Chapter 61: Senseless Idiot & Medical Miracle

Of course Old man Yang Tie wouldn't say or show this to his grandson as he feared that he would become too lawless or might even think too highly of himself.

It was his duty as a grandparent to raise and teach him about morals and life. Even though he would spoil him most of the time, he still had to show some limits.

Yang Tian didn't really need his Grandpa to voice those thoughts, as he could clearly read them on his face, so even when Yang Tie came and started to reproach him he just smiled warmly.

That reaction threw the old man off, but he didn't dare to actually cross the limits in handling his grandson, as the Lioness was right beside him.

He might not fear even if he became the enemy of half of the planet, but he surely feared his old ladies temper and anger.

When he finally was told of Yang Tian's plan he couldn't help but think it was a genial stroke, and that it would surely bring the Long and Xia families to their knees.

While he felt a bit sorry for the Yang family people that would be lost in the meantime, he quickly went over it, knowing that they were mostly traitors and double crossers.

In the meantime, Long Zhan arrived at his son's room as well. He found him lying on the bed crying in pain and humiliated, as he seemed even unable to lie down properly.

In order to relief himself as much as possible from the pain, he was actually lying on his back with his legs open just like a woman giving birth, while keeping his butt afloat.

"Chen'er what happened!? Who did this to you!?"

"Dad you should avenge me, you should kill that bastard Yang Tian! It was all his fault dad, please avenge me!"

"What!? What do you mean, what happened?"

In a short amount of time, Young Master Long started telling his father his 'version' of the story, about how Yang Tian wasn't a real cripple, and had gone to beat up him and Boss Lion.

Not only that, but he had also threatened him that he would never let him go, and that he was going to burn the Long family to cinders.

If Yang Tian was present in this room, he would have been shocked at how sometimes stupidity is the most realistic truth.

This guy was clearly bullshitting, but that was the real truth!

Master Long Zhan heard his son's story telling until the end, before he finally couldn't control himself anymore and exploded,

"You damn little bastard, you still haven't got your brain back! Do you think I am so stupid as to believe that?

Do you think that I wouldn't ask others before coming here? You not only disobeyed my words by actually kidnapping and beating him, but you even dare to make up such a story!

Do you even know where the fu*ck you are!? You are in the Yang's family hospital, if I didn't take care of blocking the cameras what would you do if they heard this conversation?

You damned bastard! Your mother should have swallowed you! You disgrace!"

Without caring about his son's wounds, pain, and injuries Master Long Zhan continued insulting and cursing him for more than a few minutes.

It was only when he finally released the most of his anger that he finally regained his senses and himself a bit, as he finally said in a solemn and heavy tone,

"Tomorrow you are returning back to Beijing! I don't want you around here spoiling my plans anymore, the Xia family are already a bother as they are!"

"Father you have to believe me, it was truly Yang Tian! He is responsible for all this! Please father believe me!"

"Shut the hell up idiot! Do you have a death wish!? Shut up!"

With those words, and massive anger Master Long Zhan came out of his son's room, as a terrible headache started coursing through his whole brain.

Why did this bastard son of his had to be such a stupid and insensible one? Right when his Long family was about to take the position and strength they had always dreamed and deserved.

No, he couldn't allow this little bastard to destroy his family's plans. No matter how sorry and pain he felt for him, he had to harden his heart and continue with this.

In the next few days there was quite a commotion about Yang Tian's mysterious beating and injuries, and Young Master Long Chen's mysterious hospital visit.

Still, the only thing that seemed to have been kept constant was that Yang Tian was still a cripple who was unable to get up from his bed.

It was only today earlier in the day, that Doctor Zhao actually announced a medicine miracle happening in the hospital.

After the beating and the difficult injuries, Young Master Yang Tian's body had surprisingly reacted in a weird way and had started to slowly repair and regenerate itself.

If things kept going like this, he might be able to recover in about 2 to 3 months. Which meant that the beating he received that night was actually a blessing in disguise.

Yang Tian could only imagine the anger and rage of Young Master Long Chen who couldn't believe that instead of making him suffer, had helped him get better and recover.

Of course, many doctors didn't believe this news, as they all announced to arrive and personally reveal the lie behind this advertisement.

They only saw this as a cheap advertisement of the Yang family for their newest property. After all, something like that was medically impossible.

Yang Tian didn't really care about these doctors, or their arrival, as there was no better doctor than him on this little planet Earth.

He had received knowledge directly from a few core disciples of God's Mercy in the Origin World, who was home to the God of Medicine.

In fact, if it weren't for his untimely death, even the Medicine God's daughter would have fallen for his charms. Still, that was enough to call him a medical genius doctor even in Origin World.

For that reason, he was extremely confident in himself and his abilities to show only what he wanted to show to those doctors. Enough to lay down the foundation for his recovery in the future.

But knowing that the next days would be extremely difficult as he would be under surveillance, then he had to go on and finish all his important work of the week tonight.

With those thoughts in his mind, after having his fun with the beauties in his hospital room, he quickly left the place and went for Hong Qin's apartment.

This beauty would always be buried on files and work, as she was also the most successful of the three. The company she was leading had a positive increase of revenue by 7%.

With the current market that was supposed to be saturated, and with the insurgence of some new and competitive companies, she had done a great job.

Every night that Yang Tian entered her apartment she would be sleeping on the table, over her files, probably forgetting to even have eaten dinner.

That made Yang Tian truly value her as a woman, and as a helper. Contrary to what many people might think he didn't hate her.

She had no fault for being born as who she was born, and that she was forced to come here with her impure intentions.

In fact, Yang Tian even felt a bit of appreciation for her, as she was trying to reach her goal through a more decent and honorable method.

All the fault lied on her father and those other greedy bastards fault, and mistakes that they would start paying soon.

This beauty could even be considered as a victim of the situation, but even then Yang Tian didn't plan on letting her off.

With those thoughts in mind, he approached her sleeping body on the couch, looking at her with the gaze of a hungry wolf.

Even though this wasn't the first time he was looking at her body, covered in so few pieces of cloths, with her forms waving under them, he still had to admit that she turned him on all the same.

She was a true beauty with a temperament, that was clearly inexistent during her sleep. In fact, right at that moment she looked like a beautiful angel sleeping and dreaming peacefully.

Admiring her beauty and face for a few more minutes, Yang Tian finally managed to come out of his trance, and immediately got to work by approaching her.

His right hand's forex finger started travelling over her clothes from her lower lips, slowly reaching her upper lips.

When it finally reached destination, it retreated and was immediately replaced by Yang Tian's lips. Today also she had the sweet taste of strawberries coming from her lips, as Yang Tian sucked upon them.
