Chapter 43: Aftermath

"Master won't this bite us back!? After all, if they find the traces of drug on Xia Fei's and Long Chen's body, then they will start digging deeper.

I am afraid that with the scale this took, they will soon be on out trail!"

"You are underestimating me greatly if you think that I would leave behind such obvious trails Zero! Everything is taken care of, and detailly planned for more than a week.

Still, your words hold some truth in them, so make sure to tell our people in the police taskforce to keep an eye at any possible clue!"

Zero was clearly shocked at hearing that there would be no traces of drug or poison on the two main suspects bodies when they would be checked from the police, but he still had no other choice but to believe it.

These doubts of his were answered two hours later, as the contacts in the police taskforce actually sent him message, that there were no drugs or poisons found on the duo's bodies.

That had shocked the whole police taskforce, and even the two families, as both Long Chen and Xia Fei actually stubbornly insisted that they must have been drugged.

Even more so, Xia Fei who could still remember clearly that before she lost conscience she had heard him admit it.

But that was just the start of the nightmare, as the next evidence to actually bury Young Master Long Chen even deeper in shit, was the fact that his DNA was found all over the place.

Starting from the semen inside Young Fairy Xia Fei's body, continuing with each drop of semen covering her body, and every drop of semen at the scene, matched 100% with his.

Not only that, but also all the fingerprints at the scene matched either with the couples, the staffs, or the previous dinners, there was no weird extra print in there.

No matter how many times the police tried to search the scene of crime, they were unable to find any evidence that didn't point at Young Master Long Chen.

The Long Family was infuriated at the bastard who not only couldn't control his urges but had even caused such a big scandal.

While the Xia family, and especially Xia Feng were happily warming their hands at the thoughts of the great profits that this would bring them.

There was no way for the Long Family to escape this scandal, if they didn't convince Young Fairy Xia Fei to testify that everything was just a play among the two in full agreement.

Right now the ball was on Xia Family's court, and they had their hands on a great 3-pointer, so the Long Family could only lower their heads and try for their best.

Inside a warm and cozy prison cell, the police commander was actually questioning Young Master Long Chen, under the presence of his lawyer.

"Young Master Long Chen, please try to remember was there anything else weird on what happened yesterday!"

"No, no, no, I don't remember anything else, but I am sure that I have been set up! It must be the Yang family, only they would do something like this to me!

You should bring them here and torture them until they testify!"

It was a bit weird as the police commander didn't seem like he was actually interrogating a criminal and a ra*pist but like he was actually interrogating a victim.

With the background of Young Master Long Chen it was a given, as if he tried the first he would fully lose everything he had.

Still, this idiot was even more difficult to deal with, as the first thing he blabbered from his mouth, was to actually slander and accuse the Yang Family.

While he was afraid of the Long Family's power and influence, he was terrified of the Yang Family. After all, the Yang's were the overlords of the province.

No matter what kind of dragon the Long Family was on the capital it was impossible for them to bully and kill the local overlord snake.


The people from the Long Family seemed to understand this as well, as his father that was behind him approached and gave him a tight slap on the back of his head.

"Shut up you idiot! Are you trying to spend real time in jail? Do you understand where you are, and who you are accusing?"

Then turning to the police commander, he said in a light but overbearing tone,

"Don't mind his words commander, the truth is that he is still traumatized by everything that happened!

In fact, if you are finished with you interrogation I would like to have some alone time with my son!"

"I understand, I will be leaving now!"

The moment that the commander left the interrogation room, the poor Young Master Long Chen turned to his father and complained,

"Father why are you treating your son like this!? I truly think that is their doing, that trash Yang Tian must have a hand in this!"


"Do you really think that I don't know what kind of bastard you are!?

Yang Tian!? That fu*cking trash can't even sit on his hospital bed and you are telling me he did this?

Who are you trying to fool!? I am your father! Why did you have to do something like this, you idiot!"

"I truly didn't do it willingly father! I was set up, I swear!"

"Arrghhh~! You are going to drive me crazy! If it weren't for your mother and grandfather I would have killed you already, you beast!"

"Father believe me please, I was set up!"

"Keep this act when the people from the Xia family come here, and make sure to apologize to them with your head on the floor!

We need their help to deal with this case! Otherwise, I will personally skin you alive!"

"But father…"

"Stop this drama with me! You don't need it anymore, just do as I say!"

With that said, Long Zhan walked towards the door and left the interrogation room as well, in order to allow Xia FengWu to enter and talk with his son.

While the middle generation, and young generations of the two families were trying to set up a show, the older generations were actually reaching a new deal.

If before the Long Family had aspirations of taking over the Henan province through the Xia family, now they were forced to try their best to make the Xia family the next overlord.

Not only that, but they even had to protect the Xia family for 100 years, until the Xia family managed to set their roots and grow strong enough to protect their selves.

Due to the stupidity and depravity of an idiot, Long Family had turned from a great dragon to a guilty snake.

The next day, Young Fairy Xia Fei appeared in front of the media, and the whole public as she once again revealed her deep love for Young Master Long Chen, and the fact that the matter was different.

Whatever had happened inside that private box was under the full agreement of the two and the reason it looked like that was because it was their 'thing'.

The whole world was shock, but this news wasn't bound to go for long, as the biggest shock lasts at most 3 days, and in less than 3 days the public would find something else to talk about.

Inside the hospital room, Zero looked at the whole thing with shock and surprise as he couldn't help but ask Yang Tian,

"Master don't you think that this backfired!? You were trying to sow discord between the Long and Xia families, but in the end everything turned to the Xia family's benefit!"

"Zero you must look deeper in this situation! Don't just drown yourself in the superficiality of it, like everyone else!"

"Please enlighten me Master!"

"Very well, do you think that the Long Family will lose their centuries old aspirations just because they wrote a deal, and due to the mistake of a waste from the younger generation?

This is nothing more than adapting to the present circumstances and giving an inch to the Xia family to relax. They are bound to make nothing of this!

As for the Xia family, what do you think it will happen now!?"

"They will precede their plans!?"

"Exactly with this deal in their pocket they will get more arrogant and unbridled and will be forced to act sooner than they planned.

While that isn't necessarily a good thing for us as well, those idiots are bound to make a few mistakes on implementation!

Even if they don't, I will make sure to force them to do!

While the relationship between the two of them seems to have grown deeper on the outside, the truth is that they are both wearier towards each other.

After all, the Xia family couldn't help but show and firm their appetite to their in-laws. They are bound to be more careful towards each other.

Once two wolves reveal their fangs at each other, they are bound to become wary towards each other for life…