Chapter 74: 2² Affair

That writing made fatty so angry that his face turned purple from rage, and he even had to force back a mouthful of blood.

'Yang Tie old man, I swear to make your life a living hell for messing with me! I will make you regret the day you were born, old man, just wait for me!'

Even at such a point and moment, even after receiving this message, the fat Deputy Director never thought that the one behind all this was Yang Tian and not Yang Tie.

Who could blame him though!? Young Master Yang Tian's reputation was truly too bad, so much that no one would believe it was his doing even if he accepted it in their faces.

The only one who could think this was his doing was Young Master Long Chen, but unfortunately, no one would ever believe him in this matter.

Furthermore, his Grandpa Yang Tie already had an awesome resume and reputation, that would make even people at the top of the country feel slightly inferior.

He had even managed to keep control of his family and spoil his grandson rotten despite Young Master Yang Tian's reputation, and uselessness.

This was an achievement that other people couldn't even think about. So, it was a matter of fact that the fat Deputy Director took this as old man Yang Tie's scheme and not Young Master Yang Tian.

To the person on the other side of the prison cell camera, Yang Tian this was quite the displeasing remark. He had 'worked' so 'hard' for this and in the end, it was his Grandpa who received the credits.

It felt like he had been stolen of something precious, for a fleeting moment though, as the next one he just smiled thinking that his Grandpa would most probably continue to be his scapegoat for everything he did from now on.

After all, who would ever believe that the wastrel Young Master Yang Tian of the Yang Family would be able to do things that other people wouldn't even imagine.

Most probably even when he turned Earth upside down and left, people would still think of him as a waste who had the great luck of having amazing Grandparents.

Not that he disliked though, this was much more to his satisfaction than being the center of attention like some sort of genius or hero, as people would try to implement their stupid thoughts and beliefs upon him.

History would never disappoint, as people would paint historical figures according to their own thoughts, wishes, and beliefs.

Like that, a tyrant could become a great and compassionate leader, while a hero or a saint became a cheap and evil figure. History was always written by survivors and winners.

Furthermore, the trend of today, wouldn't be there tomorrow!

Not to mention that Young Master Yang Tian had no interest in worldly recognition, fame, and reputation. The world bowed down to the guy with the strongest fist, not to the one with a reputation.

Even the noblest King or Emperor would still need to lower his head to the guy with the strong fist.

The whole Kingdom, the whole Empire, or even the whole World might try to smear his name, but what difference did that make, at the end of the day they would still have to obey his whims.

For that reason, nothing of sorts mattered to him, but this didn't mean it didn't matter to his Grandparents, who wanted to have some face value and honor.

It was a win-win situation for him, as he had someone whose name to use while making the world wonder, and they had the recognition for his deeds, as he remained the wastrel Young Master Yang Tian.

With those thoughts in mind, he turned to look towards Zero with a smile, as he said,

"Don't you think that people are way too imaginative and stubborn for their own good Zero?"

"I don't understand Master, what do you mean?"

"Well, let us take this fatty for example, without even having evidence he has decided that this was Grandpa's plan, and probably even if I confessed in his face, he wouldn't believe me!

But we both know that this is the truth, yet we won't be able to change his mind!"

"This… Master fortunately I don't have to tire myself and my head thinking about that! One could say that being a servant sometimes is much better than being the Master!"

Zero didn't know what to answer to that. After all, this was something he had never thought of before. As a matter of fact, he wouldn't even bother thinking normally.

His job was to obey Yang Tian's orders exactly as he said, he didn't need to think about them. If he started thinking, then certainly problems and complications would arise.

Still, his words surprised and startled Yang Tian for a moment, before he started laughing out loud,

"Hahahahah~! Zero you truly are a gem, man! Hahaahaah~!"

Zero didn't take offense to his Master's laugh and even started laughing together with him before they both eventually stopped laughing and Yang Tian said with true emotions.

"Thank you for this, I needed it! Now tell me, how is the situation proceeding with those two!"

The two young ladies are already on the way here and their new home is already prepared. As for the two bigger fish, they don't have many options either, as we have their lifeline on our hands!"

"Very well, send them to me the moment they arrive!"

"Yes, Master!"

At that moment, Zero seemed to have received a new message, as he said,

"Speak of the Devil! Master, they are here!"

"Great, bring them up immediately! I don't want to let our poor fatty get bored inside that cell, let us give him some more entertainment!"

In no time two ladies found their way towards Tianlong Yun's room, it was clear that they both knew each other, but their relationship didn't seem to be good.

In fact, they looked like they were about to bicker and fight at any moment. Yet none of them dared to start the fight, or to be more exact didn't have the mind to start the fight, as there were more important things to take care of.

Upon their arrival, Yang Tian showed them a charming smile, that didn't seem to be coming from someone who had been crippled and unable to move.

"You have truly honored this Young Master with your presence beauties!"

One of them seemed to be looking at the young man with a weird expression of confusion and anger, while the other one forgot all about her face, as she fell on her knees and started pleading,

"Young Master Yang Tian, please forgive my husband! Please, let him go! He was threatened and confused by those bastards and he acted like that, he had no intention to offend you! Please!

You can have my daughters for as long as you wish, just please don't harm him, and forgive him this time!"

While her daughters were confused by the momentary benefits she was extremely clear that her husband's presence was much more reassuring than Yang Tian's momentary 'gifts'.

As for her daughters, she thought that no matter what he did, Young Master Yang Tian was a cripple, and he couldn't do much, or better yet he couldn't go all the way with the two of them.

Even if he did go all the way, he wouldn't torture and kill them. After all, no matter how bad his reputation was, there was no news of him ever harshly treating a woman.

To her, this was just a great show she had to put on, in order to save her husband and prepare for the future.

After all, her letter only contained only the meeting time, the location, and a note saying that should she come, she might be able to save her husband.

The other one saw this situation and felt a bit vexed as she hadn't thought as hard as this bi*tch had, so she decided to go the other way,

"Young Master Yang I am ready to do whatever you want me to, just please forgive him, and get him out of this misery!"

She even showed Yang Tian a good look at her soft melons as she said that, trying to enchant and seduce him.

On the other hand, Yang Tian just looked at the two of them with a slight smile on his face, like he had seen the great performance ever even though he knew it was acting, as he said,

"You both didn't fail my expectations, such great performances, unfortunately, I will have to request you to drop the acts otherwise, I might get angry!"

"Young Master Yang what do you mean by that, I…"

"Young Master Yang please don't joke with this old lady, I…"

Unfortunately, before the two of them could continue, Yang Tian looked at them with anger, and when they shut their mouths, he snapped his fingers and said,

"Stop trying to act in front of this Young Master! None of you cares about that pile of turd that has been imprisoned at the station.

All you care about is your livelihood and your current standing in society. I can promise you to not only continue like that but also help you get better, as long as you publicly condemn and humiliate him!"

"Young Master Yang…" x2

As the two women wanted to act offended and angry Young Master Yang Tian threw them another angry look, before he continued,

"Of course, you can try to act as offended and refuse the deal! But then I am afraid that these videos and photos will be published in media!"

As Zero handed the two women the evidence that his Master was talking about, their faces and expressions changed totally and found out that they had no escape.

The next day another great article was published!

2 Square Affair!

After the two daughters' it's the time for the lovers'! Young Master Yang Tian's depravity knows no boundaries!