Chapter 46: Granny Knocks Out Fatty

"Explain the meaning of your laughter Doctor, otherwise I will throw you to prison!"

The Director of Police and the fat Deputy weren't happy with this situation, and it was clearly shown on their faces, but hearing Doctor Zhao's next words they understood the reason,

"A man whose almost every bone in his body had been cracked, broken, or shattered who would need at least a year in intensive care and treatment to even recover into an optimal state.

That is without considering the fact whether his spinal cord and spinal nerves will be fully connected by that time, would need at least 2 years of physical therapy and extra treatment to even start walking normally, according to science and medical knowledge.

You are asking such a man if he has ever stood up from his bed, taken a walk around, and even treated him as a suspect in a ra*pe case?

You expect me to control my laugh at these claims!? Impossible!

Furthermore, I suggest you not push it too far Deputy Director, while I may be someone without a powerful background, I am still the Director of this Hospital.

If you don't wish for me to barry entrance to any person related to you, you better treat me with more respect next time!"

"You dare~!"

"Why wouldn't I? We are both using our powers as we see fit!"

"Hmph~! You think that you would be able to keep your post after this threat!?"

"Aren't you forgetting something Deputy Director of Police? You just made fun and threatened my new boss, who shouted at you to get out!

Do you think he would fire me, and throw me away?"

That's right, it was only now that the Deputy Director was once again reminded of the fact that this hospital didn't belong to the Xia family anymore, but to the Yang family, and Yang Tian in particular.

Still, it was impossible for the fat Deputy to accept loss so easily, as he had come here today in order to make trouble for Yang Tian and try his best to implicate him in this ordeal.

"You should be careful as well doctor, otherwise you are going to suffer much more than losing your job, you might end up having some holidays in prison!

Furthermore, this brat doesn't need to personally do stuff like that, there are many people who would obey his words!

Who knows he might have hired professional criminals to do something horrendous like that, it might even been you!"

It was clear that the Deputy Director was nakedly threatening Doctor Zhao while putting the blame on Yang Tian.

Yang Tian's enraged face at that moment was like food for him. Even if he didn't believe that Yang Tian had something to do with that, he would still try his very best to get him involved.

"What the hell is going here!? What are you guys doing in my grandson's room? Who allowed you to enter?"

As the fatty Deputy Director was thinking that he had actually advanced in his scheme a strong and domineering womanly voice was heard at the door.

Both the Director and the Deputy Director turned around to have a look at the woman, and they both couldn't help but feel that the game was over.

Even though Su Mei didn't really show herself much into the public and she was always following behind her old husband, people didn't dare to take her lightly.

After all, even if she wasn't able to do a thing, one word from her and Yang Tie would take action, and in front of that old man, few people dared to raise their heads and say something.

"Old Madam…" x2

No one knew whether those words were as a result of their startle, or because they wanted to try and explain the situation their way when Doctor Zhao started saying,

"Old Madam, these two were trying to implicate Young Master Yang into the case of ra*pe of the Young Lady Xia of the Xia family.

Not only that, but they even mocked him by asking him whether he had moved from his bed these recent times, causing a high tension to Young Master Yang and worsening his situation."

He seemed just like a little snitch in the classroom who would immediately tell on the bullies inside the class, while Yang Tian was still breathing heavily and with difficulty.

"They dare~!

What do you have to say about this Director!?"

Su Mei clearly got angrier with what she heard, and immediately turned towards the Director asking him in a heavy voice.


The Director was by no means a pushover but he was a guy that backed up justice, and without a deep background or backing.

If it weren't for old Master Yang Tie helping him and treating him justly for liking his sense of justice, he wouldn't be where he was.

Still, the people that had forced him to come here today weren't people he could face, so he had no other choice but to obey.

Right at that moment, he felt like he was biting on the hand that fed him, but he didn't have the power to confront the mountain in front of him.

The Mastermind behind this visit was none other than the fat Deputy Director, who once again took courage when thinking of the people behind him, and said,

"Old Madam please don't use your position and power to try and pressure the Director or me, we are just doing our honest duties as Policemen!"

"Oh, really!?

Very well then, tell me Fa…Deputy Director what sort of evidence and proof do you have on my grandson's involvement in this heinous act!?"

It was clear that she was about to call him fatty, but she changed her form of address midway, which made the Deputy Director even more displeased and angry.

"Young Master Long Chen doubts that your grandson Yang Tian is the mastermind behind the disgusting plot he went through!"

"Since when have the words of the criminals taken so much weight fa…Deputy Director! As far as I know and from what was reported in media, prints and signs of this being his work are numerous.

Yet not only don't you treat him as a criminal, get to the bottom of this issue, and put him in jail, but you heed his words and come treat my grandson as the criminal instead.

How does this make sense to you!?"

"Young Master Long Chen is a young and respected member of the society, and everyone knows about the reputation and infamy of your grandson.

I ask you, how does it not make sense to heed him, and question your grandson?"

"I didn't know that police investigates their cases on the basis of rumors and public opinion fa…Deputy Director.

You have truly opened my eyes today, as I am sure you have done for many people out there in the public. I am sure that you will receive a medal for your great contribution."

"What do you mean!?"

"Well, perhaps you don't know about this fa…Deputy Director, but when Doctor Zhao took office, he started a program called Hospital Honesty, in cooperation with Truth Media.

Everything that happens inside the Hospital is actually monitored and reported live by Truth Media. I am sure that you have become a public celebrity already with your opinions!"


The fat Deputy Director couldn't believe his ears and was thinking that old Madam Su Mei was just playing around with him.

Those thoughts were completely destroyed the next moment, as he felt his smartphone ring and vibrate in his pocket.

Seeing the caller Id on the screen that bad premonition in his heart just grew bigger as he didn't dare to take the call, but he was obligated to.

"Good, really good! You have done a great job Li YouRan! I want you in my office in 10 minutes to reward you for your big achievements!"

The poor fatty didn't even have the opportunity to answer the call, as he heard the voice of his high superior on the phone, which made him tremble.

The people behind him would surely help and protect him normally, but now it was impossible to do so, otherwise, they would lose public support.

Even though they might not really care what the public thinks, they still need to keep appearances and make everything look clean.


Unable to say a word to the person on the other hand of the phone call fatty actually dared to try and say something to old Madam Su Mei, when she blocked him with her hand and said,

"Let me give you some advice fatty, you shouldn't count your eggs before they hatch, otherwise you will have to suffer the consequences!"

"You, how dare you publicly address a respected and honored police officer like that in public! Even though you are the old Madam of the Yang family, you will still have to be arrested and suffer the consequences!"

At this moment fatty was trying to grab any rope he could in order to find something that could save him, and old Madam Su Mei's were like a great Heavenly gift.

With this, he could claim that he had only fallen to the scheme of the Yang family, and his words didn't have the taken meaning.

"Haiz~! Didn't I already tell you to not count your chickens without hatching fatty!? Do you have proof of me saying those words, are you sure that anyone besides you heard them?"

"What!? What do you mean, isn't this live reporting!?"

"I think that fat has gotten to your brain fatty, you have lost your sharpness! Even when a show is live, there will always be commercial breaks, don't you know that!?"