Chapter 78: Paying for Protection*

The four ladies seemed extremely worried and frightened at that moment. Just like they were experiencing an existentialism crisis.

Who could blame them, just a few hours ago they had received the news of fatty's escape from the prison with the help of some unidentified people.

Of course, if that was all there was to it, they could have thought of waiting for him and pleading for his forgiveness when he appeared, but things weren't that easy.

Before he had actually escaped from prison fatty seemed to have written their names with blood on the wall, right beside the names of Young Master Yang Tian, or his grandparents.

One wouldn't need to be a genius to understand what that sign meant, as the media were blowing it more and more with each passing moment.

From a news flash, it turned into a piece of important news, and in no time it became a piece of vital news.

They were in danger!

When in danger, the first direction of help one would think would surely be the police, but the problem was that fatty was a Deputy Director of Police, even though an ex one.

But that didn't really matter as he still had his own influence in the force, and many policemen would abide by his orders and instructions.

If one still doubted that, then the fact that he had escaped from the police station cell in less than a night when much fanfare was directed at him would be a nice slap to the face.

That wasn't all, despite the seriousness and frequency that the media was treating this matter, there had yet to come an official order from the General Department of Police on fatty's dismissal.

Of course, there had been an official statement of condemnation and dismissal, but that had yet to become official.

Furthermore, these women had lived with fatty for so long under one roof, they perfectly understood his reach and his means, so they were even more frightened by the situation.

For that reason, instead of going to the police for help and protection, they came to the only person that could help them, and who was standing in the opposite direction from fatty, Young Master Yang Tian.

Young Master Yang Tian despite being a cripple was the Young Master of the Yang Family, the protection around him was bound to be better than any protection the police force could offer.

Not to mention, that he had already told them to consider their selves as his women and obey every instruction he had. Considering all these, Young Master Yang Tian was their perfect choice.

Their jaws had dropped to the floor the moment that they saw him come out from behind his bed and walk towards them while questioning.

'Wasn't this guy supposed to be a cripple!? How can he walk!?'

These were the common questions on their heads, but Young Master Yang Tian didn't seem to have any intention of explaining, as he looked at them with a grin and said,

"Protection!? Oh, you must have already heard of that bastard's escape, and the elements included!"

The ladies didn't need to confirm those words, as their expressions were enough confirmations. They understood that this was just Yang Tian stating their despairing situation.

Yang Tian was happy with their faces and reactions as he didn't waste much time looking as he was thinking, when he already had the full plan of action, as he said,

"Well, it's not difficult for me to provide you with protection! As long as you stay by my side you will surely be protected from that evil thing, but…"


Even though the ladies understood that Yang Tian was just pulling them towards his scheme they had no choice but to jump head-on into that.

"But the thing is that nothing is free in this life! Especially protection, as in this case it's even a case of your lives!"

"Didn't Young Master Yang Tian tell us to consider ourselves as your women!? You certainly wouldn't let your women in danger, would you!?

Furthermore, what can we even pay you with!? Money and gifts should be no problem for Young Master Yang Tian being the Young Master of the Yang Family!"

The one to speak was fatty's lover and the second setup. This woman was clearly shrewd as she quickly tried to brush his argument aside.

Unfortunately, with that, she jumped directly unto the trap herself, as Yang Tian revealed a lascivious lustful grin and said,

"Beautiful do you hear yourself!? You consider yourself as my woman but aren't you avoiding your responsibilities right now!?

It's true that I lack no money and gifts, as I am quite wealthy! In fact, I was even thinking of giving you some gifts!

So, what I want is not related with that, but with you four, and your bodies!"

"But you are a cri…"

Of course, it wasn't like these beauties couldn't understand his words and his intentions, especially from his rude eyes, but until now they had thought that he could only watch but not touch.

After all, despite witnessing that with their own eyes, they had completely overlooked the fact that he had actually stood up and walked in front of their eyes.

For that reason, it was only when one of them was stuck on voicing the word cripple, that they finally understood what was going on.

Previously they had accepted and kissed him knowing that he couldn't do anything more, but right now all that had changed totally.

Hearing those words, and witnessing those reactions, Yang Tian didn't say an extra word as he just smiled at them depravedly!

The four ladies were in total startle and shock for a few moments, before they started pondering what to do from now on.

On one side it was serving Yang Tian and living on the other side was keeping their 'uprightness' and leaving with a huge risk of ending up dead.

This was certainly a difficult choice to make, but the more they thought the more plausible they found it to be.

First of all, they didn't want to die! And without Yang Tian's protection, they would surely end up dead, under the hands of their 'man'.

Secondly, there was a high possibility that fatty would end up either in prison for a long time, or dead. Like that they wouldn't have a man to rely upon anymore.

Certainly, there was the second setup's son, but he was still in college, and it was impossible for him to be able to fulfill the woman's wishes and whims.

Yang Tian was giving them an opportunity not only to stay alive but also to have another shoulder to 'cry' on when they needed to after fatty disappeared from their lives.

Thinking like that, the mother of the two beauties was the first one to make a move, as she approached Yang Tian, and without hesitation lowered her head to give him a nice juice kiss on the lips.

Yang Tian enjoyed the kiss, while his hand made its way to her waist, and rear buns, giving her a nice squeeze, and then trailing its way towards her bra, unclasping it, and then her neck.

Upon reaching there, he broke the kiss, and slowly pushed the woman downwards giving her a clear sign of what he wanted.

The woman immediately realized his intentions and let him push her to her knees, while her mouth approached the front of his pants.

Weirdly, as she did that Yang Tian changed his position a little bit, moving slightly away from the corner of the bed, but no one found it dubious.

As the mother was unzipping his package with her teeth, Yang Tian looked at the two daughters, and said,

"What about you two!?"

The two young ladies were a bit shocked by what was happening in front of them, but still, they found it weird that Yang Tian had asked only the two of them in that question.

But they understood the reason really fast, as the second setup had already taken off her clothes, revealing her curves and her underwear, before taking them off as well and approaching him.

Despite the fact that fatty looked like a real piece of shit that wouldn't be able to land even one woman, these four weren't that bad. In fact, they were quite attractive!

Well, that was most probably the attractive power of money, that could make even rivers flow in reverse.

After another juicy kiss with the woman, Yang Tian directed her towards the same target as the first woman, while she had finally managed to remove the package, and was gasping for air.

At that moment the second setup reached the target as well, having the same reaction and expression as the first woman.

This was the biggest and girthiest little monster they had ever seen in their lives. It looked just like one of their arms full. Despite having the experience they couldn't help but fear it.

While the two experienced ladies were in that condition, the two young ones felt like they were witnessing terror.

Despite seeing and touching their fair share of rods, this one in front of them was at least 2 times bigger than the biggest they had seen until that moment.

They couldn't believe that something like this, clearly opposing the laws of biology could exist in the real life.

Well, the truth was that this hadn't been Yang Tian's size from the beginning, but he had his own means to increase his size, shape, and everything related.

Taking pride and joy in their reactions, he said in a dark depraved voice,

"Only after you have fully proved you are my women, will you receive my protection, the choice is yours!"