Chapter 101: Splurging Money

There was an old adage saying that a close neighbor is even better than a long relative, but that was clearly not the case for these two sellers.

The seller that was just about to gain a great fortune by Yang Tian's purchase couldn't help but become extremely infuriated as he started screaming at his neighbor with a bellyful of anger,

"What the hell are you talking about you blackhearted bastard, how is your business about our transaction!

You should open your eyes and have a look at this, how is this special herb a normal dragon fruit, this is clearly a treasure of heaven and earth.

It's your blind eyes that are unable to see its specialty differently from this sharp Young Master!"

On the side, Yang Tian seemed to have gotten angry as well, as he claimed in a loud and overbearing tone,

"This Young Master's eyes are certainly sharp and exquisite, but I didn't think that you would have such a great appetite shop owner!

To actually take this Young Master for a fool, do you think that I am that gullible!? Hmph~! There is yet to be born someone who can take advantage of this Young Master!

Still, I can't take back our agreement and my words either, so I have decided to give you that 10.000 dollars, but not just for the Dragon Fruit for your whole stall."

"Young Master this…"

"Come on man we both know that everything in your stall comes to 7-8 thousand dollars, I am giving you a good estimate just now giving you a good profit as well!"

The shop owner couldn't help but look at Yang Tian with a different look altogether at this moment.

At first, he had thought that Yang Tian was just a foolish and easily deceivable second-generation Young Master, so the current disposition and words left him speechless.

The neighbor shop owner was surprised by the sudden change of Yang Tian as well, as he didn't expect something like this to happen.

He could only think that this neighbor of his, had actually met his match today. Even then, he wasn't making a loss as Yang Tian was actually planning on giving him a nice profit.

But at the same time, he saw this as an opportunity. The herbs they sold were sought after, but they needed attentive care every day.

While he might be able to make a bigger benefit if he managed to take advantage of some people coming to buy these things from him, that was still a danger.

For that reason, he thought that if Yang Tian had the money to buy everything on his stall as well, he would immediately give them to him without a second thought.

With those thoughts in his head, he couldn't help but say,

"Little brother since you need so many precious herbs and treasures, how about I sell everything in my stall to you as well!"

The previous shop owner was already feeling a bit vexed, as he said,

"Hmph~! Not only did you spoil a good business deal for me, but now you even want to put your nose in this business as well!"

It was clear that he still felt that it was this fellow's nose dive that destroyed this possible great business for him.

Yang Tian didn't care about him and his thoughts though as he looked with a calm and cool expression towards the other stall owner and said,

"Of course, I certainly liked your personality and integrity shop owner, for that reason I am willing to pay you an extra 1000 dollars for the herbs in your stand!"

The shop owner couldn't be any happier with this situation, as he had even managed to earn 1000 dollars more than his neighbor.

One had to know that 1 American dollar was at least 6 Chinese Yuan, meaning that he had won more than 6000 thousand yuan with his words.

The whole purchase had gone for a price of over 70 thousand Yuan which was quite the amount for people like him who made a living through their daily sales.

But this wasn't the end of the situation, as Yang Tian continued,

"You don't have to be this happy yet though, as I have thought of buying as much as I can from this market!

Whoever wants to sell everything they have at a reasonable price, I am willing to buy it! You two could even act as my representatives in the deals, and I will pay an extra 1000 dollars, and a commission of 10%!"

What do you say!?"

This came as a terrifying offer to both of them, as they didn't expect Yang Tian to make such a proposal to them.

Still, neither of them would ever refuse such a good offer, and even the first shop owner felt like he had almost ruined such a good opportunity for himself earlier.

"Of course Young Master, you can believe us!"

"Very well, your acceptance makes me tremendously happy! Just make sure that you don't try any games because I don't know only to give, but to take as well!

Please don't try me!"

As he said those words, he intentionally revealed a bit of his killing intent, making the two stall owners in front of him feel a cold chill down their backs.

With that said and done, Yang Tian gave them his number to call him once they had gathered everything.

With that done he picked up the dragon fruit in his hand, and under the following of Zero made its way towards the second part of the market.

The truth was that initially, Yang Tian hadn't thought of making such a splurge of money to buy medicinal herbs, but he didn't regret it.

The biggest reason he was actually buying all these herbs was that he wanted to help his numbers increase their strength, and most importantly for the herb in his hands.

This wasn't just a normal Dragon Fruit, but it was actually a Profound Dragon Fruit, which was as rare as one in 10.000 even in the Origin World.

A Profound Dragon Fruit needed to be at least 100-years old to enter his sight, and the one he had in his hands was actually a 230 years old Profound Dragon Fruit.

As long as he was able to use this little treasure he would be able to concoct a few Profound Energy Pills that would help those in the Qi Refining Realm reach the Foundation Establishment Realm in a short time.

That wasn't all though, as by using the rest of these herbs he could concoct many elixirs and pills that would help his people increase their energy and levels.

But that didn't matter anymore, as his attention was taken by the colorful and beautiful glass vitrines in the second part of the market, where many herbs were placed under exorbitant prices.

There were many herbs that grabbed his attention, as it looked like while these shops didn't have the quantity in the first part and chaotic market, they did have quality surpassing that by leaps and bounds.

Yang Tian noted all the shops that had grabbed his attention on his way to the end of the second market area before he finally saw something much more important and entered a store.

The moment he entered inside he was immediately received by a beautiful woman in a cheongsam dress,

"Welcome dear guest how may I serve you today!"

"I am just taking a look around. Do you have any catalog with all your products!?"

"Yes, of course, wait here for a moment!"

While Yang Tian waited he took a look around the shop, and he could tell that this was a clean and nice place. Having the aura of a high-class shopping center, and the prices fully revealed that.

Just the Frost Snow Flower that had captured his interest was valued at a good 3 million dollars, which would make everyone think at least twice before buying it.

He was different though, the moment that he saw the herb he had already decided to buy it, even if he had to pay thrice, five, or ten times the price.

That was because this herb was extremely necessary and special for him, as he could concoct the Yin Heart Pill.

While this pill was fully unnecessary for him, it was a great opportunity for his ladies, that needed to refine a large amount of Yin Qi for him.

This was a great indirect benefit for him, one that he would never give up on! But since he was here, then he might as well take a good look at everything this place had and make an even bigger splurge.

Seeing that he could find these many precious herbs in this place, then it meant that there weren't many cultivators or abnormal beings on this small planet.

Either that, or the guys on this small planet had no idea of pill concoction and its great help in body tempering, and energy absorption, refinement.

Still, no matter which of the two was, it didn't really matter to him, as he was extremely happy with the situation.

Like this, he would be able to procure more herbs and treasures for himself, while the people of this small planet kept going with their daily lives.

As he was thinking like this, the beautiful girl who greeted him brought the catalog with the names of the herbs, and Yang Tian took a look.

Most of the names on the list were kind of incomprehensible to him, but he was able to closely pinpoint their identity and characteristics before he finally said,

"I want three full portions of each of the herbs in your shop, and especially that cold flower over there!"

Which clearly surprised the poor beauty…