Chapter 52: Taking Off the Masks

It was only at this moment that the beautiful reporter seemed to have realized her big miss, as she couldn't help but freeze for a moment, before she continued,

"Why don't you allow this little sister to try it once Young Master Yang, perhaps I can make a miracle happen, just like those five did the previous night!"

Now it was Yang Tian's turn to freeze for a moment in surprise and startle, but then he showed a slight smile on his face as he then whispered back in her ear,

"Did you enjoy the show though!? I put extra effort to let you have the best view!"

"Yoouu… You knew!?"

"You think that you would get such a view if I didn't beauty? I even know that you were actually happily and sneakily touching yourself upon watching us!

Did you like it that much!?"


"Does it matter!? Don't tell me that you lost your courage now that you know this!"

"No! Of course not! It's just that I got a bit surprised by all this!"

"Then how about you continue with what you were about to do!? While I normally prefer to be the one in charge, I don't mind you doing it!

After all, you are the one in need of my support, aren't you!?"

If until now she had been able to keep her composure the beautiful reporter couldn't continue to do the same.

It was just too much now, the fact that he was already recovered and had such a prowess in bed could be considered as some kind of miracle.

Or just a great deed from the Yang family to cheat the whole city, the whole country, and even the whole public into thinking that Yang Tian had been crippled when it wasn't the truth.

But the current Yang Tian seemed much different from the normal him, not only the way he talked, but also the way he acted, his reasoning, his logic, and even the way he lead the whole conversation.

The original Young Master Yang should have been a wastrel and a good for nothing that only thought with his lower body, and more precisely with his lower head.

Yet the current him was nothing like the rumours said, he not only could use his head to think, but also clearly pinpoint her thoughts, and even place her on the spot for that.

Just how had this guy managed to hide himself for this long!?

Surely she knew about his secret 'recovery' but she was in a dire need of his help at the moment. To be more exact she was in need of the Yang surname on him.

Even though she acted all innocent, naïve, and gullible the beautiful reporter Wei MeiLi was nothing like that, otherwise she would have become a famous reporter for the truth.

That was just her act in order to approach Yang Tian quicker and easier. All this time she had understood the importance of backing and background, so she was trying to trap him.

Considering her body and her looks she thought that she was quite the catch, so she felt that it would be easy for her to use the honey trap on a lecherous little bastard.

At first she had thought that this was going to be difficult with him being a cripple, but at least her body and her purity would be safe.

The previous night though she had seen a show that she had never thought possible to see and couldn't help but feel the need to experience it herself.

This would make things much easier! It was only now that she understood that there was nothing simple about this situation and possibility and she had fallen into a trap.

Now, no matter how she tried to gloss it over, or to change the conversation it was impossible, as Yang Tian was aware of her needs, and thoughts.

Thinking like that, she could only proceed forward and hope that Yang Tian wouldn't refuse her request and would help her.

"Since you are aware of that, there is no need to keep acting anymore, is there Young Master Yang? I do need your support and backing!

At the same time though, I am sure that you also need my help. Otherwise you wouldn't have requested my presence here in this place, am I wrong?"

"No, you aren't wrong! I did so in order to bring you to my side! It's just that what I am thinking and what you are thinking are a bit different situations!"

"What do you mean Young Master Yang?"

At this moment the beautiful reporter had taken off all her masks and turned to look at Yang Tian looking completely serious, just like some kind of merchant.

"Well, actually my thoughts are pretty simple beautiful! I am an overly possessive and selfish man, and I would like my women to belong only to me, and act in my best interests, and obey me!"

"Like a slave!?"

"No! Not like a slave, like my woman! You will be above everyone else, and one step below me! As long as you are able to stay loyal, and abide to those simple rules, I will not spare no effort to help you in your path!

Even if a God or Buddha blocks your path, I will kill or destroy that God or Buddha!"

"Hahahahah~! Don't you think that you are a bit too arrogant Young Master Yang!? You act like the whole world will bow down to you!"

"Hahahah~! Don't you think that that is possible beauty!? After all, despite your great abilities and skills you have no idea of what kind of man I am, or what kind of secrets I hide!

Even the previous night, whatever you witnessed was my intention!"

Those made the smile on the beauty's face freeze completely and she started pondering his words for real.

Yang Tian's words were really heavy, even though he said that she would be no slave, the difference wasn't that much in the beauty's eyes.

Still, hearing that confident tone, and looking at that confident expression on his face, it made the beautiful reporter have a feeling that she was going to lose if she didn't agree to him.

In order to reach her current height, her instincts and senses had played a big role. So feeling something like that at the moment made her feel weird.

She couldn't help but try to take another look at Yang Tian who now looked like a complete mystery to her. She didn't know what to think of him anymore!

"Don't you think that you are being a bit excessive though? Especially considering the fact that I now know about your secret!"

"You don't seem to have heard me clearly beauty, you didn't learn about my secret, I allowed you too!

Do you think that you will be able to come out with that secret!? You already have a great enemy in the form of the fat Deputy Director do you want to add my Yang family, and me to that stake?

I don't think that you are stupid to think that Long Family will help and protect you, right? They most probably will use you against me, and my Yang family!"

The beautiful reporter was speechless, Yang Tian was right. The reason she was there at that moment, even trying to seduce him was to make him her backing and support.

If she not only wasn't able to reach that, but even turned the Yang family and this mysterious and unpredictable person to her enemy's list, she was truly better off shooting herself on the head.

Seeing that he had reached the wanted effect upon her Yang Tian continued,

"Just think about it! You aren't losing out in this beauty, not only are you going to reach your dreams by your side, but you will also be able to experience Heaven every day."


"Yes Heaven! What do you doubt me?"

"A little bit, yes!"

"Then why don't you allow me to show you my skills! If I am unable to make you subdue to me through my skills, then I will promise you the full support of the Yang family, no matter what!

What do you say!?"

"You seem extremely confident in your skills Young Master Yang! Are you sure!? I wouldn't want to take advantage of you!"

Hearing that Yang Tian couldn't help but chuckle, as his supposedly crippled hand creeped its way towards the beautiful reporters thigh and actually started to make its way up.

The touch was almost inexistent, but the feelings it conducted upon the beauty's body were clearly otherworldly as really quickly her breath started to shorten and become heavier.

It was just like she had suddenly run more than 100 kilometers in just the few seconds it took for Yang Tian's hand to reached the innermost parts of her thighs, border lining with her secret garden.


Just as she was thinking that she had been able to control herself, and that she might actually have a chance against him, something similar to an electric current pierced through her clothes and clashed on her skin.

The sensation was so wonderful that she was unable to actually control herself from releasing a soulful moan that embarrassed and ashamed her.

She couldn't believe herself and her reaction at that moment, but that was just the start for her and Yang Tian, who had no intention of letting her go.

He had planned and played the whole drama these days with the intention of getting her, and he wouldn't allow her to let go now that the trap was closing down…