Chapter 75: Fatty loses his Mind

The whole country was thrown into a fit once again, they had yet to comprehend and understand the fat Deputy Director's attitude and actions when something like this happened.

People couldn't believe what they were reading, as it looked like some sort of scripted drama that was being published lately, but Yang Tian's image kissing the two ladies made it real.

Once again it was a three-way kiss, once again the two ladies were important women in fatty's life, and once again it was caught by a camera and published in a newspaper.

A lot of people started creating rumors, and a lot of stories spread all over the place, but one thing was in common for all those stories, it was treated as Yang Family's revenge for the hospital episode.

Of course, if the Yang Family were in the wrong this would look like some sort of petty revenge upon the fat Deputy Director.

Unfortunately, Yang Family's reputation in this Zhengzhou City had been on a high all the time, as they never bothered common people, and even helped them in different ways.

Scholarships for students, orphanages for orphans, jobs for the newly graduated, and low-interest loans for people who needed money.

One could say that the Yang Family had been just like some sort of boon falling from heaven for these people, despite the infamous reputation of Young Master Yang Tian.

But even that little devil would only take women willingly and never force them. What a joke with the Yang Family's background and wealth, the women that dared to refuse him were like a phoenix's feathers.

For all those reasons together, while everyone understood that this was the Yang's Family revenge and trying to show their power pitying fatty, they still stood on Yang Family's side.

It was fatty who was wrong for mocking and humiliating the old Madam of the Yang Family, now he had to pay for that.

Furthermore, it was clear that none of the ladies involved in the pictures was forced to do something she didn't want. They were clearly happy and into the kiss as it happened.

At least that was what their faces were showing.

The Department of Police didn't know how to react as well, as they were placed between a rock and a hard place.

On one side was the Yang Family, while on the other side was their Deputy Director, one of their own.

The Director of Police was truly placed in a tough spot. All his life he had been a 'sucker' while he worked hard, was normally honest, and trustworthy, he would always succumb to power.

At first, he would throw his weight around, making everyone around him frightened and subservient to him, that was because he had the Yang Family backing him.

But now things had changed, and a lot! The Yang Family wasn't the one it had been anymore, it was extremely weak and ready to fall, so if he continued like that he would fall with the Yang Family.

He couldn't allow that to happen, after all these years he was used to his life as a Director of Police and couldn't afford to lose it.

For that reason, he was slowly distancing himself from the Yang Family and thinking of joining whoever won the war in the end.

This attitude of his had truly surprised, and disappointed old man Yang Tie but besides a regretful sigh, he hadn't said a word to the guy.

Until now, he had yet to rip all decorum and relationship with the Yang Family, but it looked like the rice wouldn't absorb any more water.

Right as he was tiring his brains out about this matter, a great situation happened inside the prison cell of the station, which attracted even the press and media inside.

He didn't know why but the Director of Police had a truly bad premonition about this situation, so he immediately stood up and followed by the rest of the heads of the station, went towards the happening.

"What the hell is happening here!?"

Upon reaching there and seeing that the press was taking photos and videos, while his people seemed to be trying their best to separate two people in a chaotic situation, he couldn't help but scream.

The closest policeman immediately came in front of him, and after saluting started telling him about the situation,

"Sir, it goes like this! 2 hours ago we arrested two guys for misconduct in front of the station and brought them inside for questioning.

Since they were deemed guilty, we put them in the station's cell waiting for their relatives, or lawyers to retrieve them!

Only 10 minutes after they were kept inside though we heard noises of fighting and clashing, so we came here to control the situation.

It's just that…"

"Just what!? Stop playing officer, tell me everything in one go!"

"Yes, sir! The thing is that the person who started the fight was the Deputy Director, or should I say the Ex-Deputy Director, and he is also the one who doesn't want to stop this hurdle.

If this continues, the guy in his hands will probably die!"

"What!? Has that guy lost it? Why would he do something like this?"

"Well, according to our information, the new guy revealed to him the news about his wife and lover kissing Young Master Yang Tian in the hospital room!"

The Director of Police could finally understand what had just happened, but this didn't make him happy in the least.

As a matter of fact, it only made him angrier. He was thinking the hardest about how to make sure that this news was transmitted as softly and painlessly as possible, only for this bastard to blow everything up.

'Arghh~! Quickly break them apart and send the media outside! This has been enough of a show!"

"Yes, sir! But sir, what should we do about Ex-Deputy Director!"

"Break them apart no matter what officer, we can't let this circus continue otherwise, we will be the ones to suffer the most!

Do you think that the high center will consider this as nothing? Quickly act!"

"Yes, sir!"

The policeman that received his order immediately made his way towards the main fight and said something to the other two policemen, who started kicking fatty.

The Director's face went gloomy and ugly for a moment, as he had truly told them to deal with the matter swiftly, but not start hitting fatty right away.

That made him feel like something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what exactly, so he only watched the whole thing with an ugly facial expression.

With the 'hard' intervention of the police officers, that 'poor' guy in fatty's arms had been released, as he started screaming in indignation,

"What is this!? I am in a police station, not in a fighting bar, or UFC. How could some respected Ex-Deputy Director of Police act like this!?

Why are all the other policemen just watching the show and not helping me out!? I want to raise a complaint!

I will definitely complain and sue the whole Department of Police for this misconduct! If something happens to me from now on, I want everyone to know that it will come only from this fatty!

While I was arrested for misconduct I am no murderer or terrorist, I have the right to be treated fairly in the court, and not attacked like this by an animal!"

"Yooouuuuu~! I will kill you, you son of a bi*tch, you better forget walking out of this place alive! I will skin you alive and kill you! You damned bastard, you are dead!"

Fatty was clearly unable to control himself as he started cursing and threatening the skinny guy who had completely enraged him.

He clearly seemed to have lost his mind as the situation was getting more and more difficult for him. His whole life was being destroyed one piece at a time by that old bastard Yang Tie.

Firstly it was his daughters, then his reputation, then his carrier, and now his reputation again, while his family had gone into shambles.

No matter how one looked at whole this, they would be able to see that he was being played with like some sort of toy.

The worst part was that he couldn't help but fall for each and every ploy of the enemy as he couldn't control himself and his short fuse.

Just like now, he had fallen for the provocation of the other party, even though he understood that this guy was sent from the Yang Family intentionally.

What's worse was that he didn't care about all this right now, the only things coursing through his mind were revenge towards the Yang Family and torturing them.

Yes, only their fresh blood would be able to wash away his anger and his shame. Only by completely cutting them down could he think of cleaning his reputation and returning to his life.

Of course, his daughters, his wife, and his lover would have to disappear from this world as well, as they were a mark of his shame and anger.

Yes, they all had to die for his sake! He would surely make this possible!

While Fatty had lost his mind in his prison cell, Yang Tian was watching the scene live with a grin hanging on the corners of his mouth, as he looked toward Zero and said,

"If we were to upload this as a television drama, we would surely rack up a lot of money Zero, what do you think?"

"I think the same as well Master! It's just that I am afraid that this turbid beast will try its best to come and bite us!"

"I know, for that reason I want you to tell numbers to…"