Chapter 76: Getting Kidnapped Again

"I want you to tell the numbers to relax tonight and allow the rats to do their job. But make sure to keep close attention on each of them and prepare a report for me!

It seems like I am going for a second bumpy ride! This is the dangerous fate of sweet people, we will always be swarm by flies!"

"Yes, Ma-Master!"

Zero had a truly weird expression on his face as he said that, as he couldn't help but truly consider just how shameless and thick-faced could this Master of his be.

If someone like him dared to treat himself as a sweet guy, then this world was surely suffering from severe diabetes.

"What's wrong Zero, why do you look so weird!?"

"No-Nothing Master, its Nothing really!"

Still, he didn't dare to voice his thoughts to his Master Yang Tian, not because he was afraid of him, but because he would start discussing righteously that it was the truth, and even convince him about it.

As for the bumpy ride that Yang Tian was planning to go, he didn't really bother himself much.

While it was true that he was stronger that his Master at this moment, as he had higher level of cultivation, he understood that even he wasn't able to kill the guy.

His Master was just like a Jack of all Trades, he would always spring with some miracle, or trick to save himself every time. His means and ways were beyond his comprehension.

The old couple Yang Tie and Su Mei had understood this as well. While they were unhappy that their grandson had matured so much, so soon, they still accepted and acknowledged it.

Of course this didn't mean that they had accepted defeat though, because they had immediately found their next course of action.

They had started to pester Yang Tian to give them a few grandchildren with the justification that they had too much free time, and they wanted some cute little ones to wash them with their love and cuteness.

Yang Tian had immediately refused, as things were just starting to change, and he had a lot of things to do. Not only that, but he also considered himself too young.

He even dared to propose his Grandparents to try themselves, as with the cultivation technique he had given them, their bodies were slowly going to recover to their peak.

While it would be difficult to return to the teen years, they wouldn't look much different from when they were in their thirties.

This had gained him a few rains of spittle and angry remarks, as the old couple had felt embarrassed of their own grandson making such a proposition.

Still, at least that had spared him from the topic that day, and he could finally rest a bit. Still, even now he was still thinking about how to avoid that topic for the short term future.

Like that time slowly moved on as the sun started disappearing leaving the turn to the moon.

Normally at such a time, Young Master Yang Tian would be having his share of fun with his ladies, but tonight he couldn't.

Fortunately it didn't take long for the guests he was awaiting to arrive finally, as he was once again bagged and kidnaped away.

This time the kidnappers were actually private security bodyguards with quite the discipline and treatment, as he felt just like some kind of princess being transported.

After 2 and a half hours, and changing the car at least three times, he was finally brough to a warehouse at the outskirts of the city.

Even as the car made its way inside, Yang Tian could sense that there was a small company of gunned people keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Everything had been arranged quite detailed, it looked like fatty wasn't a Deputy Director of Police without any ounce of worth.

When he was finally taken inside, he was seated upon a wooden chair, with his hands tied behind his back, an eye-mask to block his sight, and even a cloth piece on his mouth.

It was at this moment that all the praise he had for fatty disappeared. This idiot piece of shit had completely forgotten the fact that he was supposed to be a cripple.

Of course there was the news of his possible recovery, but that was in the future for fu*cks sake. Right now he was still supposed to be a cripple. Yet this idiot was treating him like a normal person.

Well, he wasn't angry at fatty for doing something so senseless like this, he was angry because it was bothersome to play a cripple while being tied like that.

After all, in order to make the whole show pleasing for himself, he had to play the drama for a bit.

With those thoughts in his mind, he tried his best to pretend like a cripple being tied to the chair, as fatty came from some other smaller room, screaming,

"Why the hell are you covering his eyes, and mouth!? I want that little bastard to see me, and scream! I want that old bastard Yang Tie to witness his precious grandson's despair and suffering.

Only like that will he come here and allow me to kill him! After him it will be the turn of his wife, and finally due to my kind heart I will give salvation to this poor and cripple soul!"

At first it started as a reproach towards the guards, but the next moment it was a recount of his dream, or to be more exact of what he wanted to do.

It was clear that he detested the Yang Family a bit too much! Unfortunately all those he said would have no other option but to remain as his dreams and illusions, as the reality would be much different.

The guards immediately obeyed his order though, quickly removing Yang Tian's eye-blocker, and the piece of cloth gagging his mouth as he started screaming,

"Wh-who are you guys!? Why are you doing this!? What did I ever do to you!? Yoouuuu… Fatty what do you think you are doing!?

They came on their own accord to me. I had no idea that they would kiss me like that! They told me that you liked that sort of thing, and they were doing that for you!

You have to believe me, it wasn't my fault!"

Yang Tian even started crying with tears and snot as he said all that, making the story even more believable. If this was a movie, then he most definitely deserved the Oscar for best scene and best actor.

Fatty heard all that with a terrifying glint on his face, and only when Yang Tian stopped talking, did he grabbed Yang Tian's hair to pull his head up, and then say,

"Oh, I know! I know it wasn't you, you worthless piece of shit! You don't have the brains and guts to do something like that.

This is all your dear Grandpa's doing. Of course, I intend of making him pay, but just like he went for my family, I went for his! An eye for an eye!"

"No, no, no, fatty this is between you and my grandpa, why do you put me in the midst! Please don't do this, please! I am already pitiful and sorry as I am!"

"Oh, right! It's extremely nice of you to remind me that you wont feel anything on your body, so I will go only after your face!

Such a smart kid! Hahahahhahaha~!

Now you smile too, let us send your grandpa a photo of this scene as a commemoration!"

"No, no, no, I don't want to! I don't want to suffer! No! Please forgive me!"

Once again, Yang Tian's tears and snot flew all over the place, as he seemed to refuse to become part of the selfie.

"Keep his head up! I don't have time to waste with this trash!"

Of course fatty wouldn't lose time dealing with Yang Tian. First he didn't have that much free time, and secondly he wanted that old bastard Yang Tie to arrive as fast as possible.

The guards beside immediately did as they were told, as they pulled Yang Tian's hair with the intention to raise his head, despite Yang Tian's performance.

Through great difficulties they reached their purpose, as fatty finally took his Smartphone once again, and immediately prepared to take the selfie.

The moment that he was about to press the button though, he felt that something was wrong with the whole situation and the photo, as the hands of his people were too white.

But that wasn't the only problem there was, as Yang Tian's face was actually showing an expression of a devil's grin.

Yes, that was the only way he could describe it as, a Devil's grin, a terrifying one that forced his body to shiver, while he couldn't believe the image.

Without losing time he immediately turned around to have a look whether this was just his illusion, or was real, only to come across the same visual.

"Please fatty, nooo, please don't treat me like this! I am innocent, please!"

The next instant Yang Tian kept that evil grin while still pleading with a frightened voice, right in front of faty's eyes, as he then stopped and said,

"So, what do you think of my acting fatty!? I am good, aren't I?"

"Yooouuuu… Yooouuuuu~! Howww~!?"

"Come on fatty is that your reaction? Didn't Young Master Long Chen tell you that I am fully recovered on the phone call!?

Don't tell me you didn't believe your partners words! Shame on you fatty, shame on you!"