Chapter 51: The Beautiful Reporters Fame and Great Idea

At the moment it didn't look like there was much history between him and Long Zhan in this life, but the truth was that there was a deep hatred inside Yang Tian, especially for that guy.

In his previous life when Young Bastard Long Chen and Young Sl*ut Xia Fei had actually decided to give him their last hit, they had actually told him that Long Zhan had tried to ra*pe his mother.

If it weren't for his father's presence, wits, and strength to save her from his claws, his mother would have suffered in that Bastard's hands.

But that wasn't all, that Bastard had something to do with his parents' deaths, even though he didn't know how exactly.

This time he would make sure to find the reason behind his parents' deaths, and also take revenge for them, even if it meant burning half of the World.

He didn't care in the least about the possible dangers or risks of the job, as his mind was already mature and trained enough by all the disasters he had been through his life.

He had seen many people, many families, many clans, many dynasties, many planets get destroyed just because they had dared to offend someone they shouldn't have.

While he hadn't really done such things himself, there were many lives, and many families, or clans that had fallen apart due to his actions.

So, even if the whole planet Earth went down in fire he wouldn't do more than batting one of his eyelids and continuing with his next goal.

Well, that was something for the future, right now he had a specific target in front of him with was the fat Deputy Director of Police.

After that occurrence, his mother had actually committed suicide while his sister was left behind and thrown into a mental hospital.

On the other hand, Fatty not only hadn't bothered much about that but he had even started to enjoy life, as he was married had quite some revenue and shops in different areas of Zhengzhou city but not only.

There were at least more than 3 different set-ups that fatty had made for himself in the city, without mentioning the many pleasure houses that he would visit almost every weekend.

From all the three different set-ups he had 5 children, with 3 of them being body and 2 girls. Yang Tian just threw a quick look at the boys, without caring much about them.

Since neither of them had a family, or some truly loved beauty, he had decided to just humiliate and destroy their lives.

As for the girls, the two of them were just average beauties trying to live an expensive life on the back of their father.

In order to gain and keep their current social status in the university, they would frequently organize parties and bootlick the Young Masters and Young Ladies on higher standing.

Their most favorite activity was certainly a shopping spree, buying all kinds of brand goods using their father's 'hard-earned' money.

Looking at their information Yang Tian could immediately organize his plans about them, as using money to entice them to do his bidding wouldn't be difficult.

Furthermore, with his status as the Young Master of the Yang family of Henan, those two girls would stick to him like glue without him needing to do anything.

This made him quite happier, but certainly, Yang Tian's target weren't only the two of them, but even the different set-ups that fatty had throughout the city.

He would make sure to fill them up to the brim, and then let fatty witness their beauty. It would be a revenge plan befitting for him as the God of Lust.

Only when he was fed up with fatty's anger, hopelessness, and torture would he finally give him the final blow and throw him on the slums to live his life as a damn cripple, with only his finger intact.

That would be a nice remembering memento for fatty to remember even to the last day of his life, the reason why he had ended up like that.

With his plans finally on track, Yang Tian entered inside his hospital room, to find his beauties waiting for him with happy smiles.

Since they had started cultivating already and were actually making great advances due to his help, their bodies had changed, and they didn't need much sleep anymore.

Yang Tian immediately got in the bed and started another round of dual-cultivating with them, until the sun finally started to show on the horizon and they had to leave.

Once again he was left alone inside the hospital room, thinking about what to do next to that Young Bastard Long Chen, and that Young Sl*ut Xia Fei.

They owed him too many debts that he planned to forcefully take from them with 10.000% interest and make them regret every owing to him.

As he was thinking like that, his daily surprise visitor appeared once again, as the beautiful reporter entered inside his room, with a clearly happy face.

"You seem happy today!"

"Well, of course, I managed to report that fatty's words and face directly the other day, and I have become a celebrity!"

"That sounds great but aren't you afraid that he might try to release his anger upon you, once he finds out that you are responsible for that?"

"He dares!?"

"Why not!? Do you think that he is the type of guy to hide in a corner and feel ashamed?"

Those words came like a bucket of ice-cold water upon the beautiful reporter's head, as her happy face seemed to slowly deform into an ugly and gloomy one.

"Yo-You are right! What should I do now?"

"Well, as long as you stay here in the hospital I don't think that he will dare to act against my Yang Family!"

"You are right! I will do as you say from now on! At least, until you take care of him!"

"Huh!? Why should I take care of him!? I am but a wasteful Young Master, what can I do against the Deputy Director of Police?"

"Well, he came here and even pointed his finger at your grandmother. I don't think that the Yang family will let this slide, this is a grave issue of face.

Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to see such a beautiful girl like me getting bullied by that bad fatty right? I even helped you the other day!

Even though you are just a waste Young Master as you say, I don't think that your grandfather will not listen to your request if you ask him!"

"I don't think it's that bad though, as long as he apologizes to Grandma we will reach an agreement, and we won't have to take things that far!

As for you doing a favor, didn't you do that because you wanted the fame and recognition coming with it?"

"I-I di-did but you aren't cleaned of it, you can't treat me like that!"

"Why not!? Do we have some kind of relationship together!? As long as I know you are just a reporter trying to catch me acting unbefitting of myself and get more famous reporting it.

Wouldn't this help me save myself from more infamy later!?"

The beautiful reporter couldn't deny or negate his words, it was just like Yang Tian said. Since she was a little girl she had dreamed of becoming a famous reporter.

She wanted to have many famous articles and become a celebrity through her work. She wanted to leave a deep sign in history and became recognized worldwide.

Unfortunately, it was only now that she had started to work that she had realized the dangers of her line of work and the many difficulties out there.

In order to land her current job she had to go through so many interviews and different difficulties, and even this time she felt like she was hired just because her chef actually liked her sexually.

Without a deep background, and without a backing, she was nothing more than a poor dry leaf flying with the wind, that could be crushed at any time.

As her thoughts arrived up to here, she suddenly looked at Yang Tian and seemed to have gained a realization and found a great idea.

Once that idea was born in her mind, she approached Yang Tian sensually, and then lowered her lips to his ear and said,

"Then what if this poor girl asked for Young Master Yang's favor!?"

Yang Tian couldn't believe that finally, this beauty seemed to have actually taken a hint, and even acted upon it herself.

Still, he couldn't show any great interest otherwise who knew what she might think and do, so he chuckled a bit, and said,

"Haahha~! Beauty did you forget that I just got married!?"

These words truly caught the beauty by surprise as she seemed to have forgotten that, but she quickly regained clarity and continued to whisper in his ear,

"I don't think that the infamous Young Master Yang would be sufficient with just her, right!? Don't tell me that you have never thought about me, and this body of mine!"

Even Yang Tian couldn't believe these words coming out of her mouth. It was a good thing that he had great control upon himself and his body, otherwise, he would have jumped and devoured her.

This beauty dared to actually offer herself to him, it had been quite some time since this happened, and he was indeed interested.

Still, he managed to control himself and act normally, as if he wasn't affected in the least, and asked,

"You do know that I have become a full cripple right now, don't you beauty? Don't tell me that you are trying to mock me by offering yourself!"