Chapter 73: This Is Just the Start!

From the attitude of fatty entering the building to the loud banging noises on the door to the loud screams and commotion following after, it was impossible to not attract the neighbors' attention.

Furthermore, since none of them wanted to suffer this on their backs, each and every one of those neighbors had actually called and reported the happenings to the police.

Upon confirmation that the place the commotion was happening belonged to the Deputy Director of Police blood daughters, the policemen had been even more pressed to move.

They had continuously tried to reach the Deputy Director on their phones, as they even called the Director to notify him of the happening, as a long caravan of police cars had arrived at the location.

Most probably none of those policemen had ever thought that what they would be faced with at the location, would be the scene of their own Deputy Director slapping his own daughter.

It was a truly shocking scene and situation, as for a moment they didn't know how to react to that, while the shocked Deputy Director looked at the intruders with a cold and enraged expression.

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?"

He was still extremely pissed off at his own daughter, so he didn't have the time to relax and calm down, so he ended up screaming at these incoming policemen, that were being followed by the Director.

It was at that moment that ChuHua jumped from the startle and shock of the slap, and she started screaming once again while tears were falling down her eyes this time,

"How dare you! What kind of dogshit father are you, to slap your own daughter just because you don't like to face the truth!

You damn coward dogshit! I will sue you, I will file a complaint against you and make sure that you pay for this dearly!"

Before the policemen could even try to say a thing, ChuHua had taken the privilege to throw at her father all the resentment of the moment.

Filing a complaint, and suing him were just spurts of the moment, as she didn't know how to show her anger and rage, but her father took them extremely seriously.

Fatty couldn't help but laugh from extreme rage, as he continued screaming at her, but not before he laughed out loudly like a mad beast,

"Hahahahhah~! Sue me!? File a complaint against me!? Why don't you do it and let us see how the fu*ck you will be able to live in this place any longer!

Oh right, you are now who*ring yourselves to that bastard right!? Did he tell you that he is going to take care of you and pay everything for you from now on!?

Tell me, how much does he pay you for a blowjob? You damn slu*ts, tell me!"


While he said that last line, he once again couldn't control his rage, so he lashed another slap at ChuHua's face, while ChunHua appeared in the lobby.

It was quite the scene, her father was slapping her sister hard on her face, the cops looking at the happening with an incredulous face, not knowing what to do, while her father seemed to have found his next target.

'Slaapp~! Flash!'

Upon seeing his second daughter in front of him, fatty couldn't help but remember the picture he had seen, and the news he had read, as he walked angrily towards her as well, landing another slap.

"You damn slu*ts!"

This time the sound of the slap wasn't the only thing that was heard around the room, as the sound of a camera flashing was heard almost at the same time as well.

'Clak…, clakkk…, clakk…' 'whoa…, whoa…, whoa…'

"Deputy Director what is this!?"

"Deputy Director why are you slapping your daughters!?"

"Deputy Director you just called them 'slu*ts' does this have anything to do with their affair with Yang Family Young Master!?"

Unfortunately before fatty could make sense of that sudden camera flash, the room was crowded with reporters and media people asking questions to him, while filming the whole situation.

"Director why are you just witnessing the show here!?"

"Director, why isn't the force intervening in the current situation?"

"Director how could you just stand and watch when violence is being exerted in front of the whole police force and media!?"

"Director, why aren't you taking action?"

No matter who was being placed under media scrutiny, he would suffer a truly pitiful fate, as the two suffering the most at the moment were the Director and fatty the Deputy Director.

They both didn't know how to react for a few moments, as the whole place was conquered and deafened by the questions of the reporters.

The one to suffer the most would most certainly be fatty, who had probably never thought that he would end up in such a situation.

But that didn't matter anymore, what mattered was that this whole situation was extremely dangerous for him, and his carrier.

He couldn't allow the recordings, photos, and any evidence to leave the apartment otherwise, he was going to lose his carrier, his job, and his everything.

With those thoughts in his mind, he didn't stop to consider whether he was solving or just worsening the situation, as he pulled his gun out and directed it toward the reporters while screaming,


It was a clear gun-point threat, which scared and terrified all the media people for a moment before someone from the back screamed,

"What the hell is this, a Deputy Director is threatening the media at gunpoint while the police force doesn't react!

Just what kind of shitty police force do we have?"

It was at that moment that the Director of Police seemed to have regained a bit of his senses, even though he still couldn't understand how the situation had escalated to this point, and came forward to neutralize fatty.

"Fu Min throw the gun on the floor, and put your hands up in the air! Don't be stupid this is a live transmitted situation, the people have already seen your actions, don't worsen your situation!"

In order to quickly neutralize the situation, but also help fatty a little bit, he intentionally mentioned that this was a live report and that he had to stop.

Apparently, his words truly had an effect on fatty, who immediately threw the gun away, and started saying in a panicky voice,

"You forced me, you forced me! I didn't want to!"

Without wasting time the director of police quickly sent 2 constables to detain fatty and bring him outside, while the reporters changed targets and jumped upon the sisters.

"Lady ChuHua why did your father react like this!?"

"Lady ChunHua is it true that you and your sister have an affair with the Yang Family Young Master, Yang Tian?"

"Lady ChuHua is it true that your father tried to kill you for being in a relationship with Yang Family Young Master, Yang Tian!?"

"Lady Chun-Hua, is it true that your father has always suffered from mental problems and frustration?"

The questions being asked had clearly surpassed the range of the current situation, as many reporters started questioning the verity of the murder, or fatty's mental problems.

The only thing in common with these questions was the mention of Yang Family Young Master, Yang Tian, who was enjoying the current show from his hospital room.

But of course, this wasn't the end of the plan he had set in motion, so he watched with a smile on his face, as one of the Yang family representatives went to help the two beauties.

For the two of them, this was the worst possible moment of their lives, as everything had turned upside down without realizing how it had happened.

Even though they had always wished to become overnight celebrities and overnight sensations, now that they were actually in front of the cameras, they didn't know how to react.

Without the Yang Family clerk to help them in dealing with the reporters, and all the other issues, they would have been thrown around like useless cloth balls.

In the meantime, the Director of Police tried to take the situation under control and clean the name of his force, while fatty was being sent to the police station.

The Director of Police had been thinking of sending fatty there and keeping him under surveillance in his office while asking what had happened and forcing him to act like that.

But to his terrible luck and headache, the reporters and media had followed behind the police car, to the station, while many other reporters and media outlets were waiting at the police station.

If he didn't go ahead and handcuff the guy and put him into a cell, then the whole matter would explode, even more, involving not only fatty but even him and the station.

Left with no choice, he had to instruct his constables to quickly handcuff fatty, and send him to a cell, but try their best to fulfill his requests as long as the media wasn't around.

On the other hand, the media people were like starving wild wolves, as they followed the procession to the prison cell, and the Director had to use all the constables to push them outside.

It was only when the media people were thrown outside that the Director of Police could finally take some control of the situation.

What those people didn't notice, was that while the media people were being pushed outside, one of them dropped a phone in fatty's cell, right in front of his eyes.

Fatty saw this as an opportunity thinking that his people were helping him out, and immediately opened the phone, only to read on the screen.

'This is Just the Start!'