Chapter 71: Everyone has a Price, the only change is Currency!

No one would give that much money and that reputation and standing without asking for something in return. Yang Tian was no different.

The beauties had never thought that something like this would actually happen and that they would receive such an offer, so this came as a sudden surprise for both of them.

Not to mention that until now they had always given small benefits to the Young Masters that had helped them, but never gone too far.

As a matter of fact, their purities were still with them, and they had no intention of giving that for this cheap.

"Young Master Yang Tian, this, this is a bit sudden! We didn't come prepared for that at all! Not to mention that we are dirty from the road!"

With those thoughts in their minds, the older of the two actually started to speak for both of them and try to dodge this situation.

"Come on, what are you beauties afraid of!? I am a cripple, a full cripple! I just want to try whether your sexy bodies can help me recover my pride!

I don't think that's too much to ask, right? As for your bodies being dirty, I don't mind it! But if you do, there is a large bath in this room! So what do you say!?"

Hearing Yang Tian's words, the two beauties seemed to have finally reached some kind of realization, as they both intentionally or unintentionally took a careful look over his body.

Yang Tian wasn't lying, just the other day the media was churning with the news of Young Master Yang Tian's possible recovery, but even that it would take a few months.

This way, they didn't see any problem anymore. Their chastity wouldn't be endangered, and they could even ask for some more stuff.

Once they managed to go through these thoughts, the youngest of the two immediately caught the opportunity as she said,

"Of course, darling, we will do as you say! It's just that after washing it would be a shame to wear these dirty clothes once again don't you think?"

"But, of course, I can't treat my mistresses shabbily, can I?"

With that said, Yang Tian made a sign toward Zero, and he immediately pulled a few big bags from the side of the bed.

There were all kinds of designer clothes in there, whose price was at least a few times pricier than the limit of those golden credit cards.

The two beauties couldn't help but get startled and stunned upon seeing the bags in front of them, as without losing time their pupils turned into heart shapes and they walked toward the bath.

Zero could only watch at the scene in front of him with disgust and a little bit of anger, as Yang Tian smiled at him and said in a light tone,

"You aren't pleased with this?"

"Don't get me, wrong Master, it's just that I can't help but despise those two slu*ts!"

"Hahahahah~! This is life Zero, not only here in this country, or only here on Earth, but everywhere one can go and see, they will witness the same scene.

There is a world-shaking truth that everyone takes lightly. Everything has a price and it's only the currency that changes!"

"Master, that can't be true right? Not everything and everyone has a price! I would nev…"

Before Zero could state his loyalty, Yang Tian raised his left hand to stop him, as he continued,

"You better not swear uselessly Zero! You have a price as well, for example, your family, including my grandparents!

If you had to choose between them and me, who would you choose? Just think about it for a moment, and only after give me a straight answer!"

Zero couldn't help but stop and truly think deeply about what he was going to do in that case, and his certainty of standing on Yang Tian's side dwindled greatly.

Immediately his face turned a bit ugly and dark, as he heard Yang Tian's voice a moment later,

"You don't have to feel guilty about it, every human being is like that! There will always be a price that we cannot pay and can only sell ourselves.

In this case, these two beauties' price was just a few thousand dollars, and their currency was money, in your case, or in my case, the currency will be something different, and the price will be much different.

This is life!

As Yang Tian was conversing with Zero, he could finally feel that the two beauties were ready, so he said,

"Leave for now Zero, I will call you later!"

In no time, the two sisters came out of the bathroom wearing some revealing brand clothes, that made them look like they were some fashion stars or models.

The good thing about these two sisters was that since they dreamed of the high society, they had gone to great lengths to fully study them, their conduct, and their fashion.

So, right now they looked perfectly dressed, bringing outside the full effect of the short skirt, the opened t-shirt, and the net stockings they were wearing.

They had intentionally pulled the dresses a bit higher, in order to reveal the forms under the outfit for Yang Tian, while not wearing any underwear.

It seemed like they had gone with a theme of showing and hiding the important places at the same time, making them look extremely hot, mysterious, and provoking all at the same time.

For a moment, Yang Tian wanted to jump out of his bed and right on top of them, but unfortunately, he couldn't do something like that.

That would be the same as showing the whole world that he was perfectly ok, and recovered, which was clearly not in his plans at the moment.

In fact, he was thinking of using these beauties, and even a few more to pretend that he was slowly recovering due to their effect.

It was quite the crazy plan, but with his depraved reputation, and infamy the world would have no other choice but to believe it.

'Ne-Next Outfit!"

Of course, upon seeing that he had to act like his throat was parched a little bit, and ask for more, as the two beauties immediately obeyed.

After 5 more outfits, the older one seemed to have had enough and wanting to put an end to today said,

"Young Master Yang Tian…"

"You should call my lover or darling! After all, you are my mistresses from today beauties!"

Even though he felt cringe as fu*ck upon saying that Yang Tian had to keep the act and his reputation. Furthermore, he couldn't allow these beauties to think that it would be simple.

Since they had accepted to being his mistresses then they had to act the part as well as they could otherwise he could just break the deal and confiscate all his presents in one go.

"Yes, darling I am sorry! Darling, the thing is that we need to go, as we didn't notify home for our tarriness, and we don't want our father to come here with his police caravan."

"Sigh~! Even though that would be great, as I would be able to see that bastard's face when it happens, I guess we have to take things slowly!

Well, then how about you give me a kiss each and then leave?"

The two beauties didn't feel like there was much to think about it, as they immediately did as they were told, kissing Yang Tian on the lips one after the other.

"Hmm~! You have both extremely tasty lips, how about we go for another kiss, but this time with both of you!

I am sure that you won't refuse my request, after all, this is all we can do for now!"

The beauties felt that this was going a bit out of hand, but it was like he said, he couldn't do anything else at the moment, so they decided to comply with his wish.

They both lowered their heads to give Yang Tian a joint kiss…