Riding on the highway, both Arthur and Orion wore black shades, the windows down letting in the cool breeze. "This is one of your transformers, right?
I always wondered why you created such things.." Looking at the dashboard, you could see the face of the yellow and black transformer.
"Out of curiosity to be honest. Its cool tho, right?" Arthur rapidly nodded, looking around the interior as he hadn't really gotten a good look at it. He had been sleeping through the whole ride towards the motel after all.
"Why a camaro tho? Is it your dream car or something?" On the other side of the highway, going towards where they had come from, there was a lambo. "Oh, this isn't the only form it can take. I too thought about changing its apperance.."
A transparent green screen came out the headlights of the camaro, scanning the lambo. Just then, the insides of the camaro started moving around, making Arthur bounce around, screaming like a little girl.
"W-What's going on?! Are we gonna die?!" From the outside, the camaro was slimming down and becoming faster. The symbol that branded transformers as autobots pasted itself over the Lamborghini's brand.
Black was now its primary color, and yellow veins had flown throughout it. The Lamborghini had revved its engine, and zoomed past other cars. It reached a top speeds no normal supercar could go, even being able to leave a trail of faded grey behind it.
"D-Did it just....transform?!" Like the Mc saying the name of his show inside of the show, he expressed disbelief on his face. "Uh...yeah? That's the point of the car, Arthur.." He knew what he truly meant, but he liked seeing Arthur so baffled at his work.
"That's...awesome! Can you make me one, Orion? Please?" Orion didn't mind as he could start making weapons on the new prototype. And like that, they zoomed through all the highway traffic. The car would hum from it's new mode at times as well.
'We've just entered Florida. Now all we gotta do is make it to Miami..' Yes, the school was in Florida. Crazy, yes, but smart as Florida always produces kids who are battle junkies and have strong quirks.
'Also, they have some fine ass women here, some who'll have sex with people they've met 3 seconds ago.
Honestly, it's the perfect place...for Arthur. He's a pretty boy, but an anti social one. When he get some puss in his life, he'll understand not to be so shy anymore.'
Looking at him, Arthur was taking pictures of the landscapes and tourist attractions. Like a kid who just discovered nutting, or like a kid seeing boobs for the first time, he had a wide smile and sparkles on his face.
"Arthur, are you ready for a life full of sex and saving people?" Arthur was sticking his whole upper body out the window, almost falling at times, so Orion had to hold him by the ankle.
"Y-Yeah! I'm ready to be a hero!" Ready to be a hero, but not a player? It saddened Orion, but not every 14 year old was looking for sex.
'Well, having fun is what it's all about anyways..' They drove throughout the state of florida, admiring the beautiful views it presented.
Here in Florida, seeing a lambo was common, so they had fit right in. Pulling up to the edge of a cliff, the two got out, watching over Miami with smiles.
"Wow...its so amazing and sparkly! Just like from the game.." He walked up to the ledge, sitting down and dangling his legs. 'The hell..? Where did this mountain come from?
Mountains ain't in florida, right? Meh, its florida. They'd have an active volcano and yet, no body would evacuate...'
He walked over to the ledge, standing instead of sitting. "That'll be the city we'll save people in, huh? It has the perfect setting for heroes.."
Skyscrapers, malls, beaches, there were all sorts of places where havoc could be reeked. 'Like a spacious and slightly cleaner New York/California. Even the women here are better and freakier...'
While Orion was getting a hard on, Arthur had been thinking of his future. 'He's not even hiding now happy he is..' Arthur sighed, scooting to the side as Orion sat down next to him. 'But like me, he's happy. From here on, we'll be heroes. Brothers in arms... Rivals..'
They might cross each other paths, fighting wise and how they view society. That being said though, they were friends. They'd always have each others back,
No Matter What Happens.
"To making it this far, and never quitting.." Apple juice in a wine glass appeared in both of their hands, clashing it against each others softly and drinking out of it, saying,..
"I'm really proud of you, Arthur. I didn't think you'd make it this far to be honest.." Orion rested his hand on his head with a faint smile.
"T-Thank you..? It's...nice to hear words of praise, y'know? Not everyday when someone tells you how proud they are of you..."
He rarely got told this as he did nothing to deserve it. But now that he's trained, become smarter and more social, stronger as well, he could finally say that he does deserve such words and he's proud to hear them from his best friend/teacher to boot.
"Well, look forward to it in the future. You'll be a hero, y'know? There's a lot more praise coming your way.." Orion got up, patting the dirt off his jeans and walking towards the car.
"Come on. We left sort of late, while others had time to explore the city and get accustomed. I'm pretty sure the entrance exam is tommorow as well..?"
Arthur nodded, getting up himself and following close behind. He wore kackey shorts and opened toed sandals followed by a Hawaiian tshirt. He looked like a stereotypical dad on his way to the beach. But he could rock it so whatever.
They got in the car and started driving off, making their way into the city.
(An: Wow. I did it. 3 chapters in a single day...
Man, I used to be able to post bout 15 of them hoes on 'OP Skill System In My Hero' in like a day. Guess I'm getting old...or just lazy.
Yeah, lazy.)