Jumping Yuri.

"If you can land a hit on me or get me to give up, I'll sit on your face. How does that sound?"

Yuri got into a basic swordfighting stance, one that rivaled an amateur. "Hmm,..sounds delightful. Hit or getting you to give up, right?" Orion, who had been sitting down with crossed legs, stood up while sighing.

Orion was around 8 years old. He had spent the last two years honing and training his power along side Yuri. That being said however, he could only do something as 'simple' as manipulating matter right now.

All his other traning had been with the sword and developing his body. 'Yes, yes, I have been slacking since I've gotten these powers. I should say that by the time I'm 15 or 16, I'll be very overpowered.

I'm sort of glad I'm not completely broken right now though. That's because Yuri can show me what it's like to lose and I can learn from that. Though, I've always taken L's in my past life so maybe winning every fight might not be too bad..'

"Yep, a scratch even.."

"You're underestimating me, Yuri. You know I'll do anything to put my hands on your body.."

He started walking towards her, dragging his wooden sword in the ground. "I know that those weaker than me will never be able to beat me though. What's wrong with thinking like that?"

She also started walking towards him, but while she was cautious, Orion seemed to not care at all, leaving millions of openings up. "Nothings wrong with it. Just usually leads to a big ego. Ah, I shouldn't complain actually.." They stopped as the two stood a few feet apart.

Orion had lifted his sword out of the ground and put it out, only for Yuri to do the same. Touching tips had brought smiles to their faces as Orion said, "When I beat you, I'll rub it your face. Wait, no, you'll rub something on my face, my bad.."

Jumping back, earth like spikes had emerged from the ground in Yuri's previous position. 'Whelp, I'm screwed..' She landed softly on the ground. With a smirk, she had said, "Even without my quirk, you're too predictable.."

[Yuri Matsumoto. Quirk, Precognition. With it, she is able to see into someone's future. The only down side to this is that the interval at which she can see is random.]

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just fight already!" Saying that, the earth needles shot at out her again. Her brows furrowed as she began attacking and deafening off the spikes.

'3 minutes. I know everything he'll do in 3 minutes time. After that, there's no telling what he'll do..'

And for exactly 3 minutes, Orion had done everything she saw in her quirk vision. When the 3 minutes were up, she didn't seem tired at all while Orion had been holding his knees and putting a single finger up.

"W-Wait, Yuri. G-Give me some time to rest... Please..?" Even though he had seemed genuinely tired, she still kept her guard up while keeping the distance between them. 'While I'm actually tired from constantly attacking her, I do have a plan..'

The wind had blew throughout the area as things became dead quiet. 'What's he planning..?' Yuri thought while looking at Orion who had been using his sword for support. As she did, he had pulled the sword out of the ground and readied himself.

"Are you fine now, young master?" He nodded at her words then charged at her. Their swords clashed together as he striked over and over, putting her on the defense. 'H-He isn't stopping? He knows this is gonna tired himself out again, right?'


Was the sound heard by Ari repeatedly who had been sitting in a rocking chair on the porch, knitting a red scarf. 'My... What is he doing?' Just then, Yuri had pushed off a strike which made him stumble back. She wasted no time and decided to attack herself.

Going into a crouch, she swung her legs towards his, tripping him and making him fall sideways. In one single movement, she had planted the handle of the wooden sword in his side, making him groan outloud as he hit the ground headfirst.

"You still haven't learned a thing in all these years, young master.." She sighed while bending down and putting her hand out towards him. He had been shaking with tear drops coming out his eyes. "No.." He hit her hand away which surprised her.

"You're... You're the one..who hasn't learned a thing all these years.." Orion had then seemingly vanished into thin air, causing Yuri to widen her eyes. Ari stopped knitting and got up. She didn't move from her position however and only watched the battle more closely.

'W-Wind..? Wait-!' She quickly turned around to see Orion coming down on her with a sword made of fire. He had a huge smirk on his face, one of which expressed victory. 'Smh. You haven't won yet you little brat!'

She did a spinning back kick which connected with the side of his face. 'What?!' Or it should have but her foot had went right through his face followed by him fading away into the wind.

Just then from all angles, multiple Orion's had rushed at her, each holding different colored swords which represented different elements.

""What will you do now?!""

They all shouted at her simultaneously. In the woods, there had been Orion's sitting in trees, holding long ranged weapons like sniper rifles or rocket launchers which were made combing elements.

Some of the Orion's in front of her had grenades strapped onto themselves, meaning they were suicide bombers. Yuri had noticed all of this and so had Ari, leading them both to think,

'Of course he'd go this far for that sort of reward..'

They all jumped at her, seemingly in slow motion. "Young Master. I..really have doubted your capabilities. I'm sorry for underestimating you..." She closed her eyes with a satisfied smile, awaiting her impending 'death.'

But as she kept waiting, she realized that...she kept waiting. 'Hm..?' Opening one eye, she could see that there was only a single Orion in front of her. He showed a wide smile while having his hands together behind his back.

"That was all that I wanted to hear. Thank you, Yuri.." He enveloped her thighs in a hug while sighing in relief. 'That's all...he wanted to hear? That's..' Both Yuri and Ari had showed soft smiles. She then kneeled down and hugged him as well.

"Jeez, Orion. You're just too cute.." As Ari sat back down and continues to knit, Yuri had kissed the top of his head while rubbing his back.

His cheeks became red as he tried hiding them in her breast. 'May sound corny,..but I love recognition. It means that I'm atleast acknowledged which wasn't something I really had the luxury of in my past life..'

As he was thinking that, he was subconsciously feeling up Yuri's a**. 'Yep, he's happy alright. Sigh..' Though she heaved a long sigh, she secretly didn't mind as she was used to the behavior. "Orion, dear.." Ari called out which made the duo look at her.

"lunch is ready. Do you want to claim your prize from Yuri now or after you eat?" He pondered, his nose twitching to make out the smell of what she had been cooking all morning and since last night.

'Red beans and rice?! Yeah, Yuri can wait!' He ran out her embrace then when in front of Ari, had jumped up into hers.

"G-Gosh, Orion. You're way too old and big to be doing this to me. You know I'm getting older myself..."

"W-What..? B-But, mom, you don't look a day over 20. And you're very healthy.."

Not only that, but because of her quirk and techniques, she could probably live double the age of the oldest person in history. "Yeah, I know, honey. I just wanted to hear that from you.."

She pressed on his nose while Yuri had came up behind them. "O-Oh, okay! YYeah, don't ever call yourself old, mom! You're very young and beautiful!" He complimented her even more which made her flustered.

'I'm such a big baby, huh? Well, I don't care what anyone says! I'm living my best life now! Power, money, and love! I have all of those! Best believe I'm finna act like a spoiled child..!'


(AN: Hello, it's me again. Sorry for not uploading the past...two days? Balancing school and after school work makes it hard for me to post. Sorry for giving you such lame, yet true excuses.

Ahem, anyways, I'll be making a auxiliary chapter to show you what characters look like. Thanks for the support and see you soon.)