Chapter 47: Yang Tian’s Anger and Killing Intent

The poor fat Deputy Director felt like the whole building came crashing upon his head, as he couldn't help but point his finger at Grandma Su Mei and say,


"Keep that finger pointed at my old wife one second longer, and I will make sure it enters a place that you have never thought possible!"

The owner of that voice was none other than the iron-willed commander Yang Tie, who was clearly displeased and angered by what was going on.

In reality, the whole of Zhengzhou, and even the whole Henan province knew that Yang Tie was generally a just and righteous man, who wouldn't bully others with his strength and power.

Quite on the opposite, he would help those that needed help with funds and all kinds of favors having a clean and bright reputation towards the public and not only.

His only weaknesses were his wife and his grandson, but even then he wouldn't surpass the laws and boundaries to help them.

Perhaps it was due to that disposition of his that people like the fat Deputy Director thought that it would be alright to actually stand with the outsiders and act against him.

These guys probably thought that they weren't going to fail, and even if they did Yang Tie wouldn't do anything much to them.

That might have been true earlier, as Yang Tie didn't want to create many enemies and angry idiots before he died for his grandson.

After all, once he and his wife died then Yang Tian would be left alone to face all these vultures, flies, idiots, and enemies.

But now that Yang Tian had not only changed but had also shown prospects beyond his dreams and imagination, he felt that he could finally release all the negative emotions bloated inside him.

For that reason, his voice contained a few traces of killing intent as he said those words, which clearly shocked the fat Deputy Director out of his mind.

"O-Old Ma-Master Yang w-we…"

It took him quite some time to recollect himself and regain a bit of clarity and sense once again, as he started stuttering those words, but he wasn't able to finish,

"Stop farting in front of this Old Master! You better go back and tell those guys behind you, that this Old Master has had enough of your behavior.

If they try to implicate my family once again, they will have to be prepared to face my anger!"

The fat Deputy Director was truly startled, shocked, and a bit frightened sensing the aura and pressure coming from old Master Yang Tie and he didn't dare to say anything back.

It was impossible for him to wait for backup from the Director as well, as he seemed to have lowered his head as much as he could, with a shade of red on his neck.

He felt ashamed and embarrassed of himself at that moment. Just like a kid that had been fed dressed and sent to school, to be caught stealing from the person who did all this possible for him.

"I-I un-understand!"

With that said, the fat Deputy Director didn't dare to linger anymore in Yang Tian's hospital room, as he finally left with the Director following behind him.

Once they reached their vehicle on the parking lot, the fat Deputy Director entered inside while causing the car to shake a bit, and then hitting at the seat in front of him, he growled in anger,

"That damned old couple! How do they dare treat me like that!? I will make sure that they regret everything they did in eternity!"

The Director of Police that entered the vehicle after him, looked at him with a dark and gloomy face, as he said,

"Don't go overboard fatty, otherwise I will be forced to take action after!"

"You would dare!? Did you forget that your daughter is in his hands!? One word from me, and her life would turn into a living hell!"

"It's precisely because of my daughter that I am giving you so much leeway. But be careful, a man can think of his child only until he sees his parents suffer.

Should something happen to the Old Master, or his wife, even I don't know how I will react!"

"Hmph~! Everything is fine as long as I don't touch the two of them right!? Well, you don't have to worry, I will not touch them, there is another bastard that I can play around with!"

It was clear that he was talking about Yang Tian, unaware that he had just signed his own torture before entering the Yellow River.

In Yang Tian's hospital room, Yang Tian had fully removed the oxygen mask from his face and was looking at his grandparents and Doctor Zhao Fu in a dangerous looking glint.

The temperature inside the room seemed to have fallen by a few degrees, as he was unable to control his killing intent for a moment.

Even Yang Tie and Su Mei who were weathered experts and ex-military couldn't believe the surging pressure, coldness, and scariness of that killing intent.

No matter how many lives they had taken until that moment, they felt extremely inferior towards Yang Tian. In fact, it felt like their killing intents couldn't even be compared to his.

Just how many lives one needed to take in order for their killing intent to reach such a height. It was something that they perhaps would never understand.

Even they had problems breathing for a moment, but fortunately, Yang Tian retrieved his killing intent quickly, and apologized,

"Sorry, I was unable to control myself for a moment!"

Doctor Zhao Fu was still lip tied and too shocked to even say a word, while the old couple and Zero looked at him with weird expressions on their faces, as Yang Tie finally said,

"Tian'er don't take this too personally and act in haste! They are just flies sent to disrupt your peace, trying to make you act in anger!

Don't forget that an angry mind is a narrow mind!"

Yang Tian was a bit surprised hearing those words, but he quickly understood what his grandfather meant. After all, he was thinking that Yang Tian was angry due to being treated like that.

Even though he was misunderstood he still felt warm inside to receive the advice of his grandfather as he said,

"Grandpa you misunderstood! I don't care what these flies try against me, or even think about me, at the end of the day they are just ants that I can crush with a thought.

But that damned fatty dared to point his finger at Grandma and talk to her rudely! I will make sure that he regrets the day he was born!"


The old couple couldn't believe their hears at that moment, even though they knew that Yang Tian had changed a lot from the old him, it was still a rollercoaster of emotions hearing him say that.

"Still, you should be careful and act after thinking it through! Grandpa and Grandma are happy as long as you are fine!"

Even though they were overwhelmed by their feelings at that moment, Grandpa Yang Tie still managed to say those words, as they were the truth.

Both he and his old wife Su Mei only had and cared about his life now. They would do whatever they could to help him out and give him whatever he wished.

To the two of them, it felt like their lives had meaning only because Yang Tian was still there, if he wasn't part of their lives anymore, most probably they would try to take down the culprit with them, before jumping into the Yellow River.

On the other hand, Yang Tian showed them a warm smile, before saying in a determined and confident voice,

"Don't worry Grandpa, Grandma, I will make sure to make you proud, and live a long and happy life!"

"Hmm~! Good, that's good!" x2

The old couple was still overwhelmed by their emotions at those moments, so they continued to accompany Yang Tian a little bit more before old Master Yang Tie left.

Once she was left with her grandson alone inside the room, Su Mei made sure to check that her old husband had left, before she went to pull on Yang Tian's ear and ask,

"You damn brat, when were you planning to tell me about your recovery!? You did that didn't you!?"

"Huh~! Arrghhh…, aarrgghh…, arrrgghh~! Grandma, you are pulling off my ear, mercy! Please forgive me!"

Even the famous God of Lust couldn't bear his grandmother's ear-pulling technique. Not that it pained him though, as with his current body and strength it was nothing more than a little pinch.

But he had to act for the situation and expectations of his Grandma. After all, whatever his grandparents did to him was new and nostalgic at the same time.

"Hmph~! You better spill everything out, otherwise, I will make sure to cut your ear off!"

"Yes, yes, I swear!"

Now wasn't the time to be stubborn as he immediately accepted the terms. It wasn't like he had any intention of hiding these things from her anyway.

Slowly he started telling her everything!

Well, almost everything as there were a few details that he had to take out while retelling her, like his little slip up when he arrived at the Yang family Mansion that night.

Or details of how he had dealt with that idiot Long Chen, and that cocky bi*tch Xia Fei. No matter what, a ra*pe story wasn't something to be proud of.

When he was over, he finally couldn't control his curiosity as he asked,

"By the way how did you find out Grandma!?"