Chapter 42: Shocking the World

No matter the time, day, or these guys' background, the moment that the policemen witnessed a scene of ra*pping that in this case had even been successful they would certainly get enraged.

After all, which one of them didn't have a wife, a daughter, a mother, a sister, or even a woman they held in high regard.

Just thinking of the possibility of that lady suffering the same treatment they couldn't help but feel their blood boil, as they wanted nothing more than to blast the ra*ppers balls and kill him on the spot.

But that wasn't all, during the raid the journalists, and many reporters had been around the floor as they had been notified as well, and the moment they breached inside, the reporters started taking pics and cursing.

The loud sound of the door breaking and the numerous continuous clicks of the reporters awakened even the sleep Young Master Long, who even screamed at them,

"Who dares to spoil this Young Master's sleep! Are you tired of living?"

Before he could make sense of the situation though, the policemen jumped over him to arrest him as his face ended up on the box's table, while he screamed,

"Who are you fu*ckers!? How dare you place your hands on me!? I will fu*cking kill you! I will fu*ck your mothers! I will fu*ck your wives! I will fu*ck your daughters!

I will make you fu*cking regret this, as I fu*ck all the ladies in your houses right in front of you!

You are finished! You hear me, you are finished!"

Considering the situation he was in, and what had just transpired in the room, his words were more than extra evidence to his case, as the reporters started showering him with questions.

"Young Master Long is it true that you ra*ped Young Fairy Xia Fei!?"

"Young Master Long is it true that you threatened the policemen that arrested you with ra*pping their families!?"

"Young Master Long why didn't you control yourself and wait for your marriage to have the Young Fairy Xia Fei!"

"Young Master Long is it true that you ra*pped her due to your psychological disorders from childhood!?"

Those and many other questions were thrown towards Young Master Long, who seemed clearly unable to understand what the hell had just happened.

Just hearing all those questions made him extremely angry and enraged as he was being falsely accused he had done nothing of sorts.

What the hell were these people sprouting when did he actually ra*pe his fiancé, and why did he have the need to do so?

In just a few more days their engagement would have been official, and he would be able to do whatever he wished with her.

Unfortunately, all the evidence was appointed against him, as not only was he found inside the private box, but there were also signs on Xia Fei's body, and there were also the drugs on Xia Fei's system.

He clearly had no idea about all of that, but it was a fact. As for the drugs in his system, there would be no sign of it, no matter how much the doctors tried to check.

Not even the best blood sampling machine or doctor would be able to find traces of that drug after 24 hours.

And even before that, only a Master doctor who actually had high achievements in cultivation might be able to feel some traces of it, and even then it would be treated as a kidney remedy medicine.

Yang Tian had prepared one full week for this plan of his, there was no way he was going to allow any possible mess-up.

As for Xia Fei, the beauty couldn't understand how stupid her 'fiancé' had to be in order to do something like that.

The moment that the policemen entered she wanted to actually claim that everything was done in full agreement and cooperation, but the drug that idiot had used made her extremely weak.

She was unable to move much of her body, as even her feeble will and strength were overcome by the pain she felt at the entrance of her secret cave.

By the time she was able to make a sound, the policemen had actually arrested and brought Young Master Long outside for the media to see and question, as they had even collected evidence.

Many pictures were taken of the private box, and also many pictures of the surroundings, and Young Master Long naked.

If it weren't for the insistence of the police, those reporters would even take pictures of her naked, with her legs opened, and her secret garden over in a mixture of special milk and blood.

She didn't know what to make of this whole fu*cking situation. Couldn't that guy control himself for a few more days, or at least slowly push himself upon her, or find someone else.

Seeing the situation she might just give up and let him have her or might even find someone to replace her at the moment.

Yet, that idiot had to do something like that!

Considering the weight and importance of the news, every channel through the country, every social network reported the situation and what had happened live.

If the matter had been treated differently and with secrecy, it would be impossible for such a thing to become news.

But from the policemen to the reporters to the influencers they had all jumped like vampires seeking blood.

The sudden news flash caught the whole city, the whole prefecture, the whole province, the whole country, and the whole world by storm.

Just like some sort of unstoppable widely spread virus, the whole world had been infected with the news, before the Long and Xia families could even receive news of what had happened.

The reactions of the two families when they received the news were incredibly similar, not only did they curse the harebrained Young Master Long Chen, but they even swore to kill the idiot.

Xia Feng and Long Cang both couldn't believe that this was real, as they thought that this was some sort of bad nightmare that it would disappear once they woke up.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they pinched themselves, and coughed blood, they were still unable to wake up.

In the end, they had no other choice but to accept that whatever was happening it was real!

The Long family immediately sent Young Master Long Chen's father and their best lawyer where he was detained in order to try and understand to take control of the situation.

On the other hand, Xia family sent Xia Fei's father to go and talk to her in the hospital in order to do the same.

Neither side actually cared for the two of them, they only cared about what had happened, and who was responsible for this.

Once they found who was the one responsible they would make sure to make him regret in 10.000 next lives for messing with them.

As for the police they had completely blocked the place of the crime, detaining all the guests and staff, while taking all copies of the security cameras as well.

In but a short time, the whole of Zhengzhou city had turned from a peaceful and calm lake to a bolstering ocean with big waves.

Even big figures like the Public Security Bureau, Health Bureau, the Mayor, and all kinds of figures were forced to come out and make a statement.

All of them were awakened from their sleep, promising and swearing to get to the bottom of this issue and judge the culprits as they deserved.

While the whole of Zhengzhou city had suddenly turned into a pot of vicious and poisonous insects, the one responsible for all this was sitting in his bed with a glass of wine in his hand and enjoying the wine.

This was truly a grand scheme!

As for Zero beside him? Well, it would be safe to say that the poor Zero had never thought that something like this would happen, and he didn't know whether he should fear his Master or praise him.

Still, no matter how much he thought to praise his Master, he couldn't help but think that this was a big mess up and the one to suffer in the end would be them.

After all, it seemed impossible to him to do all this without leaving even the smallest trace behind…