Chapter 81: Going to Anyang

Fatty's escape from the station's prison cell caused quite the ruckus in the media, the general public, and especially in the police department, as many people were involved and thrown under the bus.

At the end of the day, the matter was reported to be a question of corruption in the police department, as policemen who owed fatty, and believed in his justice had let him go.

5 policemen were arrested and charged with the responsibility as they were even taken off their jobs and thrown in jail, despite them refusing to have ever done something like that.

At the end of the day, the camera recordings and the voice recordings showed clearly that they were involved in the matter, and they had no way of proving their innocence.

None of them dared to actually throw the blame on the person who had done all this, which was the Director of the Police Department himself.

Yang Tian just watched all the happenings from the side, as he continued with his normal proceedings every day.

Now he had 9 ladies to satisfy him at the hospital and the other three that he was nightly visiting, it was quite a number but not sufficient for him who needed a constant supply of Yin Qi.

He had already completed the first three stages of body tempering being the strength training, flesh training, and viscera training, now he was going to continue with muscle training.

He was planning on completing the first Realm of each cultivation process before going to the next Realms.

He knew that like this, his strength wouldn't go as just a simple addition of the three of them 1+1+1, but like a side-to-side imposition 111!

Today it was a beautiful summer day, as Yang Tian had even left the hospital during the day and was actually waiting for his plane at the airport.

Of course, since he was a sort of public figure he couldn't go around using his real face, so he had to make some changes in his appearance, yet he made sure to not lose his handsomeness.

For people like him, looks and appearance were a sort of strength, and power as only with good looks would they be able to attract more prey.

As a dual cultivator, it wouldn't be wrong to say that Yang Tian was in need of Yin Qi just as he was in need of breathing air.

In order to have a constant supply of Yin Qi, he needed to have a large number of suppliers, or some really good and powerful suppliers, meaning more beauties.

For example, even now as he was waiting for his plane Yang Tian was looking around and marking some targets for himself.

There were all kinds of beauties, arrogant, gentle, materialistic, and even some dangerous ones. These last ones were just like poisonous snakes, ready to kill in one bite.

Upon having a look at Yang Tian there were only a rare few that wouldn't take a second look at him, while Yang Tian would just smile gently at them.

During the check-in, he had made sure to have his seat right in the middle of two beauties, while leaving Zero far behind him.

No matter whether he wanted to oppose it or not, Zero didn't have any other choice but to accept what his Master had decided.

Since it was a short flight, he didn't need to wait long at the airport, as they quickly embarked to start the flight.

The two beauties by Yang Tian's side seemed to be university students who were returning after a short vacation home.

Even though they were on Yang Tian's side they still continued to talk with each other, trying to brag about the people following them.

The truth was that they were both trying to raise his attention and make him talk to them first, but how could Young Master Yang Tian do as they liked.

Instead of hunting his prey directly, he used his Qi to create some pheromones in the close surroundings, and slowly enchant both of them.

The two beauties couldn't understand why their bodies were reacting like that, but only after 10 minutes into the flight, they were already trying to touch Yang Tian's arms and thighs.

When they passed the 20 minutes mark they were already trying to approach their bodies to him, and rub their soft melons on his arms, while their hands were trying to pick up his and place them on their thighs.

At this moment, an old woman from behind them said in a low whisper,

"Young man you better stop what you are doing if you don't want to suffer the consequences!"

That surprised Yang Tian as he didn't expect someone to see through his trick, but he didn't lose his composure as he said,

"I wonder how is it affecting you what I am doing madam!? I am just a young man who is looking to have some fun, do you have to spoil my fun!?"

"This old woman can't bear to see these two young beauties ruined by someone like you, so you better stop if you don't want to suffer!"

"Haiz~! In this day and age, there are still people who can't keep their nose in their own business! Or could it be that you are actually jealous that you aren't one of them Madam!?

Don't worry, if you don't mind it then I won't either! I can take you in as well, help you to experience something that you have never imagined in your life!"

"Hmph~! Not only a big mouth but also a braggart! The young truly don't know the depth of the ocean and the height of a mountain!"

Then clearly displeased with what she had just heard, after saying those words to Yang Tian, she infused Qi into her voice and said,

"You two, how long do you plan on being so shameful!"

The two young ladies were clearly startled a bit and broke free of the enchantment for a moment, but then the next they just looked towards the woman with sour faces and said,

"What's wrong with you!? Why are you spoiling our fun, chance, and moment you old spinster!?"

Even Yang Tian who had been expecting such a result, couldn't help but look with a bit of surprise at the faces of the two beauties, as he continued to have his attention on the small tv in front of him.

The woman who had tried to help the two of them couldn't help but look at them with shock, and a bit of anger, as she snorted coldly, and said,

"In this day and age is truly a big mistake to try and help people!"

She was truly embarrassed at that moment, especially by the people around her. While she was using a whisper towards Yang Tian and the two beauties, the two beauties had said those words out loud.

Even if the whole plane hadn't heard them speak, at least in the radius of three to five rows it was heard, and she felt like she had truly lost face.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun sent her another whisper, but this time only for her ears, as he said,

"You know, I wasn't joking when I said those words earlier, if you truly want to then you can join us later. I can even let you get some revenge upon these two!

I am the best scoundrel out there, you will be losing if you don't come!"

Unaware to the woman, his voice wasn't the only thing that came in her direction, as there was Qi infused in the voice, this was Yang Tian's special sound technique 'Words of Love'.

Yang Tian had no idea how this woman had been able to 'see through' his pheromone Qi trick, as she was only a level 7 Foundation Establishment Realm expert, but she clearly wasn't able to notice his 'Words of Love'.

Unaware to the woman, the seed had already been planted, as for the next part of the flight, she could think of nothing else but Yang Tian's proposal.

Since Yang Tian stopped his pheromone Qi in the middle of the flight the two beauties by his side were supposed to 'wake up' a little bit.

But to his surprise he found out that they were still continuing with what they had started, they were rubbing their soft melons on his arms while guiding his hands to their secret gardens.

It looked like this wasn't just a result of his Qi pheromone but also a result of their own wish and desire, and his Qi pheromone had acted only as a catalyst.

It was truly surprising at first, but that was only for a fleeting instant, as he decided just to enjoy the 'service' and stop causing trouble.

Of course, he would have loved to do something with the two of them in the place, but unfortunately, the flight was too short, and there were too many people around him.

He needed to have a private plane for sure, he couldn't lose precious time doing nothing like he was now!

As he was enjoying whatever was happening to him and thinking about some important parts, the plane finally landed on Anyang, and it was time to disembark.

Even though Yang Tian didn't want to lose time, he still made sure to stay behind with the two ladies by his side waiting for the response of the woman behind.

Even though he called her an old madam earlier, the truth was that she was quite well maintained, with blonde curly hair, some big sweet melons, a tight waist, and round perky rear buns.

She was what people would call a cougar or a MILF! The woman herself didn't seem to know what to do, there was a weird complexion on her face…