Chapter 102: An Overbearing Young Master!

It was her and the shop's biggest deal up to date, which left her a bit startled and stunned for a few moments. In that stupor of hers, she couldn't help but ask,

"A-are you sure, that will cost you a few millions in the least!"

Now it was Yang Tian's turn to get a bit startled and stunned, as this was the first time that he had entered a shop, ordered a large order, and asked such a question.

Normally people would try to bloat his order, or even increase the prices in order to benefit as much as they could from him, but in this case, he was being asked such a pure question with good intentions.

Immediately he gained a favorable impression of the beauty, as he looked her once again from head to toe and said,

"Of course, I am sure beautiful, the price doesn't matter!"

Besides the fact that the beautiful attendee was asking him with good intentions, he also realized that right now he wasn't the depraved and wasteful Young Master Yang of the Yang Family.

At this moment he was just a better than average Young Master with extremely deep pockets. At the same time he understood one important note, he had to start making money as soon as possible.

The Yang Family had quite the wealth, and profitable businesses but even their whole assets couldn't come close to what he needed in the near future, and even less in the long future ahead.

Taking her response the attendee immediately took a deep breathe, as she said in a cordial voice,

"Very well, then please allow me to call the manager of the store Young Master because the current deal is beyond my qualifications!"

"I will have to tire you, please go ahead!"

With that said, Yang Tian just sat on a chair inside the shop while he waited for the manager of the shop, which was a white bearded old man.

"Hello, Young Master, you can call me Elder Feng I just heard about your intentions, and I will be in charge of the transaction for this Illusory Herb Garden!

The total of your purchase is estimated at 11.63 million dollars, but I am rounding it up into 11.6 million dollars!"

The old man didn't seem to mind Yang Tian's sitting position, as he just sat in front of him, introduced himself, and entered directly into the matter.

It was Yang Tian's favorite type of person, not wasting any time with stupid and prying questions but directly into the business.

Even the price was perfectly normal and without any bloating, making him extremely happy in dealing with this place.

"Perfect, give me the account number!"

The old man was a bit startled at the directedness of Yang Tian, but he did just as he was told. The moment that he handed over the account number to Yang Tian he received a notification that the money had arrived.

This pleasantly surprised him, as he thought that Yang Tian was for certain not some common person, despite the fact that he hadn't heard his name, or seen his face before.

"Pack everything for the Young Master and prepare some tea from my private collection!"

After giving quick instructions to the attendees and the workers of the shop, the old man turned toward Yang Tian and said,

"Young Master… Aghh~! I forgot to ask you about your honored name!"

"My name is Zhu He!"

"Well, then Young Master Zhu He how about you accompany this old man for a cup of tea as the workers prepare everything!"

"I don't see why not! It will be an honor for me to drink with the owner of this good establishment!"

The old man's eyes sparkled for a moment as he heard Yang Tian's words, but he didn't elaborate on them, as he just made a sign towards his office,

"Please, Young Master Zhu!"

'Baaannggg… tringtringtring…'

Just as Yang Tian was about to follow the white bearded old man to the office, the door of the shop was opened with a loud bang, as a young man of around 20 years old of age, entered with an arrogant bearing.

"Pack that Flower at the vitrine for me! I am buying it no matter the price!"

He didn't even consider his surroundings or the attendee that was about to welcome and help him, as he sprout those words in an overbearing tone.

The attendee had just witnessed the transaction between the owner and that Young Master Zhu He, so she tried her best to pretend she hadn't seen anything, as she said in a low but clear voice,

"I am extremely sorry for this Young Master, it's just that the Flower that you just said has been bought by Young Master Zhu He, and it's no longer a property of our Illusory Herb Garden!"

"Huh!? Who are you!? Are you shitting me!? I can still see the Flower at the vitrine, which clearly means that it hasn't been bought yet.

Are you trying to haggle and increase the price!? Don't bother, I am willing to pay twice, or thrice more in order to get that shitty flower.

It should be your greatest honor to sell that thing to me, you understand!"


The poor attendee didn't know what to say on this occasion, the only reason why the Flower was still being showcased at the vitrine was that Yang Tian had just bought it.

"Young Master the issue is…"

"Just shut your trap for me okay!? I told you that I am buying this Flower and I am buying it! Here, take these as your tip!"

Before the beauty could even say something as to clarify the situation, the Young Master in front of her kept with his character and overbearingness, as he even stuffed a 100-dollar bill in her mouth.

This guy was behaving, speaking, and looking like he controlled the heavens, and whoever was in front of him had to lower his/her head and listen to his Imperial Decree.

The white bearded old man's face changed and turned ugly upon witnessing this scene as well, while the Young Master in front continued with his attitude,

"Who can obey this Young Master's order and bring that Flower here to me, I will give him 1000 dollars! Don't make me call Manager Tao otherwise, you will all regret it!"

The old man's face became truly livid at this moment, as he couldn't bear it anymore, as he took a step forward and said,

"Young man you better behave when you enter this shop, otherwise don't blame this old Master when teaching you a lesson!"

"You would dare!? Are you tired of living!? Do you know who you are dealing with!? Don't you want this job to keep your family surviving any longer!?

Don't force my hand old man, Manager Tao is one call away. He will do whatever I ask of him, and firing you is just a simple matter to him!"

"Oh, is that so!? Then call him here! I truly want to see how he will fire me!"

"Hmph~! Overestimating yourself!"

With that said, the overbearing Young Master brought out his phone, and called Manager Tao, while telling him in his usual tone,

"Manager Tao, I just came to your shop to buy that herb for my Grandpa, but there is an old man in here that dares you to fire him!"

"Huh!? Old man!? There shouldn't be an old man there!"

"It looks like he is just a busybody, don't worry I will take care of him personally! He will regret ever putting his nose into someone else's matters!"

With that said, he immediately closed the call, and turned to the old man with an evil grin on his face,

"Old Man it seems like you are right, Manager Tao won't dare to fire you because you aren't even a part of the staff! You are just a fu*cking busybody with a death wish!

Let this Young Master fulfill your wish for you!"

With that said, he didn't waste time and made a sign towards the security guards to deal with the old man, as 4 towering security guards stood in front of him.

"Any last wish old man!?"

"Yes, I would like to know your name, so that I can pay a visit to your Elders after I have taught you a lesson!"

"Hahahahah~! But of course, my name is Huo Wei, I am the Young Master of the Huo Family which possessed the Crouching Tiger Martial School!"

It was clear by the way he said it, and by the tone, he used that he was exceptionally proud of his background, as no one dared to mess with him.

The old man's face and eyes showed a bit of struggle for a moment, but remembering what he had just done, clarity and determination returned to his countenance.

"Hehehe~! What!? Did the cat bite your tongue, old man!? Or did you just get terrified knowing who I am!?"

"Heheheh~! Young one are you and your old bastard worthy of my fear!? Should you have come here with a good and pleading attitude I might have talked in your favor to get that thing.

But now you have managed to enrage me and destroy all your hopes of getting that thing! You can only blame your stupid character for that!"

"Hmph~! Shameless boasting! Take him down for me!"

It was clear that Young Master Huo Wei wasn't frightened by the old man's words, as he immediately order his security guards, disciples of his martial school, to deal with him.

Two punches and two kicks were headed for the old man, as Yang Tian witnessed everything from the side…