Chapter 49: A Disappointing ‘Solution’ & Weird Dreams

"Yo-You are that new businessman Xiao Di San aren't you!?"

As everyone was actually wondering about the name and identity of the person who was at the center of the whole scene, someone finally recognized him.

In the last month, there were a few businessmen and businesswomen that had become quite prominent, introducing new and attractive merchandise.

The profits from their businesses had increased exponentially, as they had become similar to celebrities.

But that wasn't all, their background was black, and the strength that they had shown towards all the plots falling on their heads had made the whole of Henan respect them.

Certainly, a powerful and influential family like the Zhuo's weren't necessarily afraid of them, but they still had to treat this guy respectfully since they were negotiating possible cooperation.

This cooperation would not only help them grow a lot, but also introduce their products to a wider world, as they would enter the whole Chinese market, and why not even worldwide.

In order to do that, they needed the signature of this Xiao Di San so they could use his patent legally. For that reason, the Zhuo family was treating him similar to someone of their own status.

The poor Zhuo family descendant certainly had no idea of this, as he was a wastrel Young Master who was only interested in women, parties, and pleasure.

A little bit due to his own sentiments and a little bit pushed from his older brothers, he had turned into the guy he was today.

The number of the beauties he had forced and drugged into sleeping with him wasn't small. But none of them dared to speak due to his background.

After all, if they did try to speak, forget about them, this guy would destroy their whole families. The Zhuo family had that much strength in Zhengzhou and Henan province.

This was the first time that he had actually chanced upon a dark horse, that seemed to be playing the pig in order to defeat the tiger.

Even though he was angry and enraged at this moment and wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of this Xiao Di San in front of him, he knew of his importance to the family.

Just the other day, his elder brother had warned him not to make trouble with this guy, and if possible to try and build up a relationship with him.

For that reason, he had no other choice, but to forceful step back, and say in a rather embarrassed tone,

"I am sorry about my attitude brother Xiao, it wasn't my intention to scream at you! It's just that I have been too agitated lately due to some personal issues, and unwillingly released my stress upon you!"

To have this little demon apologize to him, meant that this Xiao Di San was quite the capable man, as even Yang Yan seemed to look at him with more interest.

Truthfully Xiao Di San, or number three, was fed up with these little bastards popping all over the place and trying to push him back with their background.

If he were to say that the Yang family had his back, these guys would start pissing their pants, but unfortunately, his mission couldn't be revealed, and he could only bear some of this for now.

For that reason, he just looked at the guy with a solemn and displeased expression for a few moments, before actually sighing and saying,

"Sigh~! I am sorry too, it seems like I have overstressed myself with my business lately! Let me invite you for a drink so we can start on the right foot!"

Many people in the crowd seemed to be disappointed with the fact that there wasn't a fight, as that would surely liven up the atmosphere, but now there was nothing that they could do as the problem was solved.

"Hahahahah~! Sure brother Xiao, it's my honor!"

Even though the Zhuo family Young Master was surely faking it, and Xiao Di San could easily discern it, he didn't say anything as they went for a drink.

What made the situation even more bizarre was that the waste of Zhuo family even tried to drug number three, so that he could make a wrong move, but number three managed to dodge the bullet.

During the rest of the party, he could feel Yang Yan's gaze upon himself, which made him curse inside his heart.

'Little GrandAunt please don't make trouble for me, otherwise Master will kill me with his own hands!

His horrifying training is already enough for the poor me to never think of opposing him in this lifetime!'

Yang Tian witnessed all of this from a corner, without making his presence known. It was him who ordered number three to act, as he also ordered him to make sure that nothing happened to Yang Yan.

'She was his prey, it belonged to him, and not to some wastrel from the Zhuo Family!'

Since it was impossible to make a move on Yang Yan in the near future, he could only leave the place and return later, as he headed towards Hong Qin's place.

This beauty seemed to be quite different from Yang Yan, as instead of partying and celebrating her success she was drowned in documents, and projects.

It was clear that she was taking her new position extremely seriously, and that she was quite serious about wanting that inheritor status as well.

Seeing her like that, Yang Tian became even more assured of his planned future for her and quickly acted by actually lighting a candle behind her.

His action wasn't noticed by the overly occupied beauty, as the smell of the candle lit behind her not only made her extremely drowsy but at the same time extremely excited and wet.

Her love juices seemed to suddenly break through the dam holding them and race towards her thighs, as she was unable to understand how she fell asleep.

Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep, and once again lived through that weird dream that she had been going through lately.

In her dream, Yang Tian would come and play with her body, turn her extremely on and then play with her body naked, bring her to the limit, and then leave without 'entering' her.

Tonight was the second time that she actually asked him to not stop and go on with it, but he didn't seem to hear her request, as he left once again.

When she woke up she would always feel extremely frustrated and empty, not believing herself to have fallen for such a wastrel like her cousin Yang Tian.

Even though she had no idea about it, she wasn't the only one, as her other two cousins were going through the same thing.

The one to have it worst though was most probably Yang Yan as that little devil would always try to harm Yang Tian from the back.

In fact, different from the other two, her plan was to pretend that Yang Tian had raped her and gain the pity of Yang Tie and Su Mei.

Unfortunately, before she could proceed with her plan, Yang Tian had been fully crippled, and if that wasn't enough there was also that news of him marrying someone else.

All three beauties had been startled and shocked by the news. For that reason, Hong Qin and Yang Fen saw this situation as an opportunity to set roots and take something from this.

But while the two of them appreciated this opportunity, Yang Yan wasn't. In fact, she only saw this as an opportunity to make extra money and live her life as she wanted.

Similar to Hong Qin, even Yang Fen was taking great advantage of this opportunity. In fact, Yang Fen seemed to have taken one step ahead, as she was having dinner with her Deputy CEO.

This guy was the previous CEO of the company she had taken charge of and was clearly displeased with the demotion.

Yang Fen seemed to have invited him to dinner under the pretext of getting advice, but whoever saw their dinner date at Yang Fen's apartment they would see that she was trying to seduce him.

It seemed like both Yang Fen, and Yang Yan would need some extra lessons in order to understand the error in their thoughts, and actions.

Thinking like that, Yang Tian just made a sign to Zero, who immediately took action and used one of the numbers working in the Yang Group to call and pull him away.

The poor guy had to run off Yang Fen's apartment immediately as he got the call, as Yang Tian entered inside the apartment and did the same thing he did to Hong Qin.

The only difference was that Yang Fen's dream involved a bit of punishment due to her lover's displeasure so that she never tried something similar again.

Having dealt with Yang Fen as well, Yang Tian once again returned to Yang Yan's house, who was now sleeping on the couch of her living room.

Xiao Di San was with her at the time as well, as he was just seating on a couch away from her. While he seemed to be comfortable in there, he understood that he was nothing more than a guard.

The moment that Yang Tian and Zero appeared in front of him, he immediately kneeled on one knee, and said,

"Number Three greets Master!"

Yang Tian just took a look at him before saying in return,

"You did a good job, you can leave! Careful of the night, there is a stupid cat thinking of itself as a predator!"