Chapter 72: Double-Recovery Affair

The moment that the three of them joined for a three-way juicy French kiss, a camera appeared at the slightly sliding door and took a photo of the scene.

Unfortunately Fatty couldn't be there to witness the scene with his own eyes, but in this time and age, there were many ways to preserve and spread this moment.

Of course, Yang Tian's stance would be that he had no idea how the picture was taken as this was supposed to be a private meeting furthermore, Wei MeiLi was supposed to be there on other work.

Neither of the two sisters managed to notice the camera's flash while the photo was taken, as they were too engrossed in the kiss and their actions.

After all, even if they didn't like the kiss they had to try their best to pretend as if they did. Fortunately for them, the kiss wasn't bad, in fact, it was extremely good.

Since it felt that good, they made sure to let it continue for a bit longer before they broke free, and the bigger sister said in a reluctant voice,

"We need to go now darling, but we will come to visit you again tomorrow!"

"Okay, just make sure that you keep this a secret, I want this to be a surprise for that 'father' of yours!"

"Yes, darling!" x2

Even though the two young ladies felt a bit weird when they heard his words, and cringe while answering like that, they still managed to go through it remembering the great gifts.

Today could be said to be their luckiest day, as they would finally have the halo, standing, and riches that they had dreamed so much about.

It was only when the two of them left, that Zero and Wei MeiLi appeared inside the room with different expressions.

One was happy with the scoop, while the other didn't know what to make of the matter he had previously discussed with Yang Tian.

At this moment, Wei MeiLi came forward showing the pics to Yang Tian, while saying in a sad and sorry voice,

"I am sorry Master, even though I tried hard your face doesn't appear clearly in the photos!"

"Don't worry about that, the concerned party will surely see it 'clearly'. You just go ahead and publish the article!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Go on now, I will reward you for this later! Now I have some things I need to discuss with Zero!"

"Yes, Master!"

Even though her two last answers were the same, the emotions she transmitted couldn't be different. The first time she seemed like an obedient maid, while the second she was like a happy mistress.

After experiencing the joy of being a woman, and dual cultivation with Yang Tian, the beauty had become addicted and couldn't let it go anymore.

Yang Tian couldn't help but look at the leaving back of the beautiful reporter, and it was only when she had left that he turned towards Zero and said,

"How are the preparations for the next phase going Zero? Do we have any recent development!?"

"Everything is ready Master, we have already created your second identity, and also produced legal and official documents that you can use!

You can do whatever you want, without worrying about the police, or some other person finding of it, as long as you are able to change your looks without leaving signs."

"Very well, Zero! Then reserve three open flight tickets for me. The destinations will be Anyang, Kaifeng, and Luoyang."

"Yes, Master!"

"Make sure you inform me immediately upon taking response to the two letters we sent! I don't have time to lose with this issue, so we will deal a quick blow to fatty before continuing with the other plans!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zero seemed just like some kind of butler, or servant that would do whatever Yang Tian said, as there was also a weird look on his face.

"Is something the matter Zero!?"

"Master, forgive me for my impudence, but I would want to remind you about the issue with my da-ahem-daughter!"

"You still have the same opinion on the matter!?"

"Yes, Master!"

"What about her, what opinion does she have?"

"I don't know Master, but I think that it shouldn't be a problem with your abilities!"

"You do understand what you are asking me to do, right?"

"Yes, Master! For that reason, I would beg you to be comprehending, and adjusting to her! If she truly has someone that she loves, I would really appreciate it if you don't force her to…"

"You are asking for too much Zero, but I am willing to do something like this for you, and you better remember it when someone comes and asks you for your price!"

"Yes, Master I will!"

"Very well, then tell her I am going to meet her after two days, and we can see how it will go from there!"

"Yes, Master! Thank you, Master!"

"As long as you remember it, then everything will be fine!"

With that said, Yang Tian closed his eyes for a bit of sleep. Even though he could now stay awake for longer due to his Qi, body, and spirit cultivation he still needed sleep.

Around 1 or 2 hours of sleep per day were enough for him to fully reset his mind and body, to be fully fresh, and face the next day.

The rest of the day and the night were similar to the day prior, but the next morning was surely a buzzing one, as Wei MeiLi had written and published the photo and the article.

'Double-Recovery Affair!'

That was the title she had selected for the article, where the photo of Yang Tian and the two ladies was clearly taking half of the first page of the newspaper.

Not only that, but all the important TV news channels, radio channels, and social media pages were mentioning and spreading the news further.

The fat Deputy Director of Police almost had his food stuck into his throat as he saw and read the article, as he couldn't even believe his eyes and ears.

His daughters had been ensnared by that cheap and depraved bastard to become his mistresses, how could he accept something like that.

Without wasting even a second of his time, he immediately took his gun and ran towards his daughters' place.

Since these two ladies wanted their private space and freedom he had been forced to actually rent them another apartment and let them do as they wished.

While he understood that they might fool around with some Young Masters, he had never thought that they would do something like this.

Especially after the whole country learned of the most recent development between him and the Yang Family old Madam and Young Master.

Upon reaching the door, he didn't ring the bell, but actually started hitting the door with his gun, while screaming,

'Bangg…, banggg…, baanngg…'

"Open the door! ChuHua, ChunHua open this damned door! Open the door or I will break in!"

It was clear that he was pissed off with their conduct and what had happened, as his threats couldn't be more real.

If it hadn't been for ChuHua the oldest daughter to wake up and open the door after the loud commotion he would have truly broken the door to enter.

"What is the matter with you!? Creating such a ruckus right from the morning!?"

"What is the matter with me!? What is the matter with me!? Have you two seen the damn news today!? Have you two seen what the fu*ck you have done!?

How dare you go and scr*ew around with that piece of trash, when you clearly know the differences between me and them!

How dare you!"

All these words were said at the top of his lungs, as clearly fatty was displeased with the attitude and conduct of his daughters.

He even went as far as to say something like 'scr*ew' to them. They were his blood daughters, and he was treating them like cheap women on the street.

While it was true that they had actually sold their selves to Yang Tian, at least they weren't cheap!

Of course, that wasn't the main point of the current situation, as the two young ladies couldn't believe that this matter had been public so soon.

They had never thought that some paparazzi would be able to catch them in Yang Tian's room, and even less catch them while giving him a three-way French kiss.

In a situation where they were placed between a rock and a hard thing, the two of them couldn't think of anything else but to explode on the nearest, and weakest-looking side.

"How dare you! How dare you call us like that! Who are you to judge and direct our lives! We will live our lives however we wish, on our own terms.

We are free to do whatever we want, and we are free to scr*ew with whomever we want! What right do you have to control our lives!

What right do you have to judge us, when you yourself are keeping a woman our age as your second setup!"

The reaction of his oldest daughter caught fatty by surprise, as he had never thought that she would react like this.

Not only had she fully opposed him, but she was even judging and humiliating him, which was something even more difficult to accept.


At that moment his rage and anger got the better side of him, and he couldn't help but send a tight and powerful slap toward his daughter.

The slap sent the young lady flying towards the couch behind her, with a red hand imprint on her face, as suddenly someone appeared at the door…