Chapter 115: Clash of Skills III*

This little girl seemed to be a true genius considering the situation, and life on Earth, as she had already reached the 9th level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

She was only in her early to mid-twenties according to her bone age, so being at that level of cultivation on a small and lowly planet like Earth it was certainly a great achievement for her.

It was clear that she had a lot of potential, and if she managed to grab his thigh early, with his guidance and help she might even be able to become one of his Valkyries.

In his previous life, even though Valkyries were supposed to be the attack force of his Lust Palace, he hadn't really tried to make them strong and fearsome.

They were more like an additional, but necessary pavilion in his Palace, as he never actually used them to fight or to establish order.

In this life though, things would be much different, as he wasn't only going to return to his rightful place, but he was also going to take his revenge upon all those bastards that set him up.

Whether they did the same thing, or not in this life it didn't really matter, Yang Tian would have them pay for those grievances either way.

But as usual, that was a tale of the future, as right now he had more important things to concentrate upon, like the refining of Luo Ya's pure Yin Essence.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrate once again, as he started using that Yin Qi to temper his body, and slowly increase the amount of healing and tempering his soul.

Once again, Yang Tian seemed lost in his thoughts to the ladies outside, as even Madam Qing who had awakened, and was observing everything from the side didn't understand what was going on.

It was only when she suddenly saw a strange glow on his body, that she finally seemed to understand something, and immediately made a sign to stop red and blue that seemed to be close to disturbing him.

Red and Blue didn't notice what their Mistress noticed, but they obeyed without questions, as they could only look at Yang Tian's lost face, while his sword was still sheathed inside Luo Ya.

It took a few moments before Yang Tian could finally open his eyes, and look at his surroundings, as he immediately placed the same seal upon Luo Ya's secret cave entrance and ordered her,

"Start cultivating with my Yang Qi, and perhaps you might even be able to break through Core Formation tonight!"

Red and Blue were shocked for real, but the one who was shocked the most was none other than Luo Ya, she knew the difficulties of breaking through, and she didn't really believe Yang Tian.

It was just like a stranger told a smart but lacking 10 year old boy that he would be able to enter high school in but a night. Completely impossible!

"Just do as Young Master said Ya'er, you will understand soon what he means!"

Luo Ya was still doubtful and even more conflicted after hearing her mother's words, but she believed her mother the most, and she immediately did as she was told.

"Now, Young Master, all this time it has been you who has been working hard for us, and I don't think this is right. I feel ashamed as your host!

I think it's time for us to show you, our skills as well!"

With that said, Madam Qing pushed Yang Tian playfully onto the bed, and with one look from her, Red and Blue immediately got on his sides, while she approached towards his sword.

It was certainly stimulating, if Yang Tian were some simple virgin he would have already released his shot just by the tantalizing look on Madam Qing's eyes.

Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for Madam Qing, he wasn't, and it would take a lot more than that to make him release his shot.

Madam Qing seemed to understand this as well, as she would be extremely disappointed if that wasn't the case.

"Heehehe~! Try your best Young Master!"

With those words, she didn't even have to look at the two beauties by Yang Tian's side as they immediately started kissing him all over his body and licking their way up and down.

They were both intentionally avoiding his lips, but they would always go from his lower abdomen up to his nape and neck.

Their kisses were just like cotton hits, while their licks were just like they were tasting some kind of hot soup or extremely cold ice cream.

At the same time, Madam Qing started working her wonders on Yang Tian's sword, kissing the tip, licking the shaft, and going even up to the hilt with licks and kisses.

But that was just the start, Yang Tian, and she understood this perfectly, as the moment that she felt the sword was covered in sufficient saliva, she immediately put it inside her mouth.

It was at this point that one could determine her skill and experience, as she didn't immediately take it fully down her throat, but she started by firstly playing with the tip of the sword.

She would suck only on the tip, while using her tongue to play with the underpart of the tip, and then use her tongue to twirl it as much around the tip as she could.

The sensation it caused to Yang Tian was certainly beyond what Red had been able to do earlier, but it wasn't enough to make him release his shot either.

At least, Madam Qing could take pride in the fact that it was working, as she started going lower and lower with each passing moment until finally Yang Tian's sword was buried in her throat up to the hilt.

It was certainly a great view and sensation, even more, when Madam Qing started vibrating her throat somehow and continue to tease his sword.

It took Yang Tian only one instant to understand that this was a skill, or technique, using the concept of waves and vibration to actually cause a deep and powerful stimulation.

It wasn't a simple technique either, Madam Qing must be using a lot of Qi to keep this running as well, which made him certain of her determination to make him release his 'sword qi'.

One had to know that Madam Qing was a Core Formation expert, and a high level one at that, so the attack power of her skills could be easily understood but Eric wasn't going to give up easily either.

He had decided to go all out this time, and he wanted to make the woman understand that she wasn't dealing with some simple kid. She didn't have the advantage she thought she had.

As a matter of fact, she didn't have any advantage at all, and might even be a bit inferior even to the current him who was more than one big Realm below her.

Still, Madam Qing didn't give up, she had confidence in herself and was determined to make Yang Tian release his sword Qi.

But the more time passed the more desperate she became, as she had started to feel like she was about to lose and lose hard.

She couldn't allow this to happen, she didn't want to lose to some kid like Yang Tian, but the reality was beyond her wishes.

She could tell that her technique was working, Yang Tian was extremely stimulated and he had even reached the edge, but she still needed something to top that edge.

This was a three versus one fight, and Yang Tian was still able to hang on! Crazy, absolute madness, this kid seemed even more mysterious and difficult to deal with than she thought.

If she didn't receive some sort of help soon, she would have to give up on this, and accept her defeat, even though it would be extremely shameful to accept!

'Aarrgghhh~! This damn kid! I am going to run out of my Qi soon, and once that happens I will have to accept my defeat.

But I am not willing! I don't want to lose to a kid, not when I even have superior numbers. That would be too shameful for me to accept!

Ughhh~! Fine kid, but remember you forced me to do this!'

As she was thinking like this, Madam Qing decided to make use of her last trick and card. Once she decided on that, she immediately acted upon it, and in a matter of seconds, her tongue multiplied.

All of a sudden her tongue turned in two, and Yang Tian could feel his sword being squeezed and stimulated by both sides. This move was certainly extremely dangerous.

He could feel that the small grip he had on his sword, and his own body were slowly being erased. No matter how hard he tried he could only slow it down but not stop it.

If this continued for a few more seconds he was sure that he was going to lose the fight. Even if this wouldn't be shameful for the current him, he couldn't allow that to happen as the previous life God of Lust!

He couldn't lose to someone, no matter what!

Once he thought like that, he could feel the eroding conscience get even slower, and looking at the current situation, he had the upper hand.

That was because this trump card was eroding Madam Qing's Qi even faster, and she was going to become devoid of it even faster.

Like this, the win was in his hands, or so he thought…

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