Chapter 84: Setting the Trap


This was the first game, and yet the betting stakes in the middle of the table had gathered to a whooping, 200.000 dollars.

Yang Tian didn't really care about this much money, especially when he was playing against 2 other people beside the casino owner, and his target.

The other 2 guys seemed quite loaded and wealthy as well, as one of them seemed to be around 18 or 20 years old, while the other guy was an old man with a trace of blood in his aura.

Each of them had at least 4 million dollars of chips in front of them, but it was clear that they hadn't entered the game with that much money, as a large part of it had come from Yang Tian's target.

Even in this hand, the beauty was looking nervously at the game, while she followed the lead of the others, while Yang Tian just called and checked.

Finally no one seemed to be confident in their cards, or they just didn't want to scare him with the first hand, as the pot finally reached 400.000 dollars, and they opened their cards.

Yang Tian only had a pair of Aces into the game, while the old man had a double pair of 4's and 5's taking everything for himself.

"Hahahaha~! This old man is quite lucky today, I just hope that it continues!"

"It certainly seems so, Old Master Yuefeng is truly lucky today!"

The one to enter the conversation was the owner of the casino, but even though he lost this game as well, he didn't seem worried or unhappy in the least.

It was just like the one who was actually winning tonight wasn't the old man but himself, which clearly surprised Yang Tian a little bit.

In just this first hand Yang Tian was able to understand the owner, the old man, and most probably even that Young Master were in cahoots against his target.

Even though he understood that though, he didn't tell her anything, as he just continued the game, even happier than he was at first.

In three hands, Yang Tian won one and lost two, and having a balance of 30.000 dollars plus. It wasn't much, but it wasn't a negative difference.

On the other hand, his target had finally lost all her money, and was getting even more nervous, as she looked at the owner and said,

"Boss Tao give me 1 million in credit, I will pay you back soon!"

"Miss Feng you are surely joking with me, you already have 5 million dollars in credit in my casino I don't think I can give you anymore!

I am afraid that you husband will barge at my door one of this days and blame me for even giving you this much, please don't make things difficult for me."

"Boss Tao is just one million, I will make sure to return it to you as fast as possible!"

"Boss Tao, Miss Feng is pleading you so forthrightly, you should listen to her request!"

"Haiz~! Young Master Ji you should understand that while I love gambling, I can't damage my business! Please don't put me in a tough spot!"

"Then how about I lend you a few millions Miss Feng, you don't even have to bother about returning them, as long as you accompany me for dinner!"

The Young Master of the Ji Family seemed to be intent on Yang Tian's target, as he was even prepared to offer her a few million dollars.

His only mistake was that he was too hasty and uncovered his intentions right away. It was clear that he was trying to enter the woman's panties.

"No, thank you Young Master Ji, I am afraid that I can't pay the interests of your credit!"

"Gentlemen and Lady are we going to play or keep discussing amid each other!?"


Since Yang Tian had brought so much money, and had hidden his identity, the owner didn't dare to take him lightly. At the same time, he was part of the plot, and had promised Young Master Ji his help.

"What are you going to do Miss Feng, are you going to take credit from Young Master Ji, or are you going to stand up and leave the table.

Don't forget that you have time until the end of the month to pay the 5 million dollars credit you owe to me!"

"Boss Tao if you give me a million dollar more on credit I will pay you tonight!"

"Please don't put me in a spot Miss Feng, this isn't something I can afford! Young Master Ji is offering you his help, if you are truly so confident then why not take it from him!?"

Miss Feng Fei was Yang Tian's target, how could he allow his target to actually fall for the ploy of another man, as he snaped his fingers.

Immediately Zero who was behind him, in disguise as well, walked forward and brough the suitcase he was carrying, and placed it on the table, together with a piece of paper.

He started taking out the money, while Yang Tian wrote something on the letter, and handed it over to Miss Feng while saying,

"Here you are Miss Feng, I am giving you 2 million dollars on credit with no interest as long as you pay me back tonight!

I am a man who likes to play and gamble a lot, and I feel like we are kindred spirits! In fact, in order to make sure that you don't feel burden about your debts, I am even willing to take over the credit to the casino!

Of course, the premise is that I take 50% of your winnings! Since you are so confident, I have a good feeling about your chances!"


"Don't worry though, I have no intention of asking for anything else beside the money Miss Feng, I already gave that to you in writing, and there are the cameras testifying to my words."

"Very well then!"

The trap was perfectly set, and the fish had bit on the bait. Now it was time to pull the bait and trap the fish.

But in order to do that, Yang Tian didn't need to worry much, as there were three more who were going to help him.

Young Master Ji's face expression was clearly ugly and hostile, but the owner and his 'second hand' couldn't let go of such an opportunity.

"Don't you think this is a bit rude Mister Anonymous!?"

"Please don't get me wrong Young Master Ji, I am a man who loves poker and gambling, and this is one of my only chances to enjoy my passion!

You will have so many other opportunities in the future to accomplish your interests!"

"Hmph~! I am giving you face due to Boss Tao, but you surely owe me one!"

"Young Master Ji just because the dragon doesn't howl, it doesn't mean that it's frightened from the snake!"


"Gentlemen we are here to drink and gamble tonight, please don't make the situation difficult for me!"

Young Master Ji clearly wasn't happy about all this, but since he had no idea of Yang Tian's identity he couldn't really make a move and could only accept Boss Tao's words.

"Very well, I shall accept this for now!"

"Like I said, I am here only to enjoy my game, so don't worry Boss Tao!"

"Hahhhaha~! Very well then, let us play some more!"

Once again the play started, and money changed many hands, the end result was more that obvious though, as Miss Feng lost another 2 million dollars.

This time it was Yang Tian's money, someone that she didn't even know, which made her feel extremely complicated.

Her eyes looked in Yang Tian's direction with a bit of trepidation and mixed feelings, as she was about to ask for some more credit.

Before she could ask though, Zero came from behind once again giving her another million dollars.

This time Yang Tian didn't even need to say something as the woman grabbed the money and continued playing.

Unfortunately even this money didn't last for long, before she was in tatters once again, while Yang Tian had won 3 million dollars of his own money back.

Seeing that her hands were empty once again, Yang Tian didn't hesitate to give her another 2 million dollars, and just smile at her.

Unfortunately today was destined to be a terrible day for her, as this whole game was a set up.

In fact, the owner didn't understand how Yang Tian managed to win that money back, as he was supposed to have lost everything as well.

But he didn't care as long as Yang Tian continued to give the money to Miss Feng on credit. To him the important part of the scheme was getting the money.

The only dissatisfied person in this whole mess, was Young Master Ji who felt like his prey was hunted down and taken away by someone else right in front of his eyes…