First Villain Encounter!

Orion was under a bridge, watching people fish. 'They aren't even catching anything and yet they're happy. I guess they just like the...wait more than catching. All that matters is the journey typa people...'

A person had then caught something, his group of friends coming up behind him to help reel in whatever fish was on the line.

Orion watched, reminding him of a time where he had caught the Loch Ness Monster in the lake behind his villa. 'Oh, it's real alright. Since no one lives in Wyoming though, it thought it was safe from being discovered.

Oh, was it wrong though. Made for a good supper that night. Fed the whole town if I remember correctly...' The person on the rod tugged and tugged, eventually pulling the line up out of the water to reveal a fish no bigger than a middle finger.

"Ha! Hey, Jerry, you're used to seeing something so small, ain't you!" The men laughed at the fisher man, Jerry only heaving a sigh and shaking his head. 'Us little guys should stick together. I'll let you be free..' He looked at the fish, and had noticed it starring intensely at him.

This surprised him, the fish eye then looking around almost as if it had a concious. 'The hell..?' Out the corner of the eye of the fish, transparent slime stared coming out of it. This made Jerry drop the fish and shoot up, surprising the men around him.

"Hm? The hell wrongs, Jerry?" Jerry pointed at the fish, saying, "L-Look!" The men simultaneously looked at the fish and stared. They all saw slime oozing out the fishes eyes. Upon seeing this, Orion had got up off the bench, the fish then setting its eyes on him.

"Ah, a medium sized body to hide in... Just perfect.."

The fish talked, its deep voiced making the fishermen run away, leaving only Orion. "How excellent.." A transparent finger came out of the fishes mouth. Soon an entire hand which had then opened the mouth of the small fish, instantly splitting in half.

Emerging in front of Orion was something of a transparent slimy man, Orion assuming it was a man by its figure. 'A villain? Why the hell...was they just chillin' inside of a fish..?' Orion took his shades off, revealing his blood red eyes to the humanoid slime.

This caused it to gulp, even going as far as taking a step back. 'Such piercing eyes... Scary..' It smiled and had then ran at Orion. Its movement was that of a psycho as it would maniacally laugh. 'My first villain encounter... This shouldn't be hard at all..'

It attacked at Orion who had jumped out the way to the side. The slime absored the bench in the process, saying how good Orion smelt while licking his lips. 'It can store things in that belly it has. Seems to be no limit to the mass or size of things he swallows..'

The slime then opened its body up, the bench pointing straight at Orion. "Try not to die, my precious vessel.." It spat the bench out at Orion. A regular human wouldn't be able to dodge it, nor react to the speeds it produced, but Orion had been far from that.

[<"Property Manipulation">]

Orion stated as the palm of his left hand which had reached out at the bench came into contact with it. As soon as it did, the bench turned to air, and drifted along into the winds. 'W-What?! He turned that bench into nothingness! That's his quirk, eh?'

The slime tried staying calm, but sweat had managed to show itself on his face, something that shouldn't have been possible in this form. "Ah, since your my first villain to fight, I'll give you the option of backing down, allowing me to turn you in. Whatddya say? I'll even put in a good word for you. Pretty sure I have some influence down here.."

Orion was such a nice dude that not only did he say the name of his move, giving the slime man a heads up, he also offered him a chance to stop his heinous acts. "W-What?! Brat, don't mock me! I've faced way bigger fish than you!"

He didn't like that the kid seemed so calm and was trying to give him a second chance as he felt like he was being mocked by him. Sending out numerous transparent tentacles towards Orion, he sneered.

'Little shit thinks he'll have a chance of becoming a hero, eh? Well when I absorb that sweet, sexy body of his, that dream will be in ruins!' As they came at Orion, Orion was seen being calm as if nothing was happening. "Well, I tried. You're one of those villains that do evil for the fun of it, I presume.."

An invisible barrier around Orion caused the tentacles to strike air. "Ah, I'll give you one last chance, okay? Just one though.." Orion pushed his hands out and the barrier surrounded the slime man. 'Eh? Why the hell would he..' The barrier became visible to reveal a black capsule of sorts.

At the top of the capsule, small clouds began to form. 'Wha..?' Just then, green rain began pouring down on the slime. 'Eh?' A droplet landed on his arm, burning him. 'This is..' His eyes widened, shooting his head at Orion.

He had a sly smile on his face, his hands being in his pocket. 'H-He figured out my weakness so quickly?! How?!' The acid rain began burning him, leaving him to scream in pain. 'Oops, guess I didn't really give him a second chance, huh? Oh well. Your fault, bastard..'

The clouds turned amber and a small streak of amber lighting hit the man, turning him human.

'M-My powers... They're gone?!' He was about to shout at Orion through all the pain, but found that his jaw was falling off. 'Bastard..' The acid became more toxic, the man forcibly crouching down.

'Amber Magic... Allows me to replicate or take the powers of whomever I touch. Though, touching is subjective as you can see..' From the clouds, a figured soared down. They landed in front of Orion in the iconic superhero landing.

'Huh? Wait, way!'

"So this is your power, eh? I guess Ari wasn't kidding about your strength.." A tall woman with a well-muscled build said with a smile. She had elegant facial features, narrow eyes, and long flowing blonde hair with eight distinct tufts swept backward and fashioned in a similar manner to All Mights.

'The Number One Hero of America..' Looking at her, she gave off an aura of strong. Only Yuri could give him such a feeling, but even now, this womans aura overpowered Yuri's quite easily.

'Stars...and Stripes..'

"Nice to meet you, Orion..."
