Chapter 100: Idea and Medicinal Herbs Market

Yang Tian didn't really care what the private detective in the next room though, as he was now fully thinking about his next step.

Now that he knew that Miss Feng's husband was doubting and cheating on her with her best friend, he was thinking of the best way to make use of this situation.

After all, if he wanted to control the Hong Family then he would need to control the head of the family and not the ladies of the house.

While controlling them would be an indirect control, it wasn't full control. And there would be many cases where he wouldn't be able to control the decisions of the family.

From the beginning, he wasn't planning only for indirect control of the house, but for direct and total control of the house.

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly plotted a nice plan, before he actually sat up and started refining the Yin energy that had entered his body not long ago.

Now that his inner energy reserves were fully filled to the 9th level of the Qi Refining Realm he was fully focused on tempering his body.

After all this time he had finally finished the Flesh Strengthening and had already started the Viscera Strengthening.

His speed was fast, but not satisfying for him! He had yet to temper his physical body, and there would be also his soul tempering.

If nothing changed, even with his newly added partners of double cultivation he would still need two months or more to actually promote himself to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

No, he couldn't let things go on like this, he had to speed up his practice. Things were going to be only more complicated and bothersome from now on.

Thinking like that, he could think of a few solutions but first and foremost was to actually make use of the opportunity at the Spa resort with the Hong Family ladies and increase the speed.

What he was planning to do was quite simple actually, he was thinking of using some low quality potions and elixirs in order to serve as catalysts of Yin Energy.

These potions and elixirs would not only make the ladies more active while in double cultivation but also increase their bodies' Yin energy production for a short time.

This seemed like a great opportunity, but it was a fully clean and simple method. The problem was what happened after he had reaped the Yin Energy from their bodies.

As these beauties would not only create a sort of dependence on the said potion and elixir but also experience an after a period of exhaustion, and even possibly lose a bit of their vitality and lifespan.

While the loss wouldn't be extreme, it wasn't small by any means, as they would each lose 1 or 2 years of vitality or lifespan.

Normally he wouldn't want to do something like that, but this seemed like the most plausible and easy solution to his problem.

Of course, this was something that he was willing to do it to women that didn't hold any importance or space in his heart, and to women that deserved it a bit.

While he wasn't a saint, he wasn't a devil either! He was something in between, depending on his mood and situation.

With those thoughts in his mind, Yang Tian didn't waste much of his time staying there in the bed, as he stood up, took a shower, dressed, and got outside.

Zero was waiting for him outside the door, and the moment he got outside he immediately asked in a weird voice,

"Where to now Master!"

Despite his intentions, his voice came a bit hoarse and difficult to hear, but it couldn't count as his fault, as he was startled, ashamed, and embarrassed by the sounds that he had heard a while ago.

Yang Tian noticed that, but he didn't point it out, as he answered in a clear and calm voice,

"We are going to the herb medicinal market! I need some herbs!"

While Zero didn't voice his thoughts, Yang Tian could fully understand that this guy thought that the reason for his prowess in bed was due to some medicinal pill or herb.

But despite knowing that, he didn't try to say something or clear the misunderstanding as he knew that no matter what there would be no winner in the matter.

More than half an hour later the car that Zero and Yang Tian were driving with stopped at the parking spot of the medicinal herb market of Anyang City.

The market wasn't much different from Yang Tian's thoughts and expectations, it seemed more like a crowded vegetable market than a medicinal herbs market.

People were all over the place buying, bargaining, and checking the herbs trying to find what they were searching for.

Of course beyond this crowded and bustling part of the market, there was an open and wide area that was actually a bit empty.

In that part of the market, the storefronts were fully glass or crystal showcasing some extremely precious herbs that others didn't have.

The disparity was visible to one's eyes, and if one looked a bit more carefully they would be able to actually find visible proof of that disparity as the price difference was really difficult to compare.

In the bustling part, the most expensive herb was priced at 1.000 dollars, while in the second empty part, 1.000 dollars was the starting price, and there was no roof price either.

"Young Master aren't we going to the second part of the market directly!?"

Seeing his Master Yang Tian head to the crowded and bustling market Zero couldn't help but ask his Master solemnly, while Yang Tian answered,

"Of course not Zero! Haven't you heard that expression, sometimes jade is covered by mud and dirt! While this part market seems like a waste of time, it might give us a great surprise!

Now follow me Zero and let us go inside!"

At this point in time, Yang Tian had spread his spiritual sense as far as he could and was trying to check on every herb that he could.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any surprise for him, as he only found some older than stated herbs in the bunch and bargained for their price like everyone else.

Seeing him bargain like that surprised Zero by quite a bit, as Yang Tian had no need to actually bargain. These expenses were just like trying to bargain for drops of water when possessing a lake.

"Hehehe~! Are you surprised at my bargaining Zero!? I am doing this just to have some fun.

Furthermore, if I were to not bargain with them, they would think that I have a lot of money and increase the prices.

While I do have a lot of money, and wouldn't mind their slight increase, it's a bit displeasing to be taken as a soft spoiled rich brat!"

"I understand Master!"

"Well, I hope you…"

This time before he could finish his words, Yang Tian fully stopped and seemed to be contemplating in a stupor.

"Master did something happens!?"

Yang Tian didn't pay attention to Zero or his question though, as he slowly approached one of the side vendors, as he questioned,

"Boss how much for this herb over here!?"

The herb didn't seem like something great, it was just a decade-old dragon fruit, that was found almost in all of the stalls.

But seeing Yang Tian's conduct before he approached the stand, the shop owner thought that he had either seen something special or he was a country bumpkin, so he decided to raise the price.

"That is a 100-year-old dragon fruit little brother, my nephew managed to pick it up from a special tree in the mountains.

That is a priceless treasure that I am willing to depart only for 10.000 dollars!"

"Really!? You aren't lying to me, are you, uncle!?"

"Of course not, I swear to you upon my credibility as a merchant!"

"Very well, I am taking it!"

"Hahahahaha~! What a joke, selling a cheap Dragon Fruit for 10.000 dollars, little brother you are truly gullible!

That thing isn't worth even 100 dollars."

Just as Yang Tian and the shopkeeper were set on the deal, the booth owner on the side couldn't help but get in the middle.

Those words managed to not only spoil the deal but also immediately change the expression on Tianlong Yun's face…