Called In.

At 10 pm, the doors that acted as the entrance of the hospital had burst opened. What had shown was two people, each on one side of a gurney. On the gurney was an old white American man. He was injured which had been shown by the glass shards in his body.

"W-What happened?!" A random doctor had came by and held onto the gurney, looking down and examining the patient. "Witnesses say they saw him fall out of a window. We were able to keep him off death's door, but as for how long, we don't know.."

The doctor gulped, saying, "I-I'll call in the madam! I..don't think that any of us can heal him.." The people nodded as the continued running down the long hallway and soon into a random room.

"Let's see,..a movie or a bedtime story?" Lying down in the bed next to Orion, Ari had asked. She was in a purple night gown which went well with her features. It not only brought our her beauty, but also the bulge under the sheets.

"A story, duh. I'd rather listen to your voice for two hours than some movie, mom. You know this.." Ari faintly smiled, turning the lamp on and sitting up against the bed frame. Orion had moved closer to her, placing his head on her belly as a pillow.

"So what do you wanna hear? Mom's time as a hero or an actual bed time story?" She had wrapped her arm around him so her hand could rest on his head. "You...wanna talk about your past of being a hero? You always said that you didn't like to bring it up though..."

Looking up at her, he could see a tired expression on her face. "You...were young back then, Orion. A child shouldn't have to hear about my experiences. The memories...they're haunting.." But then, she had looked down at Orion. Seeing him now had made her smile as he always did.

"You're old enough to know about the world of heroes, Orion. Not many know...of the secrets it holds.." Orion's eyes had lowered a bit while looking away. "If you...wanna tell me it mom, then that's fine. I won't force you, y'know..?"

Though he was sort of eager to know about this part of her life story, if she really didn't seem too comfortable telling him this, she didn't have too. "No, it's fine, Orion dear. You're special, Orion. You comprehend things much faster than the kids at your age. Its like.. you've lived life before.."

He didn't show any expression on his face nor had he thought about what she said. "Well then, shall we?" Just before she was about to start speaking, her phone had vibrated from the dresser next to the bed. They both had turned towards it with Ari reaching for it and checking who it was.

"Its..the hospital? I'm sorry, Orion. I'll be right back, okay?" She got out the bed, answering the phone and leaving the room. 'The hell the hospital callin' this late for? Meh, why am I worried? She ain't gonna go out this late anyway..'

He then eyed the part of the bed where her butt had been. A smirk had formed on his face as a thought told him to stuff his face in that part of the bed sheets. 'Ah,...I love being myself. Wouldn't have it any other way...'

As he was about to inhale every single molecule on the bedspread, he felt someone watching him. Looking out the corner of his eyes, he had saw Yuri standing over him. "K-Kyaa!" He had screamed little girl, jumping back and off the bed.

'W-When the hell..? Scared the crap outta me..' Yuri had a dead look like a fish. Her standing over Orion like that in the dimly lit room had made her seem like some sort of ghost.

"Young master... You're really weird.." She came around the bed and picked him up, somehow looking more beautiful than scary right now.

"W-What are you doing in my room! Get out bro.."

"Hm? Are you embarrassed that I interrupted you? Don't stop just because I'm here.."

His cheeks turned red as he crossed his arms and looked away. "A-Ahem! A-Anyways, what actually are you doing here? Have you seen mom..?"

She sighed, sitting down on the bed and setting him down next to her. He was 13 years old and yet she could carry the teen like he was no heavier than a baby. "Actually, its concerning your mother. She had apparently been called in on an emergency notice. That means-"

"She left?!" He frowned while standing up off the bed, going into a walk towards his closet. "Nope. You're not going anywhere. She said she'll be back by tomorrow morning. Surely you can wait that long, right..?"

He stopped in his tracks, Yuri coming up behind him and placing her hand on his head. "Young master, this is your mother's job. Let her do it, okay?"

She turned him around, kneeled, gave him a kiss on the forehead then came back up, only to leave the room.

'Smh. I hate it when she's right. Come on, Orion. You can spare a single night, I guess..' And like that, he made his way back over to the bed with a slight mope. But arriving at the corner of the bed had made him realize,

'Yuri sat here, right? Not only had she cheered me up, she left me such a pleasant gift..' I'd describe what he did next, but you and me both don't want a detailed masturbation scene.
