"When did you pull that little trick off?" Yuri had said while sitting down next to Orion who was smashing the food his mom had prepared. She took up cooking as soon as he was born and turned out to be a natural, a food God even.
"Uhm, actually, it's something new.." Hearing this had grabbed both Ari's and Yuri's attention. Something new meant something powerful. In any case, they should prepare for it. "W-What is it..?" Yuri asked while using a napkin to whip some food off of his face.
"In the air, their are an infinite number of molecules. I can...see and touch them, rearrange them to gain a greater inventory of power as well.." Ari had dropped her cup of water and before it even hit the ground, she was already cupping Orion's face.
"T-That's amazing, Orion! You're powers,..t-they have infinite possibilities! Healing people, making them older or younger, controlling the very genetic code that make up humans,..you could...you could do it all! This is an amazing discovery for us AND you!" She was panting while looking deep into his eyes.
'O-Oh, yeah, mom was a science geek back then. My ability is a huge discovery in hers eyes..'
"Wait, I gotta make a call! Don't worry, I'm not putting you in a lab to be experimented on! Instead I'll be building you in one to practice in!"
She ran off, pushing Yuri out of the way and onto the floor. "D-Damn, your mom is something..." She rubbed her head while slowly getting up.
"Haha! You got bullied by mom!" She 'tsked' and picked up his bowl of red beans. "H-Hey! Give me that back!" He reached for it, only for her to glide by and end up behind him. With a smile, she said, "You'll have to catch me first.."
She had then disappeared, leaving Orion with a saddened expression. 'My food..' He pouted while crossing his arms. He would then sigh and get up out of his chair. "Well, come on guys.." The wind blew throughout the villa which had then showed hundreds of Orion's.
They all held weapons and seemed battle ready.
"We have a food thief to catch!" He pointed towards the door and his clone army ran out with a battle cry.
"Okay, honey! Show mama what you've got!" She cheered on for him on one side of a glass window. Yuri had been next to her. On the other side of the glass window was Orion. He was in black spandex while in a completely white room that stretched out into infinity.
The location had been inside of a mountain and this was the place where he'd train to learn and control his power. 'It's only been 3 days. How the hell did they build a facility inside of an mountain in 3 days..?' Looking around, he saw an infinite number of molecules in the air.
'So bassically, my powers work that in a way, I could move them around, and you know, shape things. Since the molecules are infinite, I could probably make another world. But for now, the most that I could do is bring out elements like fire, water, earth, air, lightning, ice, gravity, the list quite literally goes on.
But the thing is, I'm only an armature at each element. If I had to say on a scale of 1 to 10, my control over these elements would be like a 2. Okay, let's talk about my matter manipulation power.
I can, create things, destroying things, and uh, I should be able to do more. Can't really say what I can do as firstly, my mom doesn't wanna raise my expectations by saying my potential and secondly, I won't know what I can do...until I actually do it. In this world, you could be superman, and yet, people will be your kryptonite.
Like, being around them will kill you on the spot. Bassically, everyone has a bs weakness in this crap world. That's why, when I'm strong enough, imma take my women and go to a world that I create and yeah, start a life together on a planet that I rule.
As you can see, my imagination is wild.' As he reached for molecules, he had noticed that time seemingly had slown down. 'Ah, this is what happens when I try to create things out of these molecules.
Have you guys seen that anime about the titans and stuff? Well spoilers but there a single person who molds all the titans in these paths of sorts.
What I'm getting at is that when I create things, it takes time in this slowed down state, but on the outside, it happens in an instant. Call it time freeze, time manipulation, whatever it is. I don't consider it any of that because if I enter this state to escape danger, it wouldn't work. Same thing with just stopping it for my own desire.
I can only slow it down when I want to create something. There's no getting away from this rule. Well, at this time atleast. I'm telling all of you that when I'm 15, I'll be broken, so I ain't sweatin' the rules..' Like that, he started creating a 'basic' sword.
He would grab at them, only having to think of what element he wants to incorporate into his sword and doing it. He had soon finished and time had resumed.
""W-Woah..."" Ari and Yuri had thought while looking at the object in his hand. It was a sword that had the 4 basic elements of earth, wind, water and fire circling around it.
"The Sword Of Elements is what I call it. With it, i can.." He flicked his sword and the ground to the side of him had shifted back and into the air, creating a angled wall of earth.
"That's amazing, Orion! Do you think...you can do more, or do you wanna take a break? You don't need to strain yourself more than you'll need to.."
"Uhm, will mommy give me kisses if I keep going?" Yuri sighed while Ari had only chuckled. "Sure, sweety, sure. Me and your aunt will.." She blew him a kiss while Yuri shook her head and looked away. Giving them both a thumbs up, he started going into thought once more.
'Okay, Orion. Use that little brain of yours and think back to the comics. Didn't he have a Wand to control his powers?' A wand with a star shaped tip was made in his hand. 'Hmm...nah, this ain't it. Too girlish..'
It had disappeared, leaving him with his thinking face once again. 'Too be fair, owen was smart, right? Wait a damn minute, we're both frail and we both like being near our moms. I guess our situation is only a coincidence though..'
And like that, he had became distracted on the though of him cuddling with his mother. Since he could remember his time as a baby, he also remembered the first time his mom had popped her tity in his mouth. 'The taste of pure bliss...' Ari and Yuri had saw Orion drooling while looking into space
"Young master,..you two aren't anything alike. Do you think...he could have gotten this from his father..?" Ari remained silent for a moment before saying,
"No, he's my son alright. His father,...even I don't know who he is. I didn't get pregnant in 'that' way.."
"Ah, that's right. You took a sperm donation, right? I'm sorry...for bring up old memories.." Yuri put her head down which was then lifted up by Ari. Bringing her close to her face, they could feel each other's breath on the others skin.
"Don't be. Remembering those time..makes me realize how lucky I was to have such a smart and handsome son. I'm truly glad..that I chose the decision I made. I wouldn't have it any other way.." Yuri was blushing deeply as Ari looked at Orion who was tugging on his pants.
"I mean it when I say that I'm the luckiest parent in the world...to have such a cunning yet mischievous child. I love him so much and would even go against the world itself to protect him.." Orion had meant so much in her life. Her pride, her joy, her greatest creation.
Orion had been the pinnacle of her life.
"Keep on babying him like that, and he'll become a spoiled little brat..." Yuri had regained her composure while coughing. "He already is, Yuri. He...doesn't hold back when asking for things. He says it straightforward.
Being so straightforward is one of the many things I love about him though.." Hearing how in love she was with Orion had made Yuri a little jealous. "But, he's my son. Love can only go so far, right...?" She had trailed off as her eyes lowered.
"Love can't be contained, Ari. He's only eight, but thinks like a grown man. He not only sees you as his beautiful mother, but as a woman. What I'm saying is...go for it, Ari.
Incest isn't something I neccessarily promote, but seeing you so in love...how can I ignore that..?" Ari's eyes had widened as she looked towards Yuri. "Yu.." She embraced her in a hug which Yuri had accepted back. "Thank you...for always being here for me. For...us..."
"Yeah, no problem, Ari. What are friends for after all..?"
As he watched this, Orion pictured multiple scenarios that the two could have gotten into. 'I love their friendship. I can't wait to make friends when I attend 'Hero!'.'
And like that, he turned around to hide his tent and went back to training.
(An: Hello, how's your day going? Make sure to eat something. Anyways, if you're still here even after this chapter which had bassically confirmed incest, I salute to you. Me and you are horny Mfs who just wanna-)