Chapter 86: Stupid Roach

All of a sudden a window on the second floor seemed to be opened widely from the wind, and a plastic flower vase fell on brother Wolf's head.

Of course, this could only count as a terrible attempt of trying to catch brother Wolf by surprise, as he immediately harrumphed coldly, and with a quick movement punched the vase broken.

This clearly showed of brother Wolf's training and martial prowess but at the same time his stupidity, as while he had broken the vase, the dirt and the flower inside fell right on top of his head.

In a short amount of time he was already covered in the dirt that came out of the vase, as a lazy voice rang from inside,

"Stop screaming and bothering this daddy's sleep or you are going to regret it!"

"Yoouuuuu~! I will fucking slaughter you, and all your relatives, you damn bastards! Now this shit became personal, you are going to regret ever offending me!"

If at first this whole mess was in order to help Young Master Ji, now this matter had turned personal, and there was no way that brother Wolf would let it slide anymore.

The whole punks following him seemed to get enraged as well, because the person inside had actually humiliated their big brother.

There was no way they were ever going to forgive something like that happen, as they all got off their vehicles, grabbing the chains of their motorcycles, the baseball bats, and the metallic rods, they fully surrounded the place.

Seeing this brother Wolf felt like he needed to regain face, as he looked at the group behind him, and said in a solemn and domineering voice,

"Wait me here, I will go and bring them down!"

With that said, he didn't waste anymore time there, and started running upstairs, right at the room from which the flower vase had been thrown.


Everyone could hear the sound of a door breaking, before brother Wolf ordered in a domineering voice,

"You motherfu*ckers should blame your parents for giving birth to you!"

Immediately after that, two different beating types of sounds started ranging and spreading even outside for everyone that witnessed this scene.

Of course, for all the people outside, it was their brother Wolf who was actually beating Yang Tian, and Zero, while Boss Tao, and Young Master Ji felt that there was something wrong.

Remembering Yang Tian's show of strength at the casino and comparing that with brother Wolf there shouldn't be such a big difference between them.

Yet the fight inside was a two versus one and it seemed completely one-sided. As a matter of fact, even one-sided didn't seem to explain this, as it was like beating a chicken, or a dog.

As time was going by, even the underlings of brother Wolf started realizing that there was something wrong with it, before one of them screamed,

"Brother Wolf don't beat them to death inside! Leave them a bit for your brothers entertainment as well!"

"Of course, how could I forget about you guys!"

The voice coming from inside the motel seemed to agree with the proposition, the only problem was that it didn't seem to belong to their Brother Wolf, but one of the guys inside.

Before the underlings could understand what the hell was going on, a ragged body was thrown out of the window, right at that guy who asked to be left with a bit of entertainment.

Even though this guy was supposed to be strong with a buffed body, he was actually taken away by the body that went in his direction and sent flying towards a motorcycle behind.

'Booommmm…, booommmm~!'

Due to the loud noise everyone turned their heads in that direction, only to see that buffed guy sandwiched in between the motorcycle, and a terrible sorry looking brother wolf.

The whole crowd was shocked, as they didn't know what to make of this, and what to think of this for a moment, before Yang Tian and Zero appeared and jumped down from the second floor.

Taking a look at all the idiots gathered around the motel at that moment, Yang Tian seemed quite disappointed, as he told Zero,

"Zero clean up the place in 5! I am going to have a talk with the real guests!"

"Yes, Master!"

It was at this time that the punks outside seemed to have regained their senses as well, as one of them screamed out loud,

"Brothers let's fu*ck them up!"

"Yaaahhh~!" x37

More than a few dozen people followed that first cry as they all jumped to attack Zero and Yang Tian, but before they could even understand how and when Yang Tian had disappeared.

The only one they were able to see was Zero, who was waiting all of them with a calm and cool look on his face, like he wouldn't blink even if the world collapsed in front of him.

Well, it wasn't because Zero underestimated these guys, it was just that they were truly weak. What can one expect from some lowlife thugs with no sense of martial arts, or cultivation.

For that reason, even though he was fighting around 40 people, Zero looked like he was taking a walk in the park as he slapped left and right whoever that provoked him.

On the other hand, Yang Tian had used his great speed to dodge the troublesome idiots, before appearing in front of the perpetrators of the issue.

"Here we meet again Boss Tao, Young Master Ji! I didn't expect to meet you two so soon though! Could it be that just like me you were thinking about another gambling event!?"

Boss Tao and Young Master Ji were about to leave a bit further from this place, and call for more reinforcements, but before they could do it, Yang Tian had appeared.

In a weird and embarrassed tone, Boss Tao regained clarity and composure first, as he said,

"Hahahhaah~! That's right Mister, but when we arrived here we found out that we were lacking the funds, so we thought of going back and filling our pockets, before coming here again!"

"Hehehe~! Boss Tao and Young Master Ji are truly great and kind hearted gamblers, wishing to had over so much money to me!

I can't show you any less hospitality than you did, so allow me to give you something back!"

It was clear that they weren't talking about a gamble anymore, and that Boss Tao and Young Master Ji seemed to be in a perilous situation.

"Hey, you, stop acting high and mighty! Do you think you can face the consequences of harming me!?

I am the Young Master of the Ji Family, you better forget this happened and let us go, or you wont be able to face the consequences.

Not only you, but your whole family and relatives will have to suffer as well!"

"Hehehe~! Young Master Ji truly says some interesting words! It's just that it seems you always go a tad bit too far.

I don't really care much about you, in my eyes you are nothing more than a little roach trying to survive, and I would be willing to let you go as long as you show you are amusing for me.

Unfortunately there is one special thing you shouldn't touch little roach, and that is my family! That is this Dragon's invertible scale, and you have managed to enrage me now!"

Even though Yang Tian didn't seem enraged in the least as he said those words, it was precisely that cold and emotionless cold voice of his that made Boss Tao and Young Master Ji tremble.

"Yoouuu… I will fucking kill you! Second Grandpa help me please!"

Out of nowhere, not far from Young Master Ji an old man with a slightly hunched back appeared, and looking at Yang Tian he said,

"Esteemed Master who honourable family do you belong!? This Ji would like to ask you for some face and end the matters here today! We both take a step back!"

"What!? Second Grandpa, you cant do this! You should kill him, that bastard dared to…"


"Shut up for me! Just what do you know for him or his background, why are you trying to curse my Ji Family's prosperity!?"

Yang Tian watched this scene without much of an expression, as he took a while before he said,

"If you are tired, you can close up this show! It's getting totally tasteless! I might consider letting you guys go, but that idiots face can't even hide his rage and killing intent!

Today you have to die!"

The old man seemed to get angered for real this time with his stupid descendant, but he didn't show much fear, as he walked forward and said,

"Young people nowadays don't know the immensity of Heaven! Forfeiting a toast only to face a forfeit. I am afraid that I can only kill you now, young man!"

After saying those words, he turned to Boss Tao as he said,

"Boss Tao I don't think you are going to stay out of this right? After all, you are one of the guilty parties!"

Boss Tao didn't seemed to be able to decide for a moment or two, as Yang Tian finally seemed unable to bear with this play, and said,

"Are we doing this or not!? I don't have time all that time to spend with two ugly old bastards like you, my ladies are waiting for me!"

"Kid you go too far!"

"Heh~!? You call this too far!? I have only started, you know!? Don't worry, your wives, daughters, and nieces will be in safe hands even after your death…"