Spoiling Arthur Because Why Not?

Walking into Arthur's room, one could noticed it rivaled something straight out of japanese architecture. "Welcome to my home! Well, it can be our home now if you want.." Arthur steadily watched over Orion's expression, seeing wether or not he had liked it.

"Hmm...I.." Arthur gulped as he saw Orion slowly turn towards him. "I think it's...cool. I really like the naked pictures of the women on your walls. They really bring out aura of a teenagers room.." A weight came off his chest as Arthur sighed.

"Thank...you.." Since Orion was the prince per say of the town, he thought that he'd think his room was terrible or below average. "Thank me...for what? If you really wanna show me some thanks, let me see your porn collection. I showed you mine remember?"

"Hm? Ah, yes! Okay!" Arthur made his way to a poster that advertised gaming. Peeling it off, a poster shaped indent in the wall had revealed countless disk and magazine. 'Gah dayum. That's a...that's a lot of porn. But if he's this addicted, I'd be in a whole 'nother league. My bed in my past life was made up of porn magazines..'

"Let's see...I have all sorts of categories.." He spread them out onto his bed and they both started examining them. 'Pretty basic for his age. Though, I'm seeing a trend here...' Ebony, tomboy, fang, childhood crush, gyaru..

'Definitely has taste though..'

"Ah, is any of them...weird.." He wasn't sure if his taste would have been considered weird for others or not. "Hm? No, not at all. I wouldn't judge what you watch. It's your taste, your porn, I don't have any right to bash them.."

Orion had watched just about everything. Yes, everything. Whatever you could think of, he's watched it. He even took time to uh...to watch the dark side if you know what I mean.

The dark side...it was better than some of light side porn to be honest.

Though, this is words from the author and not Orion.

"Y-Yeah, your right..." Arthur lingered for a moment then continued. "Hey, Orion. You have a beautiful mom, a beautiful aunt as well. Does porn like this...even excite you..?" It was a genuine question Arthur wanted him to answer.

"Hmm,..you caught me... The porn I showed you at my place,..I made it just before you got there. Honestly, I haven't really had an excuse to watch porn as my family always babies me, allowing me to have all sorts of fantasies.."

"Oooo, I see. Guess it was strange to see that you didn't get hard from looking at that stuff. Even now, I had found it weird that you weren't bricked up.." He laughed awkwardly while beggining to put the porn back up.

'Why was he... Why was he lookin' at my stuff? Bro been actin' weird lately..' Orion shook his head and like that, the day had went on. They played games, ate together, bought the Onlyfans of random women online and more.

'Being friends with someone rich is fun!,' thought Arthur. Orion bought him all sorts of game passes, ordered him loads of online products and more. 'Getting an allowance of 10 thousands dollars every two weeks is something every kid wants.

Since mom and Yuri always bought things for me too, I never really spent this money that I've been saving since eight..' Night had came and Arthur's room looked revamped. Since Arthur had been a gamer, Orion remolded it to fit such a career.

From beta to alpha male.

Damn, that was cringe but imma keep it in anyways.

"Jeez...you didn't have to do such much for me.." Arthur had went to the bathroom and came back to this. Arthur knew the basics of Orion's quirk like being able to manipulate matter or reality, so seeing such a change in the span of two minutes wasn't really surprising.

What was surprising to him was how far he went for him.

"Mane...stop blushin' like that bro. Anyway, why not? This is your fantasy room, right? Just think about it, you sleep here every night now. It's all yours and you can do whatever you want to it.."

He couldn't stop blushing after hearing that reason. Orion had been like a angle that befriended him. Saved his granddad, helps him developes his powers, even buying him anything he ask for. 'Where has Orion been all this time?! Never mind, that doesn't matter. He's here now and that's what matters..'

"Orion... I'm really grateful to you. You've done so much for me and...and~..." He blinked which had then revealed tears. "I just wanted to say,...thank you...for everything that you've done. I really appreciate it bro~.."

Waterfalls left his eyes as he hugged around Orion's neck. It was a bro hug, nothing more, nothing less. Don't get any twisted thoughts...

'I didn't mean to make him cry... But, they're tears of joy I'm pretty sure. That...puts a smile on my face.

Being able to make someone happy like this... It really is a nice feeling to do something good...' Orion could see the desire people held. Arthur wanted to go pro, gaming wise, but didn't have the money to buy things like good computers.

The dream of him going pro was slowly fading away. That was until he had met Orion. Orion handmade him a computer, consoles, a phone too... He made all of these himself, importing a system into them too.

He did all of this just to help Arthur and see his reaction which happened to be tears, but good ones. 'I don't know why reincaranotors hate being the hero of their story. Shi is fun, heartwarming and over all satisfying.

Sucks to be them, I guess.'

Orion patted his back while rubbing his free hand over Arthur's head. "You're welcome, Arthur. What are friends for, right..?" Arthur had been his first actual friend and so he sort of wanted to spoil him as well.

'That's what friends are for,...right..?'


(An: I know it may sound early to say this but, what should be some hero names for him? Also costumes. You can just get one off of Google, I guess. I'll pick the name that sounds cool and a costume that matches.

Anyways, I hope you had a good week, guys and gals. Did you ask out that crush? Did you work? School maybe? Whatever it is you did, I hope it went well.

I'll catch you guys next time. See ya.)