Chapter 39: Confusing Plans & Surprise Visit

Zero clearly had no idea what his Master was trying to do, but looking at his expression, and the icy cold tone of his voice, he knew that it wasn't going to be anything simple.

In fact, for some reason, he even started to feel pity for these three beauties that had dared to enter the wolf's den. At the same time though, it was their own stupidity for doing so.

After finishing business with the first one, Yang Tian quickly made way for the second room, where another beauty was resting.

This one was younger and more petite-looking, but she had her own charm. Even though she looked pretty innocent as she slept, in reality, she was a little devil.

How many servants, and maids had suffered painful treatment just because she wasn't in a good mood or didn't receive what she wanted.

There were even words stating that she had a pretty loose character, fooling around with many Young Masters, saving only her purity due to her father's categoric restriction.

This beauty's name was actually Yang Yan, and she was connected to the Yang main family through a fourth generation grandpa who had been expelled from the main family due to stealing.

There wasn't much information on what he had tried to steal, but the Patriarch of that time had been extremely angry with his son and had expelled him from the main family.

Still, due to the begging and influence of the guy's mother he had been able to actually gain permission to form a branch of the Yang family in Kaifeng city.

Now his son, was vying and trying to steal the whole Yang family's wealth, influence, and power away. Well, he was one more to the crowd anyway.

Once again Yang Tian checked around the room for information, before plunging the beauty into illusions and leaving her in the appearance of a lady who had just experienced some strong make-out session.

When the second one was done, it was time for the third. Differently from the previous two, this beauty didn't have a full eastern image.

In fact, her mother was actually a foreign beauty, that her father had met and fallen in love with during his studies abroad.

She came from a wealthy western family, located somewhere in western Europe, and while the others had no idea, Yang Tian knew she was just a mole.

Well, that was a matter for the future anyway, as right now he had something else to do. The connection between her and Yang Tian though was much closer than the other two.

This young lady in her mid-twenties was none other than Yang Tie's sister granddaughter. That's right Yang Tian's father and this girl's father were first-line cousins.

Her father was the one who had actually married into the family branch of the Yang family in Luoyang and become the head of that branch.

Another surprising fact though remained that this girl's father had the largest influence and wealth among the three branch families and was also the one who got 40% of the Yang family assets in his previous life.

It wasn't that he didn't try to get more, but the Xia family with the support of the Long family were just too strong for him to face, and he could only get that much.

Still, this didn't change the fact that this guy was Yang Tian's opponent and enemy, so he had to make sure that he wasn't left out of his plan.

In a matter of minutes, the same scene was repeated for the third time, as Yang Tian finally got outside, and left the Yang family Mansion with Zero.

"Young Master, I don't understand, what are you trying to do!?"

"You are too nosy Zero, try to stand back and enjoy the show. I can promise you that you will love it!

I would like to go and deal with my uncles right now, but unfortunately I can't, I am still too weak for something like that.

And it's too soon for us to actually rip all pretense and act against them!"

As the two of them were returning to the hospital though, Yang Tian suddenly heard a line that made him quite interested.

"Hey, have you heard, that foolish bastard Yang Tian dared to propose marriage to fairy Xia Fei!"

"Yes, I heard that too! His grandparents even offered the Xia family 20% of the Yang group's actions to have them accept! But Long family hijacked the proposal midway!"

"Hahaha~! How dares a toad try to eat swan's meat, right!?"

"Hahahah~! Yes, you are right! In fact, I heard that Young Master Long Chen was going to come to Zhengzhou in a week!

I can't wait to see what he is going to do to that stupid Yang Tian!"

"This is going to be quite the show!"

This small conversation was actually happening inside a small limousine that two Young Masters, that Yang Tian could recognize as good-for-nothings from some small families.

Since they were living in the same city, it was impossible for the two of them not to clash with him, and due to his powerful background, the two of them had to obey him.

It had happened more than once, that Young Master Yang Tian was actually too drunk to behave properly and seen the ladies accompanying these two and taking a liking to them.

He only had to ask them to hand over the beauties for his pleasure, and the two of them couldn't actually reject.

Once he had even made out with them right in front of these two idiots, as the two of them couldn't even look at him in anger, in fear of his retaliation.

Sensing and hearing these two was certainly a great and weird occurrence for him, as he was more concerned about the information he received from them.

It seemed like one of the bastards that had actually destroyed his life in the previous life was going to come and visit him in the short future.

He had to make sure that he properly received this guest, and properly treated him. In fact, he was thinking of such a good treatment, that would make the guy not want to leave.

Just thinking about this made a small grin bloom into his face, as Zero couldn't help but shiver at the sight, wondering who was the poor soul that had attracted the demon's interest.

When they finally reached the hospital room that Yang Tian was supposed to be in, Yang Tian turned towards Zero and said,

"In a week, Long Chen is going to visit our Zhengzhou, I want you to have full information about his movements. I want you to count even how many times he breathes, am I clear!?"

The sudden topic startled Zero, but he just acknowledged the order saying,

"Yes, Master!"

"At the same time, I want a list with all the gangs operating in Henan province and the families they are affiliated with!

Their strength, and business, hell I want to know even the color of their lover's thongs!"

Once again Zero was startled and surprised by the request but he still acknowledged the order quickly,

"Yes, Master!"

"Very well, you may go! I need to cultivate!"

With that said, Zero left the hospital room, while four beauties appeared at the door of Yang Tian's room, as Yang Tian waited for them to stand with a smile on his face.

No one was more aware than them of the miraculous change that Yang Tian had gone through this month, as they couldn't believe it.

To them, this was a medical miracle that not even the best doctors could explain. Certainly cultivating was the same, but even cultivating something like this wasn't possible.

Just how was he able to do it!?

Even though the beauties were shocked by Yang Tian's transformation and condition, they were also extremely happy about him.

After all, for around one month they had become his servants and they didn't regret it in the least! This just showed that their Master was someone who defied common sense.

"Ma-Master ho-how is this possible!? W-we aren't dreaming are we!?"

"Why don't you come here and see for yourself!"

Even though slightly hesitant and reluctant to wake up from the dream, the beauties approached him slowly and started to touch him all over his body, to make sure that this was real.

"So-someone pinch me!"

These were Lan Yunxi's words, as Zhuo Ting actually extended her hand and pinched her in the juicy rear mountains.

'Aaagghh~! Don't pinch so hard! What am I going to do if it gets bruised and Master doesn't like it anymore!"


Hearing that remark Yang Tian couldn't help but chuckle, as he breathed into her left ear and whispered,

"If that happened, I would make sure to properly rub it and heal you!"

"The-then Master should keep his words, as I am sure it's bruised now!"

"Really!? Let me check it!"