Chapter 82: Useless Effort

With that weird expression on her face, the woman didn't wait for long, and the moment the line was open she just grabbed her bag and moved out of the plan in front of Yang Tian and the two beauties.

As for Yang Tian, he was in a complicated situation at the moment. while he hadn't made many moves on the two beauties for more than half of the flight, they had still brought their selves at a small peak.

Even as everyone was thinking of disembarking the plane, Yang Tian was forcibly kept there for them to enjoy their selves.

Not that he minded though, but unfortunately they couldn't stay there for long, and he wanted to keep a rather low profile.

For that reason, he decided to put a quick end to everything, as he told the two of them in a weak voice,

"Kiss each other!"

The two beauties weren't in their best mental conditions at the moment, but even if they were no one knew how they would react, as they did just as they were told.


The moment that their lips landed on each other, Yang Tian used his Ninth Cloud Touch at 11% of capacity and made them climax with one single touch.

Even though their kiss blocked a large part of their moan, they were still loud enough for the flight attendants to hear, who saw all this with complex expressions on their faces.

There seemed to be some kind of wanton on their faces, wishing to experience something similar, but at the same time feeling a bit embarrassed from thinking like that.

Especially when it came to some unknown person that had just boarded the plane for 42 minutes.

At the same time, the flight attendants didn't know what to think about the two ladies on Yang Tian's sides, surprised at their courage, or jealous of their courage!?

No matter what, this wasn't something that happened every day. On the other hand, Yang Tian just smiled and winked at them, while the two ladies finally regained a bit of clarity and sense to leave the plane with him.

Even though they had calmed down a bit after that climax, and there was even a red hue on their faces as if they couldn't believe what they had done, they still grabbed onto Yang Tian's arms while they left with him.

Yang Tian made sure to wait for them to carry their luggage and then walk towards the exit when suddenly the beautiful mature woman that had been seating behind them appeared.

Even though Yang Tian had seen her look back more than once as she disembarked the plane, he hadn't thought that she would actually appear in front of him again so soon.

In fact, he even expected to see her run away and escape from him in order to not fall for the small trap he had prepared.

"Were you serious about your offer on the plane!? Do you really want to have fun with me!?"

"Yes, I was, and still am extremely serious!"

Even though her question was a bit unexpected, Yang Tian didn't show any weakness or tarriness in his answer either.

"What if I told you that I am not interested in these two girls and would want to have you only to myself!?"


With only one snap of his fingers, the two ladies grabbing on his arms seemed to have been thrown a bucket of ice-cold water on their faces, as they then heard,

"Ladies, I hope we see another time! Now I have some important business to take care of!"



Even though the two beauties seemed to have awakened from the charm, they were still a bit reluctant to move away from Yang Tian, but hearing his decisive answer, they felt like they had to leave.

The mature woman in front of him saw this scene with a little surprise on her face like she hadn't thought this would go like this, as she couldn't help but feel weird inside.

Was this brat really this interested in her!? Her body was good for real, but she was much older than him, or those two girls.

Didn't men always prefer the young and throw away the old!?

"So what now beautiful!?"

She wasn't able to understand Yang Tian's thoughts and was only awakened from her stupor when she heard those words.

"There is a hotel close to the airport, let us go there!"

"Very well, my lady!"

Saying that Yang Tian offered the woman his arm while making sure that it was positioned right beside her big and sweet melons.

"From where did someone like you come from!?"

"From your dreams, after dreaming so long for me to come and ravish you, I finally took physical shape and came to this place!"

"Hahahah~! You are truly glib tongued, with these skills I don't think that you would need to use charm Qi in those girls, right!?

Like that, you wouldn't have attracted my attention either!"

"Hahahha~! Beautiful, someone like you wouldn't be able to watch by the side even if you saw two dogs barking at each other!"

"Oh!? It seems like you know me quite well!?"

"No, not you in person, but your type of woman!"

"Isn't this the same as the rice is uncooked by looking only at a grain!?"

"Perhaps, but can you deny my evaluation!?"

"No, no I can't!"

At this moment the two of them reached at the exit and they immediately took a cab to the nearest hotel, seemingly unable to control their selves.

The cab driver seemed to be used to such things, so he didn't say anything extra, and just did as he was told.

Booking a room for the night, the two of them headed for their destination. Upon reaching the room, Yang Tian immediately grabbed the beauty in a princess carry and brought her to the bed, while kissing her lips on the way.

At first, the beauty reacted weirdly, but then she didn't seem to resist, as she circled her arms around Yang Tian's neck.

But the moment that she reached the back of his neck, she said in a whisper,

"Sorry, but you deserve this!"

Without wasting time she hit Yang Tian on the back of his neck, in order to knock him out, and they both fell on the bed with Yang Tian over the mature woman.

"Evil pervert cultivators like you are cancer to the society! You need to get imprisoned and punished for your deeds!

Haiz~! I have done it again, I can't stay without putting my nose in every matter!

Lu Yanxue you are about to get berated again from Jiang'er for doing something stupid like this. Well anyway, it wasn't like I could allow this little devil to run rampant anyway!"

It seemed like the beauty had much to talk to herself, about as she tried to remove Yang Tian's body from above her.

At the same time, she took out her smartphone in order to call the special forces to come and retrieve Yang Tian and arrest Yang Tian.

This wasn't the first time she was doing something like this, but this was certainly the first time that she had allowed the target to kiss her. Even she didn't understand why.

Before she could press the call button though, a grinning face appeared in front of her own, as a lightning-fast hand grabbed on her phone, as Yang Tian's voice rang in her ears,

"Beauty you call me evil but aren't you the one who is cheating me right now!? Don't you think that you should keep responsibility for your words!?"

"Yoouu… How come you aren't unconscious!? I am sure that I knocked you out just a moment ago!"

"Hehehe~! You think I would be taken down that easily!? You underestimate me a bit too much!"

"Hmph~! Shameless boasting, I just didn't use all of my strength!? You think that your pathetic level 9 Qi Refining Realm is enough to challenge me!?"

"I can throw the same words at you beautiful, do you think that your level 7 Foundation Establishment Realm is enough to challenge me!?"

"You brought this upon yourself! Cutting Stream!"

Without wasting her time, the mature beauty below Yang Tian made a chop attack on his neck, with the intention to knock him out once again.

Yang Tian clearly sensed and saw the attack, but he still didn't react, as he just looked her directly in the eyes.


The chop landed on the back of his neck, but it didn't cause any damage, as he just grinned victoriously at the woman.

Lu Yanxue was clearly shocked at the situation, she didn't expect something like that to happen. The moment her hand landed on Yang Tian's neck it felt like she was hitting a century-old wood.

As if it wasn't enough for her to be shocked and angry that her strike didn't have the expected effect, Yang Tian grinned at her, and then lowered for a kiss, while his hands started getting rude.

"You evil little thing, you deserve death!"

With those words, she once again landed another chop on Yang Tian's neck receiving once again the same result, as Yang Tian licked on her ear, making her body shiver, and then whisper lightly,

"No matter what you do will be a futile effort! You better give up and enjoy what follows, because today you are bound to become mine!"

"Hmph~! You wish~!"

"Do you truly think so!? Isn't your body getting extremely hot and wet right now!? How long do you think you can resist!?"
