Chapter 48: Checking the Targets

"Hmph~! Who do you think I am! One look and I can tell everything about you, and what you are thinking!"

Those words clearly startled Yang Tian, but that was only for a fleeting moment, as he soon knew she was just boasting in front of him.

After all, if she were truly able to know his thoughts and his ideas, then she would have already broken his legs and a few teeth for the slip-up of that night.

With that absurd idea out of the way, there were only a few possible and realistic reasons why she knew about that, and the proof appeared in front of him.

Yang Hong entered the room with her gaze on the ground, as if she had been caught doing something bad, and not daring to look him in the eye.

"So that is how it happened!"

His words were just like some kind of heavenly judgment for the young lady, that immediately rushed on his side, and started apologizing,

"I am sorry husband, I didn't want to, but I couldn't lie to Grandma! Don't get angry, please forgive me!"

"He dares!"

Seeing that her little game had been seen through so fast, Su Mei decided to use her biggest and sharpest weapon in her arsenal against Yang Tian.

'Her position as his elder, and his Grandma!'

That state of hers was even more fearsome than the Super Saiyan state of Goku in the anime, as she accepted no reasoning and no words back.

Yang Tian wasn't a fool to step on a landmine, furthermore, Yang Hong's attitude towards his Grandma made him extremely happy, as he said,

"Don't worry Hong'er I am not mad! Just try better next time, and make sure that it doesn't happen with anyone else besides Grandpa and Grandma!"

"Hmm~! I know, I swear hu-husband! I would rather die, than do something that might hurt you, Grandma, or Grandpa!"

"Silly lass, you don't have to die for that! This bratty grandson of mine will make sure that nothing will happen to you no matter what, otherwise he will have to face me!

Did you hear me brat!?"

"Yes, Ma'am~!"

"Hmph~! I don't know what you did to make this little lass fall for you like this, so soon. But you make sure to appreciate and love her for as long as you live, otherwise, I will deal with you.

Just to see her how happy she was when she knew you had recovered!"


The poor beauty couldn't bear the embarrassment of being revealed like that, as her face turned tomato red, and she snug on Yang Tian's side.

"I wonder if this is how it feels to lose a daughter or a granddaughter to the man she loves!?"

Hearing that, Yang Hong's crimson face just snug deeper on Yang Tian's side, but one look at her and one could tell she was extremely happy.

"Hahahahah~!" x2

Both Yang Tian, and Su Mei laughed out loud when they saw the cute reaction of the beauty, as the atmosphere had changed drastically in a few moments.

That didn't mean that Yang Tian had forgotten what had just happened though. He had just momentarily paused it, soon that fatty will understand what it meant to anger the Heaven.

Once night came again, Yang Tian's ladies appeared in his room once again. This time they were each wearing sexy lingerie with some thin nightgowns, looking like fairies of the night.

Since they had already fooled around and explored each other's bodies for a long time already, there was no shame or embarrassment in the beauties as they appeared in front of him.

Each of them was wearing a different color, Zhuo Ting was wearing white, Yang Hong was wearing pink, Lan Yunxi had a strong red, Hao Yu was wearing purple, and Zhang Xia was wearing green.

If someone were to make a painting of the view in front of Yang Tian, people would think that it was some sort of fantastic scene from a book, or from a movie, as something like this couldn't exist in reality.

Still, the person who got to enjoy this view knew that it was real, 100%, as he just looked at them with a smile and said,

"You are astonishing! Come here, I can't resist any longer!"

The beauties smiled in delight at his words and immediately threw their bodies at him, as Yang Tian started playing with them, without undressing them.

He felt that it would be a shame to get them out of their beautiful clothes that night, as the view just made him more and more excited.

In no time, deep heavy breathings turned into soul-stirring moans, and heartfelt grunts, as Tianlong Yun explored their secret caves one after the other.

Each of them was special in its own way, and each of their flavors was unique. Together they formed a great meal, that not even the best Immortal restaurants could serve.

Even though the five beauties were now much stronger and capable of resistance than when they started, they were still unable to resist for long in Yang Tian's arms.

It was a bit of a boring and saddening situation for Yang Tian to try and hold back all the time, as these beauties were unable to resist even 10% of his abilities for more than 2 seconds.

The best among them Lan Yunxi could resist him for longer, and that was only 1.7 seconds. Among all of them, she seemed to take cultivation more seriously.

Thinking about it, Yang Tian decided to talk to them more about cultivation, and teach them how important it was, as he had decided to give them the wings to follow him in the sky.

With the beauties taken care of, it was time for Yang Tian to continue with his arrangements. He had already received the affirmation from Yang Tie about his request earlier in the day.

So, first things first he was going to pay a visit to his three cousin beauties, and their new homes.

According to the information he received from Grandpa Yang Tie, he had arranged them each in a company that matched their skills and abilities, while giving them even good apartments close to the work.

To the three of them, that seemed to have been like a powerful blessing, as they had immediately accepted the offer, and started working that precise day.

Well, Hong Qin and Yang Fen had started immediately with their work, and they seemed to be extremely excited about the opportunity.

Hong Qin was sent to the Jade business of the Yang family, while Yang Fen was sent to take charge of the 5-star Yang Heaven Palace Hotel, which were important and profitable businesses to the Yang group.

On the other hand, the little devil Yang Yan was left in charge of a big ladies' fashion shop, called Yang Flowers shop, but she clearly didn't like the treatment.

Most probably Hong Qin and Yang Fen were thinking of setting roots in their respective positions and companies, in order to show their worth, and perhaps Yang Tie would give make them the inheritor.

Not only in their eyes, but in the whole world's eyes Yang Tian was already off the list as a possible inheritor, it looked like even Heaven wouldn't permit that.

Well, this didn't matter much to Yang Tian as it didn't change his plans though, as he immediately left the hospital with Zero in tow and went towards the first target.

The closest target to him was the little devil Yang Yan. She had just received the big luxurious apartment that day, but she had already organized a party.

There were all kinds of wealthy beauties in there from all walks of life, or to be more precise from all kinds of backgrounds and fathers.

There were also a lot of Young Masters who were drooling or planning behind the beauties back in order to find the perfect time to hunt them down.

Yang Yan was no different, Yang Tian only needed to take one look at the situation to understand that more than 3 Young Master were on her tail.

That clearly displeased him, as he considered Yang Yan as his own possession. While it sounded wrong to say it like that, he didn't really care.

An ant's opinion would never go beyond that for him, and that was Yang Yan's only escape from a much more terrible future.

One of those bastards even seemed to throw something in a drink and give it to her. This guy was truly gutsy!

Unfortunately, the moment that he was about to hand over the drink, someone bumped onto him and spilled the drink all over his clothes.

"Who the fu*ck are you bastard!? Are you tired of living?"

Since he didn't recognize the guy who spilled the drink over him, the Young Master immediately started screaming at him in a condescending voice.

After all, he was a Young Master of the Zhuo family, which while it couldn't compete with the Yang and Xia families, was only behind them in line of power.

It was precisely that background that actually gave him the courage to drug Yang Yan's drink tonight, only for his plan to be thrown away like this.

Too bad that the person in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of him, as he just looked at the guy with a pitiful look, as he said,

"A waste dares to raise his voice in front of this Young Master when it was clearly your fault!? Not even Zhuo Jin, your Eldest brother would act like that in front of me!"

The whole venue was startled and shocked, as they looked more carefully at the guy…