Chapter 85: Leaving the Casino & Nobody

Yang Tian didn't really care much about this guy. In his eyes, this Young Master Ji was nothing more than a small rat on the street that was actually lusting after his personal swan.

As the game continued, Yang Tian was slowly getting all the necessary funds not only to keep funding Miss Feng but also to pay her already credit on the casino.

Just like Young Master Ji even the casino owner was getting more and more displeased with this mess because while Miss Feng was losing money like usual, her credit was going to someone else.

Not to mention that he was being paid back through his own money, which made him even more displeased with this shitty situation.

After 3 full hours, Yang Tian had finally paid all the credit that Miss Feng owned to the casino owner, while also making a small benefit for himself around 1 million dollars.

Not to mention that the money on credit that Miss Feng had taken from him had already reached double digits. Something that she wouldn't be able to pay up easily.

It was at this time that someone seemed to have sent an important message on Miss Feng's phone, as she stood up shocked from the table while saying,

"Everyone, I will have to leave for today, but I will surely come back for another hand another time!

Mister, I don't know who you are, and where are you from but I will make sure to pay your credit as soon as possible!

Now if you will excuse me!"

She didn't even allow the casino owner, and that Young Master Ji to say a word, as she immediately stormed out of the place, leaving everyone with a shocked expression.

Yang Tian didn't really care as he had already reached his purpose in coming here, so he just let it pass without much interest as he looked at the owner and said,

"Well Boss Tao it looks like your tasty fish has left the house, do you wish to continue or should we stop here!?"

His words clearly showed that he had full knowledge of what was going on, and it was also a sort of warning.

After all, all the three left people at the table had already witnessed his skills, so if they wanted to continue with the game they would surely regret it.

"If Mister knew about this from the start, then why didn't you say something!?"

"Heheh~! What does that have to do with me!? I am just concerned about my satisfaction with the game! Furthermore, that made things even more interesting, as I have all her credit on my name!"

"Don't tell me that Mister took a fancy on Miss Feng, I must warn you that she is a married woman, and part of the Hong Family!"

"Hahahah~! Boss Tao surely didn't seem to care about this when you were trying to voice for Young Master Ji, don't tell me that you only learned about this now!"

It was clear that Yang Tian had the upper hand in the discussion all the time, especially since no one knew his identity.

"Since you clearly understood the ploy, and even my efforts then why did Mister interfere!? Don't tell me that you don't put my Ji Family in your eyes!"

"Hahaha~! Should I? What good is this Ji Family to actually be put into my eyes!? Little brother, I advise you to keep your feet on the ground and your nose low otherwise you might suffer, a lot!"


"I am in a good mood today, so I don't want to make any trouble! Especially for that reason, I am leaving with only 1 million dollars more only!

You surely understand what I mean, right Boss Tao!?"

Young Master Ji was clearly displeased with the way he was being treated and lowered, but before he could explode, Boss Tao told him to relax, as he turned to Yang Tian,

"But of course, this Master wants to thank Mister for his benevolence. Let us put an end to tonight's game!"

Saying that the door of the room was opened by two bald security guards, who in fact released their pressure and auras upon Yang Tian.

It was just like they were trying to assess his strength and power. If he wasn't able to deal with those two, then Boss Tao would change his attitude.

Fortunately or unfortunately for them, Yang Tian didn't seem to have felt anything as he just stood up like there was nothing on his body and walked towards the door.

'Slaaappppp… Booooommmm…'

When he reached at the door of the room, under the solemn and surprised eyes of the people inside, he suddenly made a quick slap towards the door and a booming sound followed.

The door immediately crumbled into small parts and started falling down, while Yang Tian turned around with a sorry voice, and said,

"I am really sorry for the damages Boss Tao, I felt that I saw a fly on the door just now and couldn't hold myself back!

Here, let me pay you for the damages!"

As he said that he even threw a 10.000 dollars chip toward Boss Tao, whose face couldn't be any uglier and darker.

'Fu*ck you fly! You bastard are trying to deter me by showing your strength!'

Of course, Boss Tao wasn't the only one to feel like that, as Young Master Ji was the same. He was completely dazed and conflicted by what he had just seen.

It was only when Yang Tian left the place, that Young Master Ji finally looked at Boss Tao, and said,

"Boss Tao don't tell me we are going to let him go like that! I am unresigned!"

"What do you think we can do Young Master Ji, you already saw his strength and prowess for yourself!"

"Hmph~! Petty tricks, my guards can do the same! Just because you don't dare to do anything, doesn't mean that I don't too!"

With that said he took out his phone and called a number. The moment that the other guy picked up the call he immediately said,

"Brother wolf, I need a favor from you…"

While Young Master Ji was planning his revenge on Yang Tian, the person himself got out of the casino with Zero on his tow and got in his car.

"Young Master do you think those fries will make trouble for us!?"

"I would be surprised if they didn't! That Boss Tao looks like a sly and sinister fox, I am sure that he will stay on the side while he uses that kid to test us!

Unfortunately, even if he doesn't plan to mess with me, I do plan to mess up with him! After all, the best source of income is gambling, and we need to enter the business somehow!"

"Young Master means…"

"Yup, we are going to make that Boss Tao work for us, while we guide and help him from behind!"

"Aren't you afraid that he will betray us, Young Master!?"

"He will try for sure, but at that point, we will show him that what matters is real strength, and not just money and connections!"

"Young Master surely has thought this through! What about that woman Young Master!?"

"Oh her!? Just send her a message first thing in the morning! After all that money in credit, we need some sort of guarantee, don't we!?"

"Yes, Young Master!"

In the middle of the route, the driver of Yang Tian's car got outside and changed the plaques of the car, before going once again and stopping in a side motel.

Despite this gimmick, the person following behind them didn't lose them out of his sight and followed them to the place as well.

Upon seeing this, Young Master Ji felt even more secure and certain of his plan, as he told Boss Tao by his side,

"Told you so! This is just some lowlife trying to play tough! Brother Wolf continue!"

With that notice from him, more than 4 cars, and 10 motor vehicles appeared with a lot of noise, as more than 40 people with spiky colorful hair, piercings, and chains appeared around the motel.

After blocking the possible routes around the place, the guy in lead walked in front of the entrance and screamed,

"Bastards inside, come out for this daddy if you don't want to suffer a painful death!"

Many people were alarmed, as the guy at the desk of the motel came out in a hurry, and upon seeing who was the guy who screamed, immediately bowed and started bootlicking,

"Brother Wolf it's a great honor to have you in our humble abode, the owner has told me so much about you!

Tell me who has dared to provoke you, I will go and pull him outside for you!"

"Hahahaha~! Don't worry, that guy will come outside by himself, trembling like a leaf if he knows what's good for him."

"For sure brother wolf, for sure! Haha~!"

Even though he was laughing, the poor employee couldn't help but hope that this dark star wouldn't enter inside and destroy the place. Otherwise, his employer would surely destroy his life.

Despite Wolf's extreme confidence though, there was no sign of Yang Tian, or Zero coming out, which clearly angered this brother Wolf.

"Bastards inside this is your last chance, come out for this daddy if you don't want to suffer a painful death!"

Even though he waited for more than 5 seconds, the result was still the same, Yang Tian and Zero seemed to be ignoring him.

Angry at this result, he immediately placed an angry and ugly expression on his face before he started walking in rage towards the motel when…