Who Did It?

Orion could be seen running throughout a forest. As stiff as an Olympic runner, he wore an expressionless face while jumping and hopping over obstacles such as tree roots. To his side, someone had been matching his speed, his style of running as well.

'He's gotten quicker..' He kept speeding up even as she had thought that. His speed could match a car or faster. 'But he's still only an a novice...' She had also sped up and ran past him. He had seemingly paid no mind to this and had instead jumped up.

He went up high, past the tall trees and into the blue sky. Moving with his momentum while in the sky, he was still going forward. 'She's still faster even after all these years, huh..?'

As he was coming towards the ground, he bawled himself up, landed onto the ground in a roll, then had jumped up a bit to begin running again.

Yuri had still been a few feet in front of him, but now that he was following her again, she jumped, turned around and pulled her sword out, aiming it directly at Orion. Seeing this, he could only smile, continuing to charge at her.

"Don't lose your head, young master..." As he closed in on her, she had striked at unnatural speeds which surprised Orion. 'Shi-!' He put his left arm up to the side of his face which had blocked the attack.

The hit had stung him, but he couldn't get distracted by it as she had delivered a punch using her left hand at his face. He barely managed to put his right hand up to block it. "Clear your mind, Orion. You're not thinking straight.."

From below, her knee had came up and connected with his jaw. The pain hadn't even settled in yet as her other knee had connected with his jaw as well. This made his eyes flash white as he stumbled back and slowly fell onto his butt.

Yuri shook her head with a sigh, then kneeled down, placing her hand on his head for comfort. "What's wrong? Don't tell me it's because of Ari..?" He 'tsked', hitting her hand away in the process.

"O-Of course I'm worried! Mom's been at the hospital for the entire night and she wouldn't tell me why she had stayed! I-I can't even call her.." He got up which had forced Yuri to back away.

Orion was around 13 years old.

He had developed his powers to such a degree that no one should be able to stand in his way. He could defeat people with ease or could match the other person in power to have fun. He...usually does the second as it's only Yuri out here to fight in this lonesome forest.

"M-Maybe she just decided to sleep at the hospital for the night. That's normal in her field of work.."

"Normal, my ass. I'm through with training for the day. I'm gonna go see her.." He touched his chin which healed itself. Double tapping the black spandex he wore, it had turned into civilian clothing.

"You know how your mom hates it when you don't finish your training.." Ignoring her, he had put his hand out. Using different elements in his arsenal, sparks came out his hand. The sparks hit the ground then had shined.

Coming up from the ground was a jeep of sorts. I say of sorts as the wheels were horizontal and were off the ground. Hopping in the floating jeep, he had put shades on and looked at Yuri.

"Is you comin' or not?" She sighed and nodded. Putting her sword on her back, she went around and hoped into the passenger seat.

'I hope she's fine. Because in my 13 years of living in this world, not once had she stayed the night for work. She...promised me that she'll always come home and read me a bedtime story. Even now, at my big age, still enjoy her stories. Just her...being their right before I sleep makes me..'

He didn't want to ramble on as he put the hover jeep in drive and drove off. Driving through this thick jungle should be almost impossible, but for Orion, he could do it becuase of skills.

Not skill like powers but life skills. You see, Yuri was only in her mid twenties and yet, she was trained in basically everything.

She was essentially like a robot that could do anything taught. She had trained Orion on everything he knew and he had quickly learned all those techniques/skills. He was trained in 'basic' assassination, weapons, vehicles, and some things that he picked up on his own.

Drifting onto a trail, he pressed a button which turned the wheels normal, turning the jeep back into a regular car. He drove down the rocky trail which held trees on either side of him. The trail had soon connected with concrete, meaning the city was soon up ahead.

Orion rarely went into the city. Why would he? He has everything he could ask for right inside his villa. A game room, movie room, gym hall, study hall and more. 'Though I've barely come here, mom made sure to spread my reputation around...'

He was now driving throughout the small city. It wasn't that big to be fair with a population of little over 5,000 people. That being said though, because of Ari's reputation as one of the best quirk doctors out there, more and more people visit a day, just to see if they could meet her.

He pulled into a parking lot and got out. Coming around to the passenger side of the jeep, he had opened the door for Yuri. "You're a gentleman even when your worried? How sweet.." She took his extended hand and helped herself out.

The two then made their way into the hospital. Arriving at a receptionist desk, he saw a young american woman on the phone. "Doctor Jewels. Where is she?" He looked all around as the woman gave him a certain look.

Her phone had then dropped from realization, saying, "M-Mr. Jewels! I-I didn't recognize you... She's should be in room 305 on the 3rd floor...!" He nodded and started walking away with Yuri who had been following close behind. "Surprised she noticed you with those shades on.."

Stopping in front of an elevator, he pressed the up button. "Yeah, probably becuase of my God like looks. Don't wanna brag, but I do have moms Devine genetics after all.." She placed her hand on his head as a smile had formed on her face.

"Its good...that you've cheered up. I hate to see you sad and down. Doesn't look good on such a handsome face.." The door opened and they walked in together.

She never took her hand off his head and he was slowly becoming embarrassed from that. He pressed the 3 floor and the door closed.

"Y-Yuri, please stop. I'm not a little kid anymore.." She chuckled while giving a nod. Removing her hand, she had said, "You used to love it when I so often did this. Why'd you change so much, Orion?" The door opened for the 3rd floor and they made their way out.

"Why did I have to change so much? I'd say I'm more mature, but I'm still a pervert down to my roots. You know this.." He held her thighs and slid his hand up her jeans. Her cheeks had became red but she composed herself by stepping to the side.

"S-Stop that. I've told you no.." That's right, he was still a virgin. He of course did everything to come onto her, but seeing how she always rejected him, he gave up in the end. 'Don't wanna force anything. And besides, I think she likes mom.

Speaking of mom, me and her..' As he arrived at room 305 which had its door open, he froze. 'Mom..?' Yuri had also stopped to stare blankly, but stopped to quickly rush into the room and pick her up off of the floor.

She was unconscious and had a bloody nose. "A-Ari! Hey, Ari!" While Yuri had checked up on her, Orion was still dazed. 'Why is mom...? Why can't I move..?' He could feel his heart beat getting faster and was feeling drowsy as well.

Like all his energy had just drained in one fell swoop.

"Orion! Come here and heal her! Quickly!" Snapping out of it because she called him by his actual name, he threw his shades off, ran by and slid onto the floor. Yuri was sweating beads of bullets as she laid Ari flat on the floor.

Orion calmed himself down and had touched her forehead. "She's breathing but it's slowing, young master. If we wouldn't have came here, I.." She didn't finish to not disturb either of them. 'She's so beautiful...no, not the time, Orion!'

He examined her body and saw that her entire body was in pain. 'What the hell happened?!' He touched some damaged molecules in her body which was going to eventually heal her. Wind then flew in through the window, picked her up and placed her on a bed.

"It's like...her entire body was crushed. Did someone try to...hurt..her?" His fist had bawled up and a streak of blood came out. "Nobody...would hurt your mother, young master. Let's wait for her to wake up, okay? We can ask questions then.."

To calm him down, she had held his hand. "Just take it easy. She'll be fine now that you've healed her.." He heaved a deep sigh as his fist undid themselves and had intertwined with Yuri's fingers.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. I shouldn't get so...so worked up.." He just didn't like to see his mom in such a state. He's NEVER seen him mom is that state actually which just confused, yet angered him.

'Whoever did this,..I don't wanna sound corny, but you'll pay for this. You'll pay...deeply..'
