4 Aspects Of Time.

Night fall had came. Orion was sitting outside at a picnic table as Arthur swam around in the pool. 'This time shit is actually fun. Dangerous as well..' Looking at his right hand, Orion wore 4 different colored rings.

On his thumb was a red ring, on his pinky was an amber colored ring, on his pointer finger was a blue ring and lastly on his ring finger was a green ring.

Each of them controlled a different aspect of time. Green had accelerated time, even going as far as punching someone and being able to age them. The green ring essentially allowed for him to jump forward in time as for others, it looks like blantent teleportation. The 'downside' to this is that time doesn't stand still through all of this. It flows normally as if manipulating time was never actually happening.

The blue ring allowed for Orion to slow people down, leaving him in the normal flow of time. Orion could also create a forcefield of slow mo around him, meaning that if bullets pierced through this barrier, they'd move in slow motion throughout it.

The red had allowed for him to pause time on anything. Orion could stop time around himself, allowing for him to be in the regular flow of time while others aren't.

And finally, the amber ring. It allowed for him to reverse time on himself or other people. He could turn someone into a child or even going as turning them into a fetus.

'I use these as a crutch to help me control time later on. You know, I have to be careful with touching molecules and such. One wrong move could destroy a continent, the world even, hell, the universe actually. With these rings though, they can manipulate time without the possibility of destroying life itself..'

Putting his hand out at Arthur, the amber ring glowed. Arthur's body glowed amber for a moment before going back to normal. And then, he began swimming backwards. Everything he had did before was rewinding. 'I can become a hentai protagonist with this.

Fortunately though, I have morales. You won't catch me forcing myself on a girl..' Arthur stopped rewounding and found himself in the middle of the pool. 'What? Wasn't I just near the wall? Strange..' He shrugged and started doing laps once again.

'I will be playing pranks on people though. This power is way too fun to use..' By creating 4 rings, and putting four different molecules in them, one that wasn't vibrating, one that was slowly vibrating, one that was moving with the flow of time and one going against it, he was able to fuse them with the rings, creating such a power.

'Wait, why have four rings when I could..' He took each of them off and sat them down on the table full of holes. He sighed from that and turned the hole filled table into one without them. 'Okay, Orion. Be careful... One wrong move could blow up the world. You're still a virgin, remember..?'

Slowly pushing them closer made them rattle. Like a magnet would when in close proximity of its friend. 'Slowly... Carefully..' At light breaking speeds, they had joint together, now creating a single ring with a multi colored orb on top. 'Easier than I thought. I really do have high expectations for dangerous things..'

Now putting the single ring on, he controlled 4 aspects of time with one ring. The ring fitted his finger, even going as far as planting a needle in him to only further the grip.

'Someone with enough strength could indeed take this ring. If they somehow manage to get it off though, I'll applaud them and let them keep it probably.

Ah, I might not actually be able to do that. It'll threaten the people which is something a hero can't allow!' He coughed at how corny he sounded, only to get up with a yawn. Arthur had came up to him, drying his hair off with a white towel.

"Huh? Dude, I didn't know you got married! Is it with Yuri?! Ms. Ari?! No, knowing you, it's both!"

He shouted at Orion, throwing the towel away and examining the ring. It was dirty silver, and had words on it. The word, 'Time' in a cursive font actually. 'Time? Why is that..?'

"Sadly, I'm not. Anways, its just for accessory. You wear them, so why can't I?"

"That's... Okay, fair enough. Atleast they suite us.." He checked out his own rings, a distant smile forming on his face. 'Ah,..I done forgot that those rings were his parents. I should have been a little more careful with my words...' Orion got up, creating a towel and placing it on Arthur's head.

"Imagine if someone who could control their temperature got sick. That'd be crazy.." Making their way back to their room, Arthur said. "Yeah, imagine bro. Imagine.."

Arthur had been biting his lips, holding back the sneeze he was going to let out, but was so rudely interrupted by Orion's statement.

"So how has your studying been going?" Arriving in their room, Orion snapped, changing the scenery to the inside of a Burger King.

They sat down and some time later, a waitress came. They ordered in the fine dining establishment, not getting any sort of tone back.

The A.I. took their orders and soon left. "Uhm..its fine, I guess. Giving me college level problems is a big help though..ish." Since Orion had been dumb in his last life, he made a huge effort towards things like math or science.

That, with his body having a base iq of 200 before the 500, helped out a lot. "That's good. At the school, they treat it like a normal school system, a few changes here and there, but overall, the knowledge you're getting now will be valuable."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Can't have a weak AND dumb hero, right..?" He awkwardly laughed, going onto his phone and checking social media. "Wow...All Might is rumored to be going back to Japan. We rarely saw him here anyways.."

He read off an article on twitter. "Damn, that's crazy...." Said Orion, looking off. Seeing this, Arthur sighed, putting his phone down. 'Didn't All Might get the government involved with his 100% cure machines at the hospital, leading his mom to be bashed by the president himself..?'

Upon finding out about a machine that could cure any injury, the U.S, aka, the people who backed up All Might, became ecstatic while All Might shrugged this off, saying his time has come and packing his bags for japan.

The government took it as Ari not wanting to help him, not even thinking about the possibility of All Might retiring and so, they bashed her.

'Yeah, I know it wasn't really his fault, but come on bruh. You're basically superman. Better show them that you ain't no joke instead of letting them control you..'

The food came, they ate then the placed changed back to the room. Getting in bed, Orion said, "Tommorow, we'll arrive in Miami by noon. Get a good nights rest, okay?" Arthur nodded with a small smile, getting into the bed and turning the single lamp off.

The two of them had then went so sleep...or so they wanted to make the other believe they had done. Little did either of them know was that the other was too excited to sleep.

As tommorw, it'll really be the start of their journey towards becoming heroes.


(An: Two Chapters in a single day?! Damn.. I'm on a roll. Can I do three though? We'll see..)