Chapter 77: We need Protection

The poor fatty's blood circulation seemed to have stopped and ended up at the bottom of his feet, as his face was as white as a sheet of paper.

He had never thought that not only would Yang Tian not be a cripple, but he would also know about the deal with Young Master Long Chen, and even speak like that to him.

For some reason, upon making eye contact with Yang Tian he felt just like a worthless rabbit in face of a fearsome tiger that was about to rip him off with his teeth.

It was a truly fearsome moment, as even his breathing stopped, and his brain stopped working for a few moments. Looking at this scene Yang Tian just grinned evilly, while saying,

"What happened to you fatty!? Are you such a coward as to get scared from a few words only!? Don't you have all these people on your side!?

I have an affair with your wife, lover, and daughters! I fu*ck them like crazy, while they moan under me in soul-stirring moans that you probably have never imagined!

Don't tell me that you will still stay frightened even after all this, are you even a man!?"

'Aaahh…, aaahh…'

Fatty was still not saying a word, but his face had turned into a mixture of a few colors, taking shades of red, green, and purple at the same time.

He was even having difficulties breathing at this time, but his heart was beating much faster and fiercer. It was clear that he wasn't afraid anymore but infuriated and enraged.

"Ki-Khi-Khill hi-m…'

The two guards behind Yang Tian but even those around weren't able to understand what was going on when they heard some undistinguishable words coming out of fatty's mouth.

Since his breathing was extremely rough, and he didn't have much strength to put on his words, they came as undistinguishable whispers, so they could only look at the situation with doubt.

Seeing this Yang Tian seemed to get a bit angry as well, as he said in a loud voice,

"He is telling you to kill me, you fu*cking weak and useless pieces of shit!"

Hearing that fatty couldn't be happier that Yang Tian had helped him out, not understand that there should be something wrong with it, as he tried to make signs that that was what he wanted to say.

The guards around him were clearly going to move on his orders as he had paid quite the price for them. Not to mention that a few were even sent personally by Young Master Long Chen.

But as if that wasn't enough, Yang Tian even managed to incense them and infuriate them even more, which made them even more determined to beat the shit out of him.

"Courting Death!" x13

More than a dozen people seemed to scream at the same time those two words as they all jumped toward Yang Tian full of majesty and imposition.

One could say that they looked just like a pack of wild wolves jumping upon tasty prey after they had been starving for more than a month.

Unfortunately, contrary to their expectations and wishes they weren't able to see any expression of fear, or panic on Yang Tian's face, just mockery, and teasing.

That incensed them even more, as they decided to not hold back in the least. Most of these guys were highly physically trained men, with most even having military experience.

But there were also those guys sent personally from Young Master Long Chen in order to make sure that he used full strength in dealing with Yang Tian, with 3 of them even being 3rd level Foundation Establishment Realm.

One could say that such a lineup was an overkill for someone like Yang Tian, despite him showing that he wasn't a cripple, so those three guys stood behind to just enjoy the show.

It was only the next moment that they understood how gravely they had underestimated Yang Tian, and how mistaken they were about staying on the back.

Without even using a real punch, Yang Tian slapped all those jumping flies to death, while they were even able to reach the hem of his clothes.

In but an instant all those experts had fallen down without even touching the air around him, which made those three masters behind feel as they had just seen the sun rise from the West.

They had been so shocked by what happened that unconsciously their jaws had dropped to the ground, while they had even forgotten to blink.

This was pure shock!

It wasn't like they were witnessing such a scene for the first time, but it had always happened when there was at least 1 full Realm of difference between the sides.

Yang Tian didn't even look like he could handle one push-up, not to mention beating all those guys in an instant.

"What the hell is wrong with people nowadays, getting shocked so easily like that! Do I have to incense and curse you all the time so you could give me a nice fight?

What kind of fu*cking experts are you? I don't understand how the fu*ck I suffered so much under your hands at that time!"

Of course, Yang Tian's words were alien language to the three experts and fatty that was still standing, despite his heart seemingly having decided to just stop and witness the miracle in front.

They understood only one part, Yang Tian was taunting them to fight, and for some strange reason, they didn't dare to.

It was at that moment that one of them got a great idea, as he turned around while screaming at his comrades,

"This kid is weird, I need to notify Young Master about him, you keep him busy as I run away!"

That man was scared so much that he even clearly admitted that he was running away, making Yang Tian even more displeased with the whole situation.

Just when one would think that the other two would truly start fighting him, they too turned around to run away, as they claimed righteously,

"It's better if we all three run away in different directions, like that at least one of us will send the message!"

Yang Tian was left speechless, he couldn't believe that these 'experts' would turn into heartless chickens upon seeing him make only one move.

With that dumbfounded look, he turned to look towards fatty who was actually suffering a mild heart attack and was about to lose conscience!

"Damn! I even looked forward to this shit! this spineless bi*tches!"

Unfortunately, no one cared about his feelings at the moment, as he could only give up and swing his hand up down, and 15 black-clothed numbers appeared around the place, blocking every exit.

The poor three experts that had thought of running away were immediately beaten up easily and quickly, before being tied up and taken away.

The place was cleaned in less than a few minutes, while Yang Tian had to nurse fatty through the heart attack and save his life, putting a closure to the kidnapping.

By the time that fatty woke up, he found out that he was lying in a corner of a familiar room, only to remember that it was Yang Tian's hospital room.

Not only that, but Yang Tian the man himself was looking at him with a look containing mixed feelings of mockery, pity, and despise.

He didn't look angry anymore, he had lost all the anger the moment that he had seen this useless pile of crap suffer a heart attack only from that slight show of skills.

Useless indeed!

"Wha-What are you trying to do brat Yang Tian!? You know that I am the Deputy Director of Police right?

The Long Family has my back! If something happens to me, you and your grandfather will pay the price, so think things through!"

"Could it be that you have become so fat that even your brain has been stuffed with fat, fatty!? You are supposed to be imprisoned at the station, and you escaped!

There is video footage of the Director himself opening the cell for you, and then the Long Family people, which are also in my possession, taking you away!

How the hell will this matter relate to us, even if we kill you!?

Most probably the whole country will think that the Long Family is just tying loose ends with your death! So what repercussions will there be for me and my grandfather!?"

"This…, This… Anyway, the Long and Xia families will always doubt you, and never let you go! You are still going to suffer if anything happens to me!

So you better let me go and we forget about all this!"

"Hahahah~! It truly seems like your brain is getting fatter with fat! Tell me fatty, did you ever doubt in me all this time!?

Let's forget about that, don't you at least know the current relationship between the Long and Xia Families now!? Not to mention that it was Young Master Long Chen who brought you outside!

Do you truly believe they will doubt me?"

Fatty face turned completely white, just like some piece of paper, as even his legs started trembling and he looked like he would experience a golden shower at any moment.

"Oh, but you don't have to worry though, I don't plan on killing you! That would be too easy, and boring. I have a better plan that I am sure you will enjoy!"

With that said, he left fatty at that corner of the room, handcuffed and tied to an iron pole, as he then walked towards the bed where four ladies were awaiting him.

"So, have you thought about this ladies!? What do you want from me!?"

"We want, no we need protection Young Master Yang Tian!"