Chapter 45: Police Visits

"Huh!? What do you mean!?"

"What do you think I mean!?" said Yang Tian in a teasing tone.

"Are you saying that you have done something you shouldn't inside this hospital room!?" asked the beautiful reporter with a clearly dubious and hopeful tone.

"I will let that to your imagination!" continued Yang Tian with his teasing tone.

"Wait, wait are you accepting that you have actually harassed sexually, or done something illegal inside this hospital room, and in the Hospital that now belongs to your family!?"

The reporter was having trouble controlling her emotions at this moment because even though Yang Tian acknowledgment wouldn't be substantial proof, it was still enough for a good rumor.

"When did I ever admit that!?"

Unfortunately, Yang Tian didn't give her that pleasure, and changed his attitude 180 degrees, pretending like he didn't understand what they were saying anymore.

"But you just…" the reporter couldn't help but let her emotions take the better of her at that moment as she asked with a clearly agitated voice.

"I said what!?" said Yang Tian as he returned to his teasing voice.

The beautiful reporter wasn't stupid to not understand that she was being teased and played by Yang Tian, so she scoffed in anger, and kicked the ground as she said in a cute and protesting voice,

"I will make sure to smoke you out, you damn bastard!"

"And I will be waiting for you here!

By the way, if you want some advice from me, always it's best to rely on yourself rather than others!"

Yang Tian had no idea whether she had understood his meaning or not, but time would prove it anyway.

"Hmph~! Who will heed some advice from a lecherous and depraved bastard like you!"

It seemed like the beauty had completely forgotten that she was standing in front of someone like Yang Tian, who was the Young Master of the Yang family.

If she went so far as to anger him, then she would surely not have an easy life in Zhengzhou city, as no ghost would dare to hire her.

But from the start, Yang Tian had acted much different from the previous him, and even with the previous him, there were no records of him making life difficult for someone.

He would mostly use his money and background to convince women to sleep with him, never violent. Otherwise, he would have been thrown into jail for ra*pe for a long time.

Even though his grandparents usually permitted his depravity and wasteful life, they would never allow him to step foot on the other side.

For that reason, while the reporters and media branded him as a wastrel lecherous Young Master, they never feared him.

That didn't matter now, as the beautiful reporter turned heels and left the hospital room, as Yang Tian was thinking about the next steps of his plans.

Fortunately or unfortunately today seemed to be a day of surprises, as he had another two guests to his hospital room, being the Commander of Police and his right Deputy.

While the Commander looked like an honest and upright policeman who truly cared for his job, the deputy alongside him was a short and oily potbelly fatty, that was clearly corrupted and dirty.

The Commander entered first followed by the right deputy, as he took a good look at Yang Tian and his conditions before he started saying,

"Sorry to have disturbed you Young Master Yang Tian! I wanted to come earlier and ask you about your accident, but your grandparents have never allowed me to enter your room.

I hope you are in a better condition right now to answer some of our questions!"

It would take only look to understand that this reasoning and words were utter bullshit, but Yang Tian didn't point it out and just returned,

"Quite on the contrary Commander I am sorry that you had to go through all that, but you don't have to worry as what I experienced was an unfortunate accident and I don't intend to raise charges!"

The Commander seemed a bit surprised at Yang Tian's attitude and response as this was nowhere close to the accident prior to Yang Tian.

He would always be high and condensing, never allowing people to even talk out loud in his presence.

On the other hand, the fat deputy didn't seem to care much about Yang Tian's attitude as he just thought that he had become sensible after the accident and was happy to hear that statement.

Yang Tian 'accident' was by no means a real accident, as it was an assassination attempt that he had luckily escaped.

But in order to cover this assassination attempt, and even brand it as an accident it was impervious that there was at least a high-ranking police officer involved in the cover-up.

Noticing the fat Deputy's expression Yang Tian was happy to have found the first link to the long-chain behind his 'accident' and he would make sure to take care of it in the near future.

On the other hand, the Commander of police quickly composed himself despite the weird feeling, and then continued,

"Still, it's our duty to investigate it properly and come to a conclusion, so please cooperate!"

"Sure why not!"

It clearly felt weird for this mischievous imp to actually agree so easily and so quickly, one could only think that he had hit his head during the accident.

"Very well then, do you remember what happened that day!?"

"Yes, that day I had just come out of LTV box together with two beautiful chicks and got into my car!

I had drunk a bit that night, but since it was the same as usual I felt that I could drive home with the two beauties to have my fun.

I didn't have much trouble on the way, as it was already night and the roads were relatively empty, only when I reached the traffic light before the bridge did the color change suddenly.

I was going with 120 km/h at that time since the traffic light was green, but the moment I passed it turned quickly and directly to red, and there was a car coming from my left.

I tried my best to brake, and divert the car, but it still ended up hitting my side and threw my car turning a few times.

As for the rest, I think that you should be more knowledgeable than me, as I lost conscience there and then!"

Hearing Yang Tian's retell the Commander of police could immediately tell that this was a premeditated attempt and not an accident, but he wasn't able to investigate this case.

There was heavy pressure from the Capital regarding this case, and he was forced to close it as soon as he could.

Still, in order to keep appearances, he continued to ask,

"This case certainly seems suspicious Young Master Yang, so we are going to investigate it deeper!"

"Be my guest!"

"Do you have any doubts about anyone that you may have offended or hold any grudge towards you lately!"

"Commander we both know my lifestyle, and we both know that there are many people out there trying to get a piece of me, so that question doesn't help much, does it?"

Once again the Commander of police was shocked at Yang Tian's direct and serious answer, as he didn't know what to make of it. Still, he was forced to continue, as he said,

"Then from that night on, you have been in the hospital with full paralysis and unable to move, right!?"

"Get out!"


"You heard me, Commander, take your fucking Deputy and get the fu*ck out!"

Since everything had been going smoothly until that moment, the sudden change in Yang Tian's attitude surprised and started the two policemen.

They didn't understand firstly why would Yang Tian suddenly act so fiercely against them. Still, the deputy didn't like Yang Tian's attitude as he quickly started screaming and retorting back,

"You fu*cking brat, how dare you to talk like that to the Director of Police!? Are you tired of living? You better tell us where have you been the last three days, and what you have been doing!"

"Don't make me fu*cking repeat myself, get the fu*ck out of my room! You damned bastards! Are you trying to fu*ck with me here?

Don't you already know that I am fully paralyzed now and can't even make my di*ck stand!? Didn't the doctors already test and prove that?

Are you here to make fun of me, you dirty pieces of shit! Get the fu… cough…, cough…, cough…"

As he was screaming at the top of his lungs, he seemed unable to have breathed wrong, and he started coughing violently.

It was impossible for the Hospital staff to not take notice of the conditions of the patient, as Doctor Zhao came running towards Yang Tian's room.

"What's going on here!? What did you do to the patient!? Are you trying to kill him!?"

Without wasting any second he quickly approached the bed to measure Yang Tian's pulse, while he said all that to the two policemen.

"Be careful doctor, he is a suspect to the ra*pe and slander of Young Fairy Xia Fei of the Xia family, and he dares to be rude towards the Director of Police! We are just doing our duty!"

The potbelly Deputy couldn't help but retort at Doctor Zhao's statements in anger. If one saw this scene and him for the first time they would think that he was truly an ally of justice.


Unfortunately, Doctor Zhao's response to his righteous anger was a peal of loud and manic laughter…