Chapter 41: A Gift to Start the Game

Young Master Long Chen and Young Fairy Xia Fei had been the first two bastards to make his previous life a nightmare, only for their pleasure.

The two of them had not only humiliated him over and over again, but they had even thrown him to despair, by harming the people he owed most. His grandparents.

Just thinking about what had happened then Yang Tian couldn't help but release a bit of his killing intent to the outside, which was enough to suffocate the poor Zero.

Zero was actually a former mercenary, a former soldier, a former assassin, a former asura of the battlefield, and yet right now he was actually getting suffocated by Yang Tian's slight killing intent.

Well, considering the life that Yang Tian had lived in his previous life, the amount of bloodbaths he had caused due to his enemies not knowing when to give up, it wasn't a surprise for this to happen.

But that was normal only if someone knew of Yang Tian's previous life, for Zero this was something nothing short of a nightmarish miracle.

Just how could his Master possess such a terrifying killing intent? The only possible chance he could think about was that he was possessed by some kind of demon, or god, just like in those novels.

"Master, it couldn't be that you are possessed by some god, could it?"

Even though he understood how stupid it was to ask that question, he still was unable to control himself and his curiosity.

Different from his expectations though, Yang Tian didn't treat him as an idiot, as he asked with a serious and solemn face,

"What would you do if that were the case?"


"You heard me let say that I was truly possessed by a God or a Demon, what would you do then?"

"Would you hurt old Master and old Mistress!?"

"What do you think!?"

"Then I would just accept it and serve you as I am! I don't care whether you are the previous Young Master or someone else.

As long as you treat old Master and old Mistress well, then this Zero will do anything he can, even giving his life and soul to you!"

"You are much better than I thought Zero, but do you think that my grandparents would be happy and help someone that actually possessed their grandson?

While it's true that I have changed, I am still the previous Yang Tian! As for my grandparents, you don't have to worry, in this life no one will be able to make them sad!"

Zero didn't understand much from Yang Tian's words, but for some reason, he believed the last line. It seemed like Yang Tian truly cared about his grandparents, so he could rest easy.

As for following behind Yang Tian and doing what he said that was a given. He felt that even if he wanted to, he was too late to give up on this life he had chosen.

'Hahahahha~! My Fei'er you are as beautiful as a fairy and as smart as a sage! It's truly my good luck to have you become mine!"

"Brother Long overpraises this little sister! I am the one who is lucky to have attracted your interest!"

"Come on Fei'er call me husband, in a short time we are getting married!"


"Hahaha~! My Fei'er is so beautiful and so cute! Muuaahhh~!"

Even though Zero wasn't able to hear these voices as they were coming from outside, Yang Tian was able to clearly 'see' and hear everything that happened.

Even that small kiss that Young Master Long Chen benefited from the 'surprised' Young fairy Xia Fei. It was clear that she had seduced this fool and had him wriggling around her little finger.

'Seeing' this Yang Tian's anger and rage got a bit agitated, but he was still able to control himself as he looked towards Zero and said,

"Is everything prepared!?"

"Yes, Master! Everything is ready!"

"Very well then we just need to wait a little longer!"

"Young Master what are you going to do with those two? You can't kill them here, otherwise, we will be the first suspects, and will also give the Long family a reason to enter Zhengzhou city."

"You don't have to worry about that Zero, I am just going to create a little disturbance between the Long and Xia families! Just give them a small game starting gift!

After this, I doubt the Long family will have the face to enter Zhengzhou city in the short term future! You just do as I say and enjoy the show!"

Zero seemed like he had still some things to say, but Yang Tian just started eating his food like some kind of starving beggar.

"Damn this food is so good, I should have ordered some more!"

It wasn't his fault, as it had been quite some time since he ate warm food. While the food in the hospital was good, it was still not as good as the one he was eating.

After all, even a few minutes make a great difference in the taste of food, and he was experiencing that right now.

Zero could only watch in anxiety as Yang Tian cleaned the table when he suddenly started grinning and said,

"Make sure to act as we planned, it's time for me to visit the box next door!"

"This… Yes, Master!"

Even though he wasn't really convinced Zero could only abide by his Master's order and do as he was told.

On the other hand, Yang Tian stood up from his place and walked behind Zero. The moment that they came out, Zero walked towards the security room, while Yang Tian entered the next door box.

'Lii-itle si-ister Fe-ei'er I-I a-am not drunk! I wa-ant to ma-ake lo-ve to y-ou. We a-re ge-tting married soon, an-yway!'

'Just hang on a little bit more brother Long, this little sister will do whatever you want once we get married!'

'I ca-ant, I wa-ant you no-now!'

'Come on brother Long, don't be like this! It's extremely difficult for this little sister as well!'

The truth was that 10 minutes after they started eating, Young Master Long had started to act more and more against her.

It was just like someone had pressed his button and he had turned into some kind of lecherous beast, incapable of holding back anymore.

No matter how much she tried to push him back, Xia Fei was slowly losing territory against him, as his hands had already entered under her clothing.

If this continued further, she was unsure of whether she would be able to hold him back anymore.

While this wouldn't be much of an issue as they were going to get married soon, she didn't want to give herself so soon, in fear that he might revoke the engagement.

If that happened, then she would surely lose a lot, not only her purity but also the control over this idiot. Definitely, she couldn't let something like that happen.

But she had no idea how to make him stop, the only thing she could think about was knocking him out, but that might anger him later.

As she was thinking about that, she suddenly felt something prick her arm, and then saw the grinning face of her fiancé, looking at her like some kind of beast that had succeeded in devouring her.

She was unable to understand what happened at first, but the next moment she could feel that slowly her eyelids were getting heavier and she was feeling a big urge to sleep.

"You, you drugged me!?"

"Don't blame me little bi*tch, it was your own fault for not obeying me from the beginning!"

Hearing those words, the poor beauty's eyes closed, and she lost conscience. She was able to wake up only after a few hours, due to hearing the box's room crashing down and a lot of police entering the box.

She didn't understand what was going on, she could only try to get up and ask what the hell was happening, but she found out that she couldn't as she felt a piercing pain in her secret region.

The moment that she felt that pain, she was able to think of something, and that made her extremely angry and enraged.

Slowly, memories of what had happened before she lost conscience started appearing in her mind and she was able to remember being drugged.

'This… this lecherous bastard had truly r*apped her.' That wasn't even the worst part, as they were now both under the gaze of many policemen.

Just how the hell did something like this happen? How did they end up like this, it was surely something out of her mind.

This idiot was too vicious!

Couldn't he wait for a few more days before he had her whole, then even if he was the stupidest person she had seen in her life, she would still serve him well.

On the other hand, the faces of the policemen witnessing this scene were a mix between anger and rage…