Chapter 38: Unpleasant Revelation & Counter-attack

"What do you mean Master!?"

"Tell 38 to come and cover for me, we are going to go for a visit to me dear cousins!"

"Young Master, you just recovered and got out of the bed, are you sure that it's a good idea for you to move?"

"Don't worry Zero, everything is fine. Now do as you are ordered!"

"Yes, Master!"

With that said, Number 38 who had Yang Tian's body shape appeared at the door of the hospital room, taking Yang Tian's place, as Yang Tian and Zero disappeared in the darkness of the night.

There were three particular factions in the Yang family at the moment, each of them coming from three different branches of the family.

Normally these guys should feel honored and extremely lucky if the Yang family even remembers them and gives them some small benefit, yet they now dared to actually show their greed and ambitions.

The main Yang family was logically located in the capital city of the province Zhengzhou where the development but also the gaining were the best.

The three branches that were trying to take over the main family and its position were located in Anyang, Kaifeng, and Luoyang.

Even though these were just branch families, they were still extremely developed and powerful, as despite these cities being less than Zhengzhou they were still influential and developed.

After all, these four were part of the Eight Great Ancient Capital Cities of old China. In fact, it would be weird if these branches wouldn't be like they were.

Still, no matter how influential, powerful, and wealthy these branch families became, they should forget hijacking the main family line.

Yang Tian would never allow something like that to happen. In fact, he wasn't even going to allow them to excommunicate themselves from the main family.

He would make sure to teach them a harsh lesson that they wouldn't be able to forget in their lives.

Firstly, it was time for him to cause a bit of commotion around, and deal with the representatives that they had sent to the main family.

These representatives were shamelessly living and leeching off the Yang Family main Mansion, as they were all waiting for Yang Tian's death to come and take control.

Knowing Yang Tian's character and infamy most of the representatives sent were actually female beauties, as they were wishing that Yang Tian made a mistake and assaulted them.

Like that, they would have a great reason to enter the Yang Family Mansion without needing for him to die, even though they must all be seething in rage now that Yang Hong had entered the family.

In order to avoid the possible bullying of these guys, the old couple Yang had made sure to keep their new granddaughter-in-law afar from this place.

Yang Hong was doing her best to avoid this place as well, as she was slowly regaining herself from all the bad past she had suffered and didn't want to face it again so soon.

As for Yang Tian, he had decided to come and teach these guys a lesson, so they never had any idea for his wealth and house.

With Zero's help it was relatively easy for Yang Tian to enter the Yang family Mansion, and also know the location and number of the targets he needed to find.

On the other hand, the poor Zero couldn't help but be shocked with what had happened on the way, as he had to use his full strength just to manage to keep Yang Tian's pace.

When he had seen this monster recover from a state of a vegetable to the current him now he had already been shocked out of his senses.

But now actually seeing that Yang Tian, who had yet to enter the Foundation Establishment Realm, was able to keep up with him that was at the high levels, it was the same as the monster growing at least 100 times bigger.

Any doubt that he could possibly have towards Yang Tian's skills and abilities to become his Master and the numbers Master were completely gone.

Now he could only doubt his intentions towards the old Yang couple, and the Yang family, but those two old people seemed to have reached a new height of happiness since Yang Tian changed.

Now he could truly accept and admit to serving Yang Tian wholeheartedly. Even if he had to sacrifice his own life, he would do so without regrets.

On the other hand, Yang Tian was just happy that he could finally move around as he wished after more than a month in the hospital lying on the bed all the time.

Arriving at his Mansion, despite having the information about his targets he quickly spread his spirit sense to have a look at what was happening.

Soon though he immediately regrated doing so, as he saw a scene that he wouldn't want to see in the least, his grandparents dual cultivating in their room.

Not only that, but the two old people seemed to enjoy what they were doing and had even started trying some dangerous positions.

'Cough, cough, cough~!'

Yang Tian had to swallow his blood back, as his light cough surprised even Zero beside him,

"What happened, Master!?"

"No-Nothing happened, we better continue with our plans! Remember don't tell my grandparents that I have recovered!"

"Huh!? Why? They will be so happy to learn that you have recovered Master!"

"Do as I say! You don't need to know!"

"I obey Master, but…"

"No but's, we are going!"

Zero could only obey with a confused face, while Yang Tian felt that this might help him dodge a bullet in the future.

Despite his perfect control over his Spirit Sense, when he had chanced upon that particular scene he had still slipped and alerted the two old people, that had immediately tried to chase him.

If they learned that he had recovered and it was him behind that, it was for sure that they would try to peel him off one or two layers of skin.

Well, there was also the matter of keeping his recovery as secret as possible so he could act in the dark without worrying about enemies acting, but that was secondary in this situation.

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly surpassed the security personnel and avoided all the cameras and layers of security to reach the room of the first target.

The first target was called Hong Qin, it was a woman on her end 20-ies with quite the figure, but unfortunately, there were a bit too many interventions in her body.

If one would have to compare her first passport image with the current her, she would be unable to enter the country once again.

She was supposedly graduated from one of the best universities in the province, but everyone knew that it was due to the Yang family background.

The connection between her and Yang's family was a third generations ago aunt of Yang Tian that had married a man from a small family like the Hongs.

In fact, to be more exact that man had married in the Yang family due to the Yang family's wealth and influence, and due to his smart actions, he had managed to call the branch of the Yang family in Anyang City.

Now after three generations some bastard from that married-in guy dared to claim that he should be in charge of the main Yang family, while sending his own daughter as a bargaining chip, wishing she got ra*ped.

Human greed and ambition were truly dangerous, as people would sometimes even forsake their humanity and their selves in order to try for it.

Well, Yang Tian had already been through something like this far too many times and had quite the experience with it, so he didn't ponder for long.

Still, the best way he thought to deal with this situation was to actually fulfill the 'wishes' of the people and make sure that it came to bite on them.

But it was still a bit too soon for that, as he needed a little bit more time to prepare, still tonight he could actually plant the seeds.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly made a search around the room, trying to find whatever information he could, before actually using his Qi to create some illusions for the beauty.

Not only that, but in order to make those illusions closer to reality, he made sure to please the beauty a bit, as his hands roamed all over her body.

When he was finally satisfied with the results he turned around and left the place, as the beauty behind seemed to be just like someone after a heavy make-out session.

"Master I don't understand, what do you intend to do with them?"

"You don't need to understand Zero, just enjoy the results! Otherwise, it won't be as funny and surprising as it should be.

I can just tell you that, soon all three of these beauties will regret ever trying to enter my Yang family Mansion…"