed to reach the 8th level of Qi Refining Realm.

Even he didn't expect to be so effective, he was extremely happy and satisfied with the results. Like this, he would slowly pierce into the Xia family household, and destroy them to dust using their own people…