Chapter 59: A Stupid and Scared Little Kitten

In fact, what he wanted to ask at that moment was why Yang Tian didn't ask something like this before he beat the shit out of him, but he couldn't bring himself to say that.

Yang Tian understood the guy's disposition as he immediately answered with a calm and cool tone,

"Well, if I hadn't done this you would respond me with the disposition of the renowned Boss Lion, the head of the Four Headed Snake's Zhengzhou City gang.

That would be quite unsettling and a waste of time, while now you have no other option but to accept what I said, as you have fully understood you are nothing more than a will little kitten!"


Boss Lion couldn't really deny this fact, but at the same time, he didn't like the fact that he had been treated like this.

If he could turn back the time he would surely warn himself not to act like this and immediately lower his head in front of Yang Tian, or to be more specific the expert in the dark.

Even now he had no idea of Yang Tian's identity, as in his mind Yang Tian was still inside the bag suffering from the pain and blood loss.

Yang Tian had no intention of revealing his identity either. If he did something like that, he would attract people's attention even before it was necessary which would make the situation complicated.

He didn't want to turn into everyone's target and suffer the childish plays of all these old fogies hiding behind their families and clans' shadows, trying to kill him and remove the roots before it turned into grass.

It was much better if he just allowed them to continue playing games with one another while he appeared from beside, or behind them to actually benefit from all the muddled waters.

In fact, if it weren't for that matter he would have already killed or handled Young Master Long already. Making it so he never even breathed without suffering the consequences of his wrath.

But if he did something like that, then people might start giving more importance to the guy's thoughts and words and keep a tighter look on him.

That would clearly be a pain in the ass, even though he had the perfect solution for that as well. He only had to act as his best previous self, a waste, degenerate, and depraved Young Master Yang.

Well, that was clearly an option for the future, as right now he had to deal with someone like Boss Lion, so he quickly recollected his thoughts and then said,

"Keep things going as usual and try to build some relationship with the Long and Xia families! Just make sure that you don't offend the Yang family too much.

A smart kitten has many burrows to hide itself, and it can never trust fully one of them! You understand what I mean, right!?"

Boss Lion obviously understood Yang Tian's words, and if he wasn't mistaken there was even some sort of warning in them.

Yang Tian was clearly telling him to not underestimate the Yang family, as it wouldn't end up well for him.

He didn't know what the Yang Family had to make even someone like this Master feel wary of them, but precisely because they had this ability he had to make sure that he was much more careful around them.

"What about this guy Esteemed Master!?"

After feeling Yang Tian's prowess and ruthlessness Boss Lion changed his attitude completely, as he started behaving much more politely towards him, even calling him Esteemed Master.

On the other hand, Yang Tian seemed satisfied with the change of heart that Boss Lion was showing, despite the fact that he didn't buy the act in the least, as he said,

"Send this wastrel back, and make sure that it doesn't get out it was your work! It's still too soon to cause ripples in this Zhengzhou City.

That fogie Yang Tie still has a tight grasp on this place, and something like this it will only harm us, and not help!"

"Yes Esteemed Master, I will do as you say! But what about that Young Master Long!?"

"Come on kitty, should I teach you how to handle everything? Then why would I even need to keep you? I can just control and lead this little gang by myself!"


Boss Lion wasn't pleased with what he heard, but at the same time, he didn't dare to oppose those words. He didn't have the balls to talk back to his new Esteemed Master.

"Sigh~! Well, let me give you a slight help in this case as well!

Tell that little shit over there, that the guy who just beat him up claimed to be a Master of the Yang family, but that you managed to catch a slight image of his face, and that you have seen him among the Xia family Masters!"

"… Esteemed Master, isn't this a bit far-fetched? After all, the Long and Xia families have clearly reached an agreement and formed an alliance!

I don't think that this guy will ever believe that!"

"You are truly disappointing me, little kitten! You truly don't seem to have a clear image of whatever is going on with the two families!"

"… Please enlighten me, Esteemed Master!"

Boss Lion didn't like the way he was being treated in the least, but he still managed to control himself and his emotions and ask for enlightenment.

He surely wanted to know what Yang Tian wanted to say about all this, that he didn't seem to realize!

"Perhaps before this little shit's matter happened they truly had a strong agreement and alliance to each other, being real partners.

But after that, things have already cracked among them. The fight that was supposed to happen after they took down the Yang family started before it was planned.

They have never trusted or believed in each other from the start! If you ever think they have, then you surely don't understand the big families.

There are no eternal friendships among them, just eternal benefits!

Right now both families are keeping a tight watch on each other, trying their best to protect their selves from any possible backstabbing.

Especially the Long family against the Xia family, as they have already suffered once, and another little defeat would certainly place them at a great disadvantage!

While those words you are going to say might seem meaningless at the moment, they will be just like a rock falling on a small pound, creating more and more waves that will break the alliance down!"

"Esteemed Master could it be that you are going to bet on the Yang family!?"

"Huh!? When did I ever say that!?"


"Are you stupid little kitten? If the Long and Xia families have too much of an advantage then wouldn't they easily take care of the Yang family?

Would you like to fight against a powerful alliance of those two?"

"No, of course not!"

"That's why we are going to help the Yang family a bit by harming them and turning the battle into a more equal and fair one!

Like this, the three of them will slowly eat and destroy each other while we reap the benefits from behind!

When the situation finally seems to have saturated and concluded we will appear and take them all down! I don't want to be just a little gangster of Henan province, I want to be the de-facto ruler of it."

Yang Tian's words were said full of self-confidence and belief, as he managed not only to convince Boss Lion but even seem like it had inspired him.

To be more exact, it looked like Boss Lion's greed and ambition had received a little boost, and widening experience, as many new thoughts and ideas started taking shape in his mind.

While Yang Tian's words might seem a little wrong directed as it seemed like he was going to act even against his own Yang family, the truth was that they couldn't be any more real.

He was truly going to act even against his own Yang family! After all, he needed a good way to get rid of all the bad grass rooted in his own family, without suffering the negative aftermath of the cleaning.

This little gang, and the two Long and Xia families would be perfect scapegoats for him to do so.

With those thoughts in his mind and the great benefits he had reaped in this short ride, he decided that it was time to go, as he said,

"Make sure you don't take a wrong step with that broken leg of yours little Kitty otherwise Master will be forced to neuter or kill you!"

As he said those words, Yang Tian intentionally released even a bit of his killing intent, which made the poor little kitten tremble in fright.

That amount of killing intent, that density, surely didn't belong to a human being. At that moment, the little kitten could only think that Yang Tian was a monster in human skin.

Even though his leg was broken, he could still feel shivers passing through it, as Yang Tian's presence dispersed in nothingness.

The moment that Yang Tian disappeared the poor little kitten immediately fell on his butt, as he said in a whisper to himself,

"He is a monster! I can't disobey or anger him otherwise, I am finished!"

Yang Tian found these words and this disposition quite cute from the little kitten, as it showed that at least he understood his place.

Still, this didn't mean that he trusted the guy…