"Wow. A giant villain!"
Said a giddy Orion amongst a group of people who were standing and watching a person who stood just under 14 meters with dinosaur characteristic reek havoc.
The missing link, Arthur, had went to go buy them ice cream and Orion found himself in this position.
"Being able to use the powers of dinosaurs? That's atleast a C tier threat to the city.."
"He was human before, but he turned into this prehistoric titan after someone caught him stealing a purse."
"Yeah, I'll be late for work boss. A villain appeared.."
People around him spoke as they watched the villain stomp on a small store, roaring out a battle cry and frightening the people around them. It wasn't enough to scare them off however. They're Floridians after all.
'Eh? Is that a hero or something?' Landing on a building that was the same height as the titan, a person in a costume pointed at it, saying, "You evil monster! You caused so much destruction over a single purse?! You're pure evil!"
The people in the crowd cheered, saying what Orion assumed to be his hero name! "Elongate man! The young pro, Elongate!" He wore spandex that was split down vertically, his right half of his suit being light blue in color and his left being black.
He also wore black rubber gloves and black rubber boots. He wore the iconic face mask of a superhero which was also split down into its respected sides color.
As people kept hyping him up, the monster got angrier. 'Aye, y'all should probably shut up before he throw a building on us. Also, I swear that names taken by someone from my world, but then again, they ain't real in that world and to me, this dude is, so too bad for him..'
"Your punishment.." He said as his arm got bigger and bigger like a balloon would when filling it with helium. "He's gonna do his ultimate move!" The dinosaur snickered at this play by Elongate man and roared at him.
"Inflated Punch!" He said as his right arm stretched out, the whale sized arm punching the dinosaur in the right cheek, making it fall out unconscious into the building behind it.
The crowd cheered as the pro hero successfully took down the villain, not a single person dying at all. Nope, not one person. Not any one person in the building of 1000 that the dinosaur crashed into
'Bro just killed around a thousand people and he's smiling? The actuall hell is wrong with this dude..?'
The crowd had clapped and the whale sized arm poofed down back into a normal one, leaving Elongate man to bow to the people from the roof tops. 'This mane ain't no hero bruh. Sigh..' Orion slowly walked away as Arthur caught up to him.
"D-Did you see that?! It was so epic! Here!" He passed Orion a chocolate ice cream cone while he licked on a strawberry one. "Yeah,..it was cool, huh..?" Since it was the first time he's seen a hero fight a villain in person, it did leave a deep impression in him. But..
"You don't seem too happy. Whys that..?" Orion looked at the building that was gouged out by the dinosaur, still standing however. "The people bro. Are you not worried about them?" Arthur stopped walking, dropping his ice cream as well.
"Shi..." He said, now realizing the damage that had been done. 'Why is it that we're the only people to care for it? Is that how heroes operate here...?' Coming around to the back of it, they both stared at the building.
"Is there...anyone still alive..?" Arthur said, poking the tips of his pointer fingers together. "Some, yeah, but the majority died. I genuinely think...that they don't care..." Wind had blown, revealing a figure next to Orion.
"They don't care for things like this. They think that because their heroes, something like this is apart of the job.." Arthur had jumped from the sudden figure speaking, but upon seeing them, had covered his pants and looked away.
"Is that so? Wow, that's messed up." Looking at the figure, it was that of a chocolate woman who worked out lot. She wore booty shorts and a tank top to boot followed by a black unzipped jacket. She was tall as well, surprising to see as she was a women and one to have seemingly been that of Japanese blood as well.
"It's the sort of world we live in. Get used to it, kid. Get used to it.." She turned around and started walking off. She had a long braided ponytail that sway around the middle of her back.
'Yeah, nah, I'm good. I guess I'll have to be the first person to make a change becuase I ain't gonna kill some innocent people while fighting a bad guy.
I don't want that on my conscious.' The dinosaur deflated and turned back into a person who laid unconscious in the rubble. Cops and other heroes soon came and the destruction cost was sent to the government.
Arthur and Orion went back to get another ice cream, then decided to continue exploring the city. The downtown part of it atleast.
(An: And so, the plot thickens. Who is the mysterious girl and how is she involved with the plot? Will Orion be able to change heroes into being more careful in the city? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!
Hard being a black author. When you made your character white, you really limit yourself. Limit other things like not being able to say uh...a certain word too which most Floridians use.
Okay, bye.)