"Yeah, he's on me!" Orion screamed into the microphone, causing Arthur on the other end to jump. "I think he's one!" Pulling out his shotgun, his in game character shot, hitting the enemy for 3 damage. "O-Orion, wait for me bro! You always do this and you always.."
The enemy shot their shotgun at Orion, hitting for the perfect 200. It was then that Orion launched his console out the window while breaking his controller in half. 'Fortnite rip off anyways..' He sighed while picking up his phone and dialing Arthur.
'A game where 100 people drop in on an island. Each player is given a random superpower at the start of the game as well. I got weapon Creation and the dude that killed me got mimic..'
"Dude, what happened? You left the game right when I was killing them.."
"Hm? Yeah, my internet crashed. Not my fault.." The silence after that spoke a million words. "But your internet is better than what the world government can produce..."
"Whatever. Let's run that hoe back. Game better give me molecule Manipulation or somethin'. Then I'd show them who's really the number one player in the game.." Arthur sighed while showing a wearily smile.
As Orion began creating a console and loading up 'Quirk Royale,' Yuri turned her page in a magazine. She was lying upon Orion's bed in nothing but loose business clothes and socks. "Young master... You shouldn't get mad over such a simple game.."
She decided to spread her unwanted wisdom onto Orion. "It isn't just a game, Yuri. It's a life style.." The wind had came in and danced around him, overpowering Yuri's aura of wisdom with his own. "Anyways, Yuri, how's project Amuse? I take it since your here, you left it in capable hands..?"
Project Amuse was well...an amusement park. A futuristic one though. Orion built this to make these orphaned kids happy. "Yes, everything is well. Actually, I take it you forget that today was the grand opening..?" Orion cocked his head back from hearing that.
"Bro, what? It doesn't officially open until June 16. It's only the 5th.."
"See that's where your wrong, young master. Today IS the 16th. You and Arthur had just been playing games nonstop for the past 11 days.."
Orion was about to speak, but actually started thinking about it. 'Add the one...carry the 3... Holy shit, she's right!' He jumped up, grabbing his pants and calling Arthur.
"Hm, what is it? We can talk in game chat.."
"Nope, no can do! Grand opening! Forgotten date! 11 days-" Orion fell onto his face while trying to put multiple pieces of clothing on. "Wait, it's the grand opening?! O-" Orion hung up on him while putting his shoes on.
"Yuri, you bastard! Why didn't you say anything?!" Yuri put the magazine down while beggining to stand up. "Well, I tried but you kept ignoring me. What could I do about that..?" He tsked, walking towards his pateo and buttoning up his shirt.
"I don't know...maybe strip down?! Could have told me that you were about to masturbate or something woman! Could have even called mom and I would have immediately got off the game.."
Yuri had put her own shoes on, grabbing forgotten items that Orion left behind. "How late am I?" Arriving in a garden, there had stood multiple robots varying in height. To sum up how they look, transformers would be the best way to describe them.
They were the famous ones as well like OP, Bumblebee, Iron hide, Sideswipe and more. "Orion Jewels. What might be troubling you..?" The red and blue one had spoke. He was like a wise general, one that could convince a man to kill his own child.
"I'm late to a ceremony of sorts. B, could you give me a ride..?" The yellow and blue one had beeped, crouching down and transforming into a Camaro. "Young Master, you are exactly a minute behind. Leaving now will result in less yelling and cries from the kids.."
He sighed as the doors of the Camaro opened by themselves. Getting in, Yuri had went around into the passenger side. "Orion Jewels. What should we do..?" The transformers came forward and surrounded the yellow and black car.
"You guys are too scary to go out into the real world right now. Until I can explain...you guys, stay hidden. I mean it..." Some didn't like his plan, but it wasn't up to them to decide if they liked it or not.
"You can count on us. Autobots, transform.." He put his hand out and noises sounded out. All 10 of them now had been cars or trucks of sorts. They all then started driving into the forest. B had then started driving off.
'Damn, I should have payed more attention to my time. Come on, Orion! This is your first time putting yourself out like this! You were supposed to make a bigger impression than this..'
Almost no one knew he was behind the tech at the Hospital and the inventor of the hover cars.
He did however put his name on the project for the amusement park, drawing in many people's attention as they wanted to see what he could do.
'I would blame Yuri, but she did indeed try to tell me about this. No one to blame but myself... And maybe Arthur. He wanted to get better at quirk royale so we kept playing until we got a 100 game win streak..'
Though he was mad at himself, he found himself smiling while remembering the time on the game. 'Video games were my way to escape reality way back when. Yeah, sounds corny, huh, but its true nonetheless.
Playing all those dating simulators, games that allowed me to experience any sort of death,... Man, I was something else back then..' Orion had then remembered his time playing with Arthur. 'I felt like a real boy then. Laughing, crying, raging, it was...fun..'
He pulled up at a side walk and had got out. As he did, he was met with the flashes from cameras. "There he is! The Young Prince!" Someone shouted out as Orion made his way over to the passenger side and opened the door for Yuri.
"Thank you, Young Master.." She said while grabbing his hand and pulling herself out. She had now been in a black dress with black heels, captivating many men and women. 'When the hell did she change? In the..car..?'
He shrugged it off. The duo then came back around and started walking down a grey carpet, the people around them hurling out compliments left and right. Some like 'They should get married!' had made Yuri blush while things like, 'He'll do big things in life..' made Orion blush.
The shota and young woman pair made their way down the aisle until at a red ribbon. From their, children of ages 3-7 had came up from nowhere and hugged on Orion's legs. "Big brother..!" Was what they all called him.
"Ah, sorry for being late guys. Big bro..had to deal with something.." He kneeled down and gave them all head pats. Something about the kids were that they didn't look human. Some looked like monsters while others looked liked random objects such as a toothbrush.
They were orphaned for these exact reasons. Just because they had looked different from everyone else, they were abandoned and hated. That brought anger to Orion everytime he had remembered it.
"I-Is okay! We don't wanna play anythin til you arrive anyway!" A little goblin like girl had spoke to Orion while cuddling up to him. "Yes, what milly said! It won be fin without yous.." Said a crocodile kid. "Aw, you guys... You're makin' me blush. Stop it.."
The kids laughed while more and more people took pictures of the scene. 'Now if I was an edgy Mc, I'd go around and kill the parents who put them in the orphanage.
But I'll instead make them happier and happier each and everyday, showing them that even with their differences, they're still 'human.'
Orion knew what it felt like to be looked down upon. That's why he really wanted to help these kids so they wouldn't end up like the bum he had been.
"Ahem, young master. Your ribbons awaits you.." Yuri had coughed while pointing at the red ribbon. Behind it had been a futuristic amusement park.
I'd describe it, but just use that imagination of yours and think of the first amusement park that comes to your mind. Mine is the final destination amusement park.
What's yours?
Anyways, back to actuall narration, Orion nodded as scissors were created in his hand. "Go on, big brother! You can do it..!" The kids hyped him up as he began stepping up to the ribbon. News reporters had been getting close ups of this moment from far distance.
They'd be closer if an assassin wasn't his body guard.
'Oh how I wish I could give an inspirational speech. A shame I'm a bad communicator..' He looked towards Yuri who had only nodded with a slight smile.
'Ah,...I'm totally touching myself tonight..'
(An: Boring chapter, huh? Yeah, I think so too which means your fine to say it as well.
Also, I don't know if its sudden or not, but by either the next chapter or the one after that, bro is heading to school. Just wanted to give bro some character in the beginning.
Hopefully I did my job.)