Chapter 60: Confusion

It took a while for Boss Lion to finally regain a bit of his clarity and sense. Or it would be better to say that he did so, only when the door to the private box was brought down, and his minions entered inside,


"Boss what happened to you!?"

"Boss what happened here!?"

"Are you okay Boss!? You need to go to the hospital!"

It was only at that moment that Boss Lion was reminded of the terrible condition his leg was, and immediately turned to scream at these bastards angrily,

"You worthless and useless bastards! Where were you!? Someone came here smashed the whole place, beat Young Master Long, and even broke my fu*cking leg and you are nowhere to be seen!

Why do I even feed and pay you when you are so useless and worthless!?"

"Boss it's not our fault, someone came to our place beating all our brothers downstairs without any warning or reason.

He only left the place a few minutes ago saying that he was sent here by the Yang family, but one of our brothers followed him and managed to hear him say, 'yes, Master Xia!'.

"Are you fu*cking kidding me!?"

"No Boss, I swear on my mother's life! This truly happened!"

Well, the truth was that Boss Lion wasn't shocked by the story that the minion told him, but by how convenient this would be to him.

It seemed like that Master that appeared at his place all of a sudden wasn't alone. That guy by himself was a power he didn't dare to cross, and now he learned that he wasn't alone.

While his minions weren't that strong, their number was quite high, and they were able to deal with many strong fighters from the other gangs, yet they were treated like toddlers from that guy.

This clearly showed that he was no simple figure as well. Making Boss Lions fear and reverence towards the Master that had disappeared reach a whole new level.

It seemed like he had no chance against that guy and could only obey him. No matter how much he didn't like this he seemed to have no other choice.

As he was lost in his thoughts like that, one of his minions asked him once again,

"Boss just what happened here!? It looks like some sort of storm, or typhoon has passed through the place!"

"You damn bastards still dare to ask, bring us to the hospital first, and return that cripple to his place! Stop wasting my time with your meaningless questions!"

"Ye-Yes Boss!"

With that said, the minions immediately started to pick up all the injured bodies and place them into the cars outside, before driving to the hospital.

'Yang Tian's' body was still supposed to be on the sack and was carried by one of the new guys of the gang. Even though none of them had seen him before, he didn't stand out among them.

By 3 o'clock in the morning, 'Yang Tian's' body was returned to his rightful place, which was his hospital room, and left in there.

In order to make sure that nothing bad happened to him, the guy to have brought him there even pressed the doctor call button beside him, bringing Doctor Zhao immediately there.

According to Doctor Zhao's statement something incomprehensive had happened to Young Master Yang, as there were fractures, bleeding, and injuries all over his body.

The news clearly alarmed the old fogie Yang Tie who issued a clear order to all the Yang family forces to investigate the matter, as he would personally seek an explanation for his Grandson.

That would clearly throw the whole of Zhengzhou City and even the whole of Henan Province into a chaotic uproar on the next few days.

While all this was going to happen in the short-term future, at the moment the person who was supposed to have suffered the incomprehensible fate, was actually drinking fresh juice in front of his circle.

In front of him, there was Doctor Zhao, Zero, and his 6 beauties looking at him with different and complicated expressions after he explained everything that happened and would happen from now on.

They didn't know what to say, Yang Tian seemed just like some sort of fortune teller whose observations never went wrong. At least until now, it hadn't happened.

The biggest irony was that the minions of Boss Lion seemed to have brought the guy and all the injured people of the party into Yang Tian's hospital.

Of course, the lineup included even Young Master Long Chen who was actually given a personal room below the one belonging to Yang Tian.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that? The ladies are still ok, but Zero, Zhao please refrain from that. I don't play that way!"

"Sorry Master!" "Sorry Young Master!"

Even though the two of them felt that Yang Tian's words were inappropriate as they were just shocked by his abilities and revered him, they still knew their places.

It was at this moment, that Yang Tie and Su Mei arrived at the hospital with the Long family following behind him, as Yang Tie almost jumped on Long Zhan,

"What is the meaning of this Long Family? Are you determined to make an enemy of my Yang family?

Wasn't enough that my poor grandson was crippled, but now you even try to frame him, and even send someone to do something like this?

Do you think my Yang family is vegetarian just because it hasn't shown its teeth yet?"

Long Zhan was certainly caught by surprise from the sudden explosion of the old man, as all he knew was that someone had viciously beat his own son.

Hearing some bull crap like this that didn't make sense surely threw him off, as he looked at Yang Tie with a confused and dark expression as he asked,

"What do you mean old Master Yang? What did we ever do to your grandson?"

"Hmph~! You dare pretend in front of this Old Master despite sending that fatty to frame him the other day, and now someone to beat him in his bed?

Do you think these old bones of mine have gone rusty and won't move if you push me too far!?"


The poor Long Zhan was clearly shocked by the news, as he had no idea of something like this happening. Well, fatty's 'good job' aside, he had no idea of Yang Tian suffering a beating.

It was at this time that one of his guards came and whispered something in his ear, that completely changed his expression for a fleeting instant.

Of course as the current Master of his Long family, and someone who had managed to grab and keep his position his acting skills, and facial expressions were a given.

Once he was in the know of the whole situation, he looked at old Master Yang Tie and said in a serious and solemn tone,

"Old Master Yang my Long family has no idea of what is going on, or who is trying to frame us! I only know that my own son has been beaten today as well!

Rest assured that we will do our best to investigate both situations and come to ask for our due returns! Now if you don't mind, I would like to go and have a look at my son!"

It was clear that Long Zhan was trying to subtly threaten old man Yang Tie, as he seemed to be doubting the Yang family as well.

If this was the Yang's family doing, he would make sure to deal with them properly, this was the meaning behind his words.

"Hmph~! Make sure that these Old bones doesn't find evidence of your crimes otherwise, the Long Family won't be able to face the consequences!"

Master Long Zhan didn't say anything more, as it would only serve to worsen the already terrible situation, as he just walked ahead to go and visit his own son.

Old Master Yang Tie seemed to be fuming the whole time, he was just like some sort of volcano on the verge of eruption.

It was only when he reached on the floor that Yang Tian had actually reserved for himself and his people, that his fuming face suddenly turned into a complicated expression, as he asked his old Lady,

"Old Lady, just what kind of change did this brat go through, and what kind of mess is he trying to make!?"

"I don't know Old Man I just know that my Grandson is going to reach beyond our expectations of him! He is truly extraordinary!"

"Hmph~! An extraordinary trouble maker you mean! I don't even know how he managed something like this, after that stupid message.

What the hell are we supposed to do when he sends something like, 'I am going for a kidnap ride, don't worry everything is under control'!?

Just who would be calm and not worried after that!? If I don't teach him a lesson he will never learn!"

"Old thing you dare to touch my grandson and I will make sure that you eat burned food for a year!"

"You… Aren't you being too vicious!? Weren't you fuming on the way as well!?"

"Surely that was your imagination! How can I be like that towards my amazing grandson who just gave a beating to that little bastard!

For sure that damn fatty will follow behind!"


It was only at that moment that Yang Tie was finally reminded of what he just learned. After all, even he only had knowledge of Yang Tian's 'suffering'.

He had no idea of the fact that he had beaten up Young Master Long Chen of the Long family.

Even though he didn't know why his grandson was so obsessed to ruin the little shit's life, it was still a refreshing feeling to know that he had done it.

For long he had wanted to make the Long family suffer for trying to enter his turf and had been unable to. Now his grandson had actually done it for him…