Under The Stars.

"Hey, Orion. Why do you wanna be a hero?"

They sat under the stars while sitting on a pier. They both had drinks in their hands and had their shirt off like they had just came back from swimming.

"Why do I want...to be a hero? Well,..I thought it'd be fun, you know? Everyone respects you, women and kids love you as well. Your like a...well, hero..." Suddenly, a shower of stars had passed over earth, catching their attention.

For lack of a better of words, it was beautiful. Mesmerizing even. "I..see. Most people want to be heroes for the same reason as you. Well that and money, mostly money. But Orion, I can tell that you want to do it just to help people. I never say this outloud as some might call me crazy, but I think the majority of heroes are just fake.

I believe that they only work as a hero for money, and when presented with the opportunity, would save their own skin instead of the people's. Tell me, would you risk your life for the people, or save yourself? Would you, knowing that you could possibly die?"

Arthur liked to speak a lot contrary to his anxiety. Though, Orion was like that in his past life too, and only spoke to himself and the pillows of anime waifus

"Would I put my life before others? Well, yeah, I would. I wouldn't like to see others suffer when I could do something about it. So if it means dying to save one or even millions of lives, I'll do it without second thought.."

Arthur admired his confidence, hoping to eventually have that sort of mentality. Arthur didn't want to say it, but he saw Orion in a very special light. Not only had he helped him with his powers, he even lead him to the bathroom!

If Orion was cool with it, he had kissed him!

'Speaking of death, I...won't actually die by the way. I could be reduced to a single atom, a mere though even and still come back to life. I can quite literally pick and chose when I die. Though if my death is meaningful, if I go out like a G, I'll accept my fate of death. Gots to have atleast 10 wives before that tho.'

"I wish I had your confidence, Orion.." He sighed while taking a sip from his drink. "Don't worry bro.." Orion placed his hand on Arthur's head. "As long as I'm here, I'll always help you out. We're friends, aren't we? You help me, I help you. It's in our resume.."

His eyes had sparkled while his mouth formed a circle. 'T-This is that light! He has the aura...of a hero!' Arthur looked up to Orion like a little brother would to the older brother. Orion sort of did the same with Arthur being the little brother.

They cared and looked out for each other after all. Though neither of them admitted it, they were each others 'first friend.' What they had were special and rare especially for kids at their age. "Y-Yeah, you're right. Thank you, Orion! I really appreciate it!"

He showed Orion a bright smile, leaning onto his shoulder and looking up to him with sparkly eyes. 'I ain't with that gay stuff now. Yes, yes, my looks can make either gender look twice, but imma only acknowledge when women do it..' Orion sighed while looking back out at the stars.

'Though, I guess it's fine this one time. You're my first friend, so I'll allow it..' Arthur had hummed a quiet tune, continuing to show Orion his smile. Soon, a car had pulled up to the pier. This caused them both to look back as they stared at the person getting out.

"Mom? What're you doing out so late?" Orion and Arthur both stood up. Arthur could be seen shaking nervously with red cheeks as he looked between Ari and the ground. "H-Hey, Ms. Ari. H-How are you doing..?" Like any male, once they've seen Ari, they'd fall in love.

"Hi, Arthur. Hey, Orion. What, did you expect Yuri? That makes me sad.." She walked down the pier, her hair blowing throughout the wind as she looked out at the beautiful stars.

Arthur hid behind Orion to hide his embarrassment while Orion said, "I did, yes. You shouldn't be by yourself at night, mom. You never know what might happen.."

She finally stood over him. "Aw, that's so sweet of you, Orion. Makes mommy happy that you worry so much.." Arthur seen how they were having a moment and had backed up a bit. Ari had then kneeled down and they both hugged.

'Those two...they're mother and son and yet, they have such a intimate relationship. Man, I really envy Orion! He's so daring..' After a while of hugging, Ari had bent back up and said, "Come on, Arthur. We'll give you a ride home, okay..?"

Arthur nodded, rubbing his eyes and yawning wearily. 'She came at the perfect time, I guess..' And like that, they had made their way back over to the car.

Once everyone settled, they had drove off. Ari dropped off Arthur who had told Orion to come by tommorow so they could play games.

Orion agreed to this as he never been over to his house before. They really only met up to train and hang out around the city. Arriving at home, Orion was greeted with kisses by Yuri. "Young master. Was your day out with Arthur fun?"

Ari had hanged up her coat as Yuri asked that. Ari still worked in the hospital, helping patients rehabilitate after getting healed. While most didn't need it, because Ari was so beautiful and divine, they stayed just to be near her.

"Yeah, it was cool, I guess. Explored the mountains, went to the movies, spied on girls, you know, the usual things that boys our age do.."

Yuri sighed while Ari faintly laughed. "Young master. You shouldn't plant your seed in him like that. He's a normal kid even without your 'teachings'.."

'Planting my seed in a guy? Nah, maybe in a other life though.' He had sort of ignored Yuri by walking away, angering her but not acting on it. 'Sigh...don't beat him up, Yuri. All you gotta do is..'

She planned something devious, Ari catching the huge grin on her face but not saying anything about it.

The two had then made their way down the small hallway until the living room area. Some time later, all 3 of them had been sitting down at a dining table feasting on spaghetti.

"So mom, what exactly did you do for me regarding school? You haven't said anything about it yet.."

"All I did was call in someone to help you further master your powers while your away. Me and this hero go way back, so she agreed to it. She always wanted to meet you as well, so things turned out perfectly.."

"Who is this person exactly? Some well known hero?"('If they could help me develope my powers, then they better atleast be in the top 10 heroes of the world..')

"Well, you may know her as...America's number one hero, Stars and Stripes.." He showed visible disbelief while the other two continued to eat like nothing was said.

'The number one hero...is going to train me? That's...awesome! Being trained by the strongest person in america is just what I need!'

He didn't really need to master his powers farther actually. What he was really excited about was how heroes truly operated. 'Remember when I said that mom was gonna tell me what life as a hero was truly about?

Well, she decided that I should figure it out myself. Becuase while some wanted to a be a hero for...less that noble reasons, people like me apparently were rare, wanting to be a true hero, not looking for fame or fortune.'

"Thank you, mom. You really do a lot for me, you know? I'm really thankful.." She reached across the table and placed her hand on his head. "Of course, sweety. I'll do anything for you. You know that.."

He looked down to hide his embarrassment which had made Yuri and Ari smile even deeper.

Like that, they had continued eating dinner together. Ari eventually told Orion the history between her and the number one hero which was...something. 'Well, it should be fun. School and that. I'm going for the cliche 'OP mc in high school' type trope.

I'll flex my power along the way while bagging all sorts of women. Making friends, finding love,..I'll do everything I wanted to do in my past life at this place..'
