Chapter 58: A Wild Little Kitten get’s Injured

"This friend! Why are you acting so viciously, why don't we just sit down and talk! How have I or Young Master Long offended you!?

If we have done so without our intention we are more than ready to give you an explanation about it!"

"Who said that you have offended me? I am just doing this because I am stronger than you, and I can do it!"

"This… Don't you think that you are being a bit too irrational!? I am sure that even if you are stronger than us, you wouldn't want to leave an enmity with our Four Headed Snake gang, or the Long family!"

"Hahahaha~! Are you sure they will even bore themselves to make a move?

After all, you and that Young Master Long just kidnapped the Yang family's young cub, and that Young Master Long of yours even beat him like a mental sicko!

Not to mention that you did all this in order to get the support of the Long family in order to take control of the Four Headed Snake gang.

Rather than going against me, I think that those powers and people you just mentioned would think of cleaning up their own house.

Don't you think?"

Yang Tian's words hit the nail right on the head, as Boss Lion's face turned pitch black. Yang Tian even thought that the guy's face went darker than the surroundings, and people would be able to notice him in that darkness as well.

At first, he had thought of only beating the shit out of these guys, but he had changed his plans after thinking a bit deeper.

Wouldn't be a waste of human resources if he just beat them up, and killed them the next time? Wouldn't it be better if he actually made use of them, and turned them into his minions?

Like that he would even be able to beat them up whenever he felt the need to and would even be able to play with their women whenever he was in the mood to.

Especially that bi*tch Xia Fei, she held a special position on his heart! A special type of hate! Something that she wouldn't be able to wash even if he ra*ped her every day for the rest of her life.

With those thoughts on his mind, after the critical injury he caused with those words, Yang Tian gave Boss Lion a life-saving vest.

"Well, it's not like we can't fix this by talking, but are you willing and capable of doing so? I have to say that I don't like talking to ants, and my requirements are pretty high!"

Hearing that Boss Lion got even angrier at the bastard, and since he saw that he wouldn't be able to fix this without a fight, he started unbuttoning his shirt while saying,

"Then I will have to be impolite towards this friend!"

"I have to say, man, do you always talk so much during a fight? You weren't a woman in your past life, right?

For fu*ck's sake just come here and fight, if you want to fight!"

Yang Tian's words seemed to have completely destroyed whatever drop of calmness that could have been left on Boss Lion's head, as the guy jumped in attack while screaming,

"Aagghh~! You forced me to do this!"

As the Boss of the biggest underworld gang in Zhengzhou City, Boss Lion truly had some strength and qualifications.

Apparently, he was a 6th level Foundation Establishment Realm expert, surprising even Yang Tian a bit. Since when had gangsters become so strong?

Well, considering the fact that this guy was responsible for the whole of Zhengzhou City it did make some sense, so he didn't bother much with that fact.

He just stopped whipping Young Master Long with the wet towel, as he had kept doing it even after the poor guy fell unconscious, and the moment that Boss Lion's fist reached him, he used a palm to block the shot.

It was a bit taxing on his body, as it even turned the smirking expression on his face turn a bit more serious, but that was all it managed to do.

Without even taking an attacking position, or pulling his hand to attack, he just approached his other hand towards the guy's face and gave him a nice and tight slap.

'Slaaaapppppppp~! Swisshhhhhhh~! Baaaaaannnnngggggggggg~!'

That inconspicuous-looking slap of his managed to not only produce quite a loud and powerful sound, but it even sent Boss Lion flying towards the farthest wall, and even force him to crash upon the wall.

Seeing this situation even Yang Tian was a bit surprised by what happened. After all, he hadn't expected to be this strong himself.

In his previous life, when he was in this stage, he had been far from being this strong, but even the geniuses that he had met through his whole life hadn't been this strong at this stage.

It truly scared him a bit! Who would have thought that tempering his body, cultivation, and soul during one stage would increase their strength by this much?

It truly felt like an overkill, and he didn't know what to think about himself now. For sure, if he continued like this, even those damn OverGods wouldn't be able to hold a candle against him.

This made him even more confident of his revenge, and he couldn't help but start laughing out loud!


"You bastard! Don't think that just because you caught me off guard you will be able to take me down that easily! I will destroy you!"

Yang Tian's happy laugh had been taken as a taunt from Boss Lion who had just ashamed himself by being thrown away like a ball, upon receiving only one slap from Yang Tian.

What made the situation even weirder and unacceptable for him was that Yang Tian's Qi seemed to be lower in the quantity than his, even though its density and quality were way above his.

That didn't matter at that moment though, as he felt the need to actually regain his honor by beating Yang Tian to death.

With those big thoughts on his mind, he immediately jumped in attack once again, this time launching a tail sweeping kick, which was his only martial technique.

This technique was the strongest in his arsenal and it helped him produce strength above his level. This technique was also his belief towards beating the other heads of the Four Headed Snake gang.

"Hmm~! This one is better, you are showing a bit of promise!"

While Boss Lion was making sure to bring the strongest move he had in order to beat Yang Tian to a pulp, Yang Tian had the audacity and time to actually check upon his move and comment on it.

Despite his words, though there was no change in his expression this time, as he just raised one of his legs up, just like a taut bow, and then waited for the kick to land.

"Baaannnngggggggggggg…, Cracccckkkkkkkkk~!'

"Hahahahahah~! You underestimated me, bastard, now suffer for your insolence!"

"Are you sure you need to be laughing poor thing? I think you should immediately go to a hospital to check upon that leg of yours otherwise, you might even end up crippling it!"

"What!? My leg!?"

Boss Lion was clearly startled and stupefied by what he heard, and it was due to curiosity alone that he lowered his head to take a look upon his leg, only to see it in a weird shape.

His leg had been truly broken, and in many pieces at that, as despite being swollen there was no trace of any bones outside.



"Sigh~! Come on don't be like that man, you just helped me realize how strong I am! Despite you being nothing more than an ant I am willing to give you a chance!"

Seeing what was going on in front of him, Yang Tian approached Boss Lion slowly, and then using two fingers he poked him in a few different spots, sealing the pain and blood of the broken leg, as he sighed and said that.

It was clear that he didn't think highly of this Boss Lion, who at the moment looked nothing more than a gravely injured little kitten.

Boss Lion felt the urge to vomit blood hearing the words of Yang Tian, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to, as he was just too shocked from the pain leaving his body.

In his eyes, Yang Tian was nothing short of a great expert, that had come to mock him and play with him. What other kind of explanation could there be?

"Who sent you here!? I am willing to pay you! I will give you 500.000 dollars, no I will give 1, no 2, 2 million dollars to let me go!"

"Huh!? Do you think that I am that easily bought little kitten!? Furthermore, my own arrogance wouldn't allow me to work for someone else!

I am here on my account! Let me give you some good news, I am willing to take you under my wing and help you become what you have always dreamed to be, the only Head of the Four Headed Snake gang.

I only need you to work for me, and only me! Think about it you will be above many but under only one!"

Boss Lion couldn't believe his ears, if Yang Tian had said something like this earlier he would have laughed him off, and even threatened him with his life.

But after experiencing Yang Tian's prowess first hand, all those thoughts and options disappeared from his mind, as he could only agree.

"Yes, I accept! But why didn't you ask this before this happened?"