Chapter 114: Clash of Skills II*


Madam Qing was already on the verge of a big climax just be Yang Tian's previous stimulations, his touching skills, and the pheromones he had spread around him using his Qi.

So that sudden piercing he did with his broadsword was the last stroke that she needed to pass over the edge, as her whole body started convulsing due to the extreme stimulation.

Her cold and dense Yin Qi started leaking out of her body mixed with her love juices just like a river that had broken through the dam, unstoppable.

Yang Tian didn't allow this precious Yin Qi to go to waste, as he immediately activated his own cultivation technique, and started absorbing all of it.

A normal dual cultivator wouldn't have been able to accept the large and dense amount of Yin Qi that Madam Qing as a Core Formation Realm 6th level could provide.

But for Yang Tian, this was exactly what he needed in order to better temper his body and be able to quickly proceed with his body tempering.

Since he had passed quite a few stages in body tempering at the moment, he decided that it was time to start tempering his Soul as well.

With these thoughts in mind, he started using minute amounts of the Yin Qi, like 1/100th of the Yin Qi he received from Madam Qing to temper his soul.

He had to be extremely careful when tempering his soul because the slightest mistake would wound even more his already hurting soul.

Even though his Soul was still better than normal cultivators at his level by a few times, it was still injured due to the space-time travel.

Time, space, and soul were some of the most difficult and intangible laws to study, and even though the back-track time travel had been successful due to the '7-Dimensional Crystal' his soul hadn't been able to preserve itself.

For that reason, he had to be extremely careful that he first didn't worsen the current wounds, but healed them, and tempered his soul at the same time.

The moment that he would be able to heal his soul back, and temper it as he intended to, then he was bound to receive a great reward, as he would come back stronger.

As Yang Tian fell into a trance while thinking like that, the ladies around him, and especially Madam Qing couldn't help but look weirdly at him.

After all, this was the first time after a long, long time, that someone had managed to make Madam Qing climax with just one penetration.

But Madam Qing couldn't be blamed for that, as this was one of Yang Tian's greatest skills. It wasn't just a skill in bed but also a sword skill that he used to kill many enemies in his previous life.

This was just the first move of three, 'Piercing the Clouds' and also the only one he was able to enact at the moment due to the requirements of Qi it needed.

If it weren't for the fact, that he had Madam Qing's Yin Qi to quickly recultivate back his lost Qi, then he would be the one to lose this battle, which was practically impossible with his recognition and abilities.

His current standing though, as if sleeping on his feet surprised and startled the ladies that thought that something might have happened to him.

How could these beauties know that this man was such a monster that he could actually enter meditation, and complete tranquillity at that situation, and moment?

Just as Madam Qing seemed to be close to saying something though, the unmoving Yang Tian, suddenly opened his eyes, startling Madam Qing, and pulled back his sword before sheathing it again.


Caught by surprise, Madam Qing was unable to control herself and her moans, as she felt Yang Tian's sword stab her secret cave like a practice target.

Even though the current feeling wasn't the same with what she experienced a moment ago, it was still more than she could take considering how sensitive she was now.

'Aahh…, aahhhn…, aaahhhnn…'

"Activate your cultivation technique the way I taught you too!"

As Madam Qing was doing her best to not suffer a humiliating defeat, Yang Tian took the chance and told her in a disturbed but consistent voice.


Hearing those words Madam Qing couldn't help but get startled and stunned as she immediately wanted to oppose him for his sake, but Yang Tian broke her short.

"Just do as I say, you will understand later!"

Even though Madam Qing was still unconvinced and extremely unwilling to hurt Yang Tian, in fear of kicking the goodness with her own feet, she still proceeded as she was told to.

At worst, she thought that she would still have a bit of his Yang Qi, and then stop, so she started activating the new cultivation technique only slightly.

She was ready to stop anytime, the moment that she started taking his vital Yang Qi, but to her surprise and shock, not only that didn't happen, but she could feel even his Yang Qi invigorated.

This was something that she had never thought possible, while she had already thought that she knew how much of a miracle this new cultivation technique was, she still seemed to have underestimated it.

This wasn't just an improved version of her cultivation technique anymore, but a fully new cultivation technique that was many times better.


"Hehehe~! Now that you have finally realized it, activate it in full swing, only like that will you understand what I meant by improving your cultivation speed further."

This time Madam Qing didn't waste time and didn't waiver as she did exactly as she was told, operating her cultivation technique in full swing.

As she could feel that the rate she was cultivating while performing dual cultivation with Yang Tian was at least 10 times faster than with her previous best rate.

Of course, with the stimulation of Madam Qing's secret cave walls that were trying to squeeze him dry, and the effect of the new cultivation technique, even Yang Tian wasn't able to last long.


With a panting grunt, his sword seemed to suddenly jerk out of his hand and use, as it started releasing all the sword qi inside it, painting the insides of Madam Qing white.


The warm sensation inside her body was unable to bear for Madam Qing who experienced another climax of her own. Even though not as good as the first one, it wasn't very far either.

Without wasting time, Yang Tian immediately pulled his sword out of the sheath, and sealed it without anyone's attention, as he said in a slightly serious voice,

"Step aside and start cultivating, you will understand even my third condition of the deal!"

Yang Tian's Yang Qi was something extremely precious, it was just like some sort of elixir that would multiply the rate of cultivation by more than 1.

Firstly it was due to his body constitution and physique, as having the Heavenly Yang Body boosted his Yang Qi's quality and more than that his cultivation technique that stimulated another cleansing.

In the Origin World, his Yang Qi was one of the biggest sources of income for him, and also one of the most precious elixirs.

Here on Earth, even though he was just at Qi Refining Realm, his Yang Qi was much more potent than even some experts at the peak of the Core Formation Realm or above.

Since Madam Qi couldn't bear the wrath of an expert, she had never been able to cultivate on such qualitative and dense Yang Qi, so right now she felt just like a starving street kid eating cakes.

Once he had temporarily dealt with Madam Qing, Yang Tian's lusty, lewd, and ferocious eyes landed on her daughter Luo Ya, who now seemed just like a frightened rabbit.

Her secret cave's entrance was covered in love juices belonging to herself and her mother, together with Red's saliva.

She was more than ready to welcome him, but Yang Tian wanted to relieve her stress first because for him it didn't matter only the goal but also the process.

Especially when it came to dual-cultivating, which was his sorest spot, to him dual-cultivation was sacred, and as a sacred art, it had to be done in the best way possible.

Only when both sides reached their greatest pleasure could the benefits of the dual cultivation be maximized and it was due to that reason that many women daringly accepted him.

He always took care of them, and their feelings, trying his best to give them the best they could have.

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Tian started playing with Luo Ya's body, just like he had done with Madam Qing previously.

Stimulating her body more and more, as she slowly built up a strong climax, and in the process blurring her worries and tension of the moment.

When he finally felt that Luo Ya had had enough and that her body was finally fully relaxed, he used the same attack skill that he used on her mother on her, and his broadsword penetrated deep inside her.


Right away Luo Ya was overwhelmed by a terrifying pain sensation, coupled with extreme pleasure as well, as she couldn't help but pass over the edge of her climax.

Her whole body started convulsing and trembling in pleasure, as Yang Tian didn't move in the least. Firstly he didn't want to cause her extra pain at such a sensitive time.

But most importantly he had to absorb and refine her pure Yin Essence, and use it to his benefit…

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