Chapter 103: Cultivation Realms & Education

The old man turned out to not be an ordinary man either as, despite the number inferiority against his opponents, he took a calm and relaxed stand.

The moment that the attacks were in his close area, he quickly used his right hand, and right leg to parry the four attacks, as he turned into a waltz, and parried these guys on the side.

The moment that he had avoided the danger and was now standing behind the four security guards, he sent 4 consecutive quick punches raining down on their necks.

'Bang…, bang…, bang…, bang…'

The four punches didn't leave much of a noise in their wake, but the four security guards' bodies certainly made quite some noise as they fell to the ground.

While Yang Tian's eyes carried a tint of surprise he had been expecting something like this from the start. After all, whatever man that was able to build such a big store, selling great herbs, wouldn't be a normal person.

Just eating some of the things that he was selling would already make him stronger, faster, and much more powerful than normal people.

But it was clear that this man wasn't actually just slightly stronger than the average man. Even though he had tried to hide his Qi and level, Yang Tian was still able to pinpoint it.

This old man was actually a Core Formation Realm expert and a peak one at that. One had to know that Yang Tian had left Earth without much information about cultivation in his past life.

While he knew that there should be other cultivators and strong people like him on Earth, he still didn't know much about their strength or organization.

In the Origin World, cultivation levels were separated into 9 Realms and 32 stages, out of the 9 Realms, the first three were the Mortal Realms, then were the three Immortal Realms, and finally the three God Realms.

The first three Mortal Realms were made of 9 stages. The first of the three Mortal Realms was comprised of the Body Tempering, Qi Gathering, and Foundation Establishment each of them divided into 10 levels.

The second Mortal Realm was comprised of the Nascent Core, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, and Soul Formation each of which is divided into 10 levels.

The third and final Mortal Realm was comprised of Integration and Ascension which were also divided into 10 levels each and were the door to the Immortals' world.

The Immortal Realms were divided into three with 9 stages as well. With the first of the three Immortal Realms called the Immortal Entrance.

Immortal Entrance was comprised of Ascendant, Earth, Profound, and Sky Immortal Realms. Since it was no longer as easy to separate Immortals by levels each of these was separated into Early, Mid, and Peak.

The second of the Immortal Realms was called the Essence Immortal, or True Immortal Realm, separated into Earth, Profound, and Heaven True Immortal, further separated into Early, Mid, and Peak.

The final of the three Immortal Realms were called the Fake God Realms, which were actually comprised of Law and Divine Spark, and Infusion Immortals further separated into Early, Mid, and Peak as well.

The most important part of ascending from an Immortal to a God was Infusion.

The infusion of the Laws and the Divine Spark into the Immortal being and becoming one with them, to finally earn the right to pass the Heavenly Tribulation, and upon successful pass to finally become a God.

Finally after surpassing the Immortality one could ascend to GodHood which was also called the True Peak of cultivation.

Everyone under the God Realm was actually called an Ant in front of these Gods, who could roam freely and unperturbed through the whole known Universe.

Just like the previous two Realms, even GodHood was actually separated into three different Realms.

New God Realm, which was comprised of Ascended, Noble, and Lord New God stages, each of them separated further into Early, Mid, and Peak.

The second of the trio was called the True God Realms, or the King God Realms, comprised of 4 stages Prince, Crown Prince, Uncrowned King, and Crowned King separated further into Early, Mid, and Peak.

The last and final peak of GodHood cultivation was called the Jewel God Realm and was comprised of Emperor God, Silver Emperor God, Gold Emperor God, and Jade Emperor God.

Of course, there was one last Realm, and one last stage, but that was only for those that had surpassed beyond the God Level, becoming the embodiment of their Laws, and Orders, the OverGods.

OverGod was an existence that had transcended to a level beyond the comprehensive cultivation and were trading upon an unknown path.

There could only be one OverGod for each Law, and their number could be counted by one's fingers. The current universe that Yang Tian was could hold only 7 OverGods.

If he wanted to become one, then he would have to kill one of them, and at the same time kill everyone that would vie for the empty spot with him.

Of course, it was easy to talk about killing an OverGod, but the truth was that it was harder than scaling the heaven itself, as these guys were just like unkillable roaches.

One would have to destroy their physical body, their energy body, their soul, and their divine sparks in order to finally kill one of them.

Each of these things needed an infinite amount of energy that a Jade Emperor God didn't have. In fact, even if all below the OverGod Realm joined together, it would be quasi impossible to kill an OverGod.

Well, that was a matter for much later, as right now Yang Tian was actually watching a good show, as the arrogant prick second generation had hit quite the hard plate.

If things went like this, the guy's leg would be totally broken, and many more people behind him would be involved in this conflict.

Of course, upon seeing this scene one would think that this guy had actually learned something, but the truth was far from reality.

This guy was either an idiot, lacking his brains, or probably hit by a donkey because despite the scene in front of him he didn't seem much frightened as he said with his usual arrogant tone,

"Old man don't think that you are something just because you know a bit of Martial Arts, my grandfather is the headmaster of the Crouched Tiger Martial School!

If something were to happen to me, his only grandson, only hell would be available for you to escape to!"

The white-bearded old man couldn't help but place a disgruntled and angry expression on his face, as he looked at the arrogant brat in front of him.

This brat seemed to be eager to witness the fall of Heaven over his head no matter what, and it seemed like he had no other choice but to let him witness it.


With these thoughts in his mind, the old man approached him calmly and relaxed, and without wasting his time with empty words, he landed a tight slap on the guy's face.

"How dare you…"


This Young Master had clearly not expected something like this to happen, so he was in a daze for a moment, before trying to threaten the old man once again, before he received another slap.



Once again he tried to actually speak in a loud tone, only to receive another slap to his face. Each time the slap would be harder and crispier than the one before.



Even though this last time the Young Master spoke in a pleading tone, he still received the same treatment as usual, as he was slapped across his face once again.

"Please, stop, please…"

The poor Young Master didn't have any ounce of his pride and arrogance any longer, he was just like an empty tree trunk, as he could only plead for himself.

It was only at this moment that the old man finally seemed to stop with his slapping, as he looked at the young man with a cold and demotional face, and said,

"Now that you are finally able to listen, call that manager and your grandfather here! This old man truly wants to see what will they do once they come!"

The Young Master seemed to have finally received the relief of his death punishment and more importantly given an opportunity to call for his backers.

He didn't need to be said twice, as he immediately picked up his Smartphone and started making his calls, while the old man turned towards Yang Tian and said in a rather sorry tone,

"I am truly sorry for this displeasing scene young friend, it seems like I haven't controlled my employees properly, and some people haven't educated their descendants properly."

'Claaannggg…, claannggg…, claanngggg…'

As the old man was speaking to Yang Tian, the Young Master's phone had fallen on the ground and jumped about three times.

It wasn't because his hands were crippled, but because the old man's words had certainly startled and stunned him.

He had never thought that today he would actually offend one of the people that his grandfather had told many times not to.

Even though he didn't know the exact identity of the old man, he understood that it was a figure he couldn't afford to provoke, yet he had.

At the same time, he was curious and interested in Yang Tian's identity. Certainly, a man that this old man held in high regard wasn't a common Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Remembering what he had just said on the phone, he couldn't help but want to strangle his own throat, as the torture he would receive later would certainly be more terrifying…