Chapter 116: Clash of Skills IV*

That was because he had forgotten one of the players on the field, or to be more accurate he hadn't been able to check on her due to the tense situation he was in.

The beautiful Luo Ya had not only finished her cultivation session, but she had even reached the Core Formation Realm directly.

This was a surprise that even Yang Tian didn't expect to receive, but this just made him even more certain of her geniality and potential for the future.

Unfortunately now he couldn't concentrate on that, as he felt her wet and warm tongue on the hilt of his sword, as her tongue was licking both the hilt of his sword and her mother's lips.

It was certainly an extremely stimulating action and situation, but most importantly it was an unexpected one, so he had no way of controlling himself and his sensations.

That attack was the cherry over the cake, it was the last attack that actually threw him over the edge, and he lost the fight.


With an unwilling grunt, Yang Tian had no other option but to release his shot inside Madam Qing's throat, and filled her throat and stomach with his milky white Sword Qi.

Madam Qing couldn't believe she had won, even though it was with the help of Red, Blue, and her late participant daughter, she had still won.

She could feel that Yang Tian's extremely vigorous Yang Qi had entered her system, and she felt just like she had just finished taking a refreshing bath in the middle of summer.

Every cell of her inner organs that was coming in contact with Yang Tian's Yang Qi seemed just like it had been boosted and working much faster.

As the Yang Qi was falling down her stomach she could feel that it was going extremely close to her Dantian.

Still, due to the nature and complexity of the stomach, the efficacy was lower than taking this Yang Qi from her secret cave.

It was such a shame, but she could only make use of 80-90% of what she would have been able to make use of the other way.

Still, it didn't really matter to her, as this wasn't going to be the last amount she received from Yang Tian, as she had decided to dry him up tonight alongside her daughter.

Luo Ya was below her trying to suck in her little mouth whatever little drop of mixed love juices fell out of her mother's mouth.

Just like her mother she also understood the value and worth of Yang Tian's special sword Qi and she had no intention of letting even one drop go to waste.

Red and Blue were quite appalled by the scene in front of them, but they thought that this was just the way a professional of their profession.

As for Yang Tian, he was upset and angry right now, and he needed something or someone to release all his anger, rage, and stress.

The beauties in front of him were the ones responsible for his situation, also the first and easiest for whatever he had in mind.

Once he was decided on that, he waited for Madam Qing to release his sword, and then immediately jumped forward, taking both mother and daughter below himself.

Normally he shouldn't have the strength to do something like that, but his move was sudden, and the two beauties weren't trying to resist either.

Madam Qing was still trying to make the best use she could of the Yang Qi she received from Yang Tian in order to refill her empty deposit, while her daughter was just expectant of what was next.

Both of them were just like working honey bees that had suddenly found a great garden of flowers, that were full of their working matter.

It was something that they could never neglect, as they would immediately do their work. The only difference now was that the flowers seemed to be attacking them at this point, but it didn't really matter.

Either way, they would get the extremely necessary Yang Qi they needed and desired. With these thoughts in mind, she awaited Yang Tian's next action.

"Help me defeat your mother, otherwise there will be no more Yang Qi for you!"

The moment she heard those words, Luo Ya couldn't help but get startled, shocked, and then frightened. That was something that she could never allow to happen.

Furthermore, Yang Tian wasn't asking her to kill her, or do something terrible to her, he was just asking her to help to defeat her in their intimate fight.

While her mother would be losing a bit of face, she would be gaining much more than she would lose. With those thoughts in mind, she immediately nodded her head in confirmation.

Grinning evilly, Yang Tian didn't waste time, and immediately started his attack on Madam Qing, while Luo Ya helped him on the side.

Red and Blue felt a bit neglected and left aside at that moment but seeing that Yang Tian and their Young Miss were working against their Madam, they immediately assaulted Yang Tian.

Unfortunately, their assault didn't account for much, as even before when they were 3 vs 1, Yang Tian had the upper hand, and now that he had a helper, they were even more disadvantaged.

The battle lasted for more than 3-4 hours and ended with the narrow win of Yang Tian, who had ended up extremely worn out after everything that happened.

Madam Qing and Luo Ya had managed to almost dry him up of his Yang Qi, while Red and Blue had taken only some leftovers.

Still, that didn't matter right now, as his benefits weren't small either. In fact, he could be said to have just made a bountiful harvest.

With the Yin Qi he collected from the beauties around him, he had actually managed to enter the last stage of his body tempering, Tempering Marrow, and had almost healed more than 10% of his soul injuries.

The current him was beyond the common sense of cultivators on Earth, as he felt like he would be able to easily deal with a peak Foundation Establishment Realm opponent.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he should be undefeated under the Core Formation Realm. A statement that would certainly be taken for a daydream, or lunatic claim.

He just needed to temper his marrow from now on, and he would be finished with his body tempering, and would only need the Soul Tempering to enter the Foundation Establishment Realm.

At that point, he felt that he would not only be able to challenge Core Formation Realm experts but would even be undefeated under the same Realm.

He only needed to spend some more time with this mother and daughter duo, alongside his beauties at home, and that day wouldn't be far.

As he was thinking like this, under the extreme tiredness of what he had just achieved, Yang Tian couldn't help but fall asleep.

'Slurrppp…, slurp…, sluuurrppp…'

He had no idea how much time had passed, as he woke up under the lewd sounds of Madam Qing, and Luo Ya's sucking on his sword.

They were both extremely good at that, Luo Ya had received a bit of experience from what happened during the night, and Madam Qing was already a soul-sucker!

If it weren't for his resilience, and his previous life as the God of Lust, Yang Tian wouldn't be able to keep up with these two succubae.

These two had the potential to suck a man dry and make him abhor intimacy for the rest of his life! Truly dangerous creatures!

Unfortunately, their target wasn't a weak man, without resolve, and knowledge of pleasure, as now that he had improved his body Yang Tian was even more ferocious and dangerous.

What started with a morning lick, ended with another heavy session of intimacy and cultivation, as Yang Tian could feel that he was extremely close to breaking through in his body cultivation.

It was only when the two beauties were too tired to make a move, that Madam Qing could finally not hold herself any longer, as she stood up from the bed with difficulty, and then kowtowed in front of him saying,

"Young Master, please accept this old woman and her Yin Supremacy Sect under you!"

Her actions and her words caught everyone else by surprise, Yang Tian included. Even though he had expected something like this, it looked like it was too soon.

Of course, this was a testament to Madam Qing's experience and foresight, and one could easily understand just how valuable she was with what she just did.

Red and Blue were completely shocked on the side, as they didn't understand what was so good about Yang Tian besides the fact that he was extremely good in bed.

But it seemed like there was still more to stun and stupefy them in this situation, as right after her mother, Luo Ya did the same.

In a matter of moments, both mother and daughter were kowtowing and lowering their selves in front of a Young Master like Yang Tian.

Their honor, face, and dignity as Elders and great members of the Yin Supremacy Sect seemed to have disappeared, as they were just two women seeking a Master.

If the current Sect Master of the Yin Supremacy Sect was here, she would have laughed her ass off for more than a century remembering and reminiscing about this scene.

The two of them looked like two harlots that were lowering their selves in front of a rich silk pants.

Seeing the two of them like that, it only stood to reason and logic that Yang Tian would accept them in a flinch…

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